Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1014 Handed down Gem Mine

Chapter 1014 Handed down Gem Mine ([-])
"Oh, I understand now..."
Fat Wei suddenly smiled and hooked Hu Meng's shoulder,

"After a long time, your kid is the default heir!

Let me tell you~~~, it’s too late for everyone to hide from such a dangerous thing, so you, Beng Gaoer, came with us, and it turned out to be for business~~~~
Let me tell you, when you become the elder of the Golden Family, don’t forget about us, my brother saved you~~~~~”

"Hey! How come...",
Hu Meng smiled embarrassedly,
"My grandfather just said so casually, but it hasn't been finalized yet!"

Everyone talked and walked all the way, and soon came to the entrance of the mine. It turned out that the gemstone mine was on the inside of a mountain wall, and the location was very conspicuous.

And in front is a large row of old iron fences, the fence is very high, there are many steel wire meshes on it, and a big iron gate inside, the age of the iron gate is unknown, and the rust on it is so high~ ~~
A thick iron chain was hung on the iron door, and a large lock was tied to it. It was thick and heavy, and looked very strong.

How can this kind of lock stop them? The ghost knife grabbed the iron lock and gently pulled it down, only to hear a "click~~", and the lock head burst open.

After the iron lock was broken, they pushed open the door and walked in, and immediately a brilliant light shone in front of them...

This is a very primitive cave, which seems to have been transformed from a natural cave formed a long time ago.

These Mongolians have lived and mined here for a long time, and have trampled all the mountains and ground here into flat ground.

There are a lot of miscellaneous supplies piled up in the cave, but most of them are simple mining tools and daily necessities~~~
But on the stone platforms on both sides, there are also some large oval plates. The shape of those large plates is very strange, as if a big gourd has been cut in half.

And the plates are full of unprocessed gemstones~~
Almost everyone knows that the luster of a gemstone mainly comes from its internal reflection. That is to say, the cutting process of a gemstone is very important. The more facets are cut, the more accurate the reflection point will be, and the more luster it emits. eye-catching.

Uncut gemstones do not emit much luster, which is similar to translucent stones~~~
But the colored gemstones here are different. Although they have just been mined, they emit a dazzling brilliance like the clouds falling from the sky. This brilliance is dozens of times more dazzling than ordinary red sapphires. Like a pile of colorful light beans, served on a plate~~~
"Sure enough, it is the legendary Mongolian gem, it really lives up to its reputation..."
The old somersault was immediately attracted by these bright gems, and grabbed a handful from the market,
As the bright gemstones scattered down in his hands, the brilliant precious light, like a rainbow, slid down from the sky, reflecting everything around it incomparably brilliantly.

"I have heard from those who specialize in selling gemstones before that the colored gemstones in Mongolia are of high quality and cannot be seen in the market at all.

Those who are lucky enough to collect it are unwilling to reveal it!They probably also know that these things of theirs are not from the right sources, and they can still see some in the black market, but once they appear, they have already been ordered at a high price before they show up, so these gems have become legends~~~
Although I have always wanted to take a look, but I have never had the chance, and now I finally see the real face, it is really extraordinary~~~", the old somersault played with those colorful gems, and couldn't put it down.

"Our colored stones are also known as sunray stones...",
Hu Meng said proudly to Old Somersault:
"Although our mine is so big, the annual output is very rare, and only dozens of decent gems are mined out throughout the year~~~~
So our gemstones are very precious, and their value can no longer be measured by money.

When China was still ruled by the Qing Dynasty, our gemstones were directly used by the royal family. At that time, our colored gemstones were on par with the Dadongzhu of the Manchus. They were necessary decorations for royal weddings, and their status was very noble!

Later, when the Manchu Qing Dynasty fell, our gemstones also disappeared in this world together with Dadongzhu, and became a legendary treasure~~~~, until now, many people still believe that this kind of gemstone It doesn't exist at all! ! ! "

"It's really a rare treasure..." Old Somersault held the gems one by one and admired them!
"It's almost done, old Jintou~~~",
Fat Wei urged beside him,
"Don't be immobilized when you see a good thing, see if the cave in front is the entrance..."

After hearing Fat Wei's reminder, everyone turned their eyes away from the glow of the gemstones and looked at the cave he was pointing at.

I saw that the cave was only two meters wide. If you don’t pay attention, you might not be able to find it. It looks very narrow, but other than that, there are no other exits around~~~~
"It should be there..."
Hu Meng stepped forward and looked down,

"When I came last time, because I was young, I was not allowed to enter here, but I heard from them at that time that the mine here is very deep, but the entrance is not big, just like a cave... "

After hearing Hu Meng's words, everyone gathered around.

At this time, it was time for Fat Wei to show his old profession. He took out the light wire from his arms, and put it in with the rope.

The so-called light cord is a rope like an LED light strip. It can emit light by itself after twisting it, and it can go down to a deep place underground to illuminate everything around it. It looks full of high-tech atmosphere, but it does not need to consume electricity. .

Fat Wei lowered the rope section by section, and when it was placed at the back, the lower part hadn't been finished~~~, and the entire passage below was already displayed in front of them.

I saw a straight mine shaft down here, leading to a very deep place. The bottom of the mine shaft looked vague and couldn't be seen clearly at all.

But what can be seen clearly is that on the ladder at the edge of the mine, corpses are strewn all over...

(End of this chapter)

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