Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1015 Handed down Gem Mine

Chapter 1015 Handed down Gem Mine ([-])
"Why are there dead bodies here?",
When those hanging corpses appeared in front of Chen Zhi's eyes, Chen Zhi was a little stunned.

According to his original imagination, when the dark force from outside invaded the village, it should have been in the middle of the night, because the people in the village, regardless of men, women, old or young, were in the village at that time, and later they all turned into insects. that form of man.

According to this statement, there should not be so many corpses hanging on the ladder now!
The only possibility is that at that night, there were still many people who were under the mine for some reason, and when the dark force found the mine, these people were all killed...

"What is the reason for these people to stay here?",
Chen Zhi looked down, thinking silently in his heart,

"Could it be the people who stayed on duty? Then this number is too many~~~~"

However, other people were not as thoughtful as Chen Zhi, they didn't notice this detail, when they saw the depth of the ground, Fat Wei gritted his teeth first,
"There is one thing, let me tell you in advance~~~, the deeper the place, the thicker the fog, and from the color of the fog below, it seems that the bottom is getting deeper.

In this way, I will take the lead first, and I will climb down with a rope tied around my waist. Every time I climb 100 meters, I will shout on the wireless to report safety.

If there are no problems down here, your troops will come down again..."

"How can I put you in danger?"

Hu Meng suddenly stepped forward with some obsessive-compulsive disorder,

"This is a matter of our family, let me take the lead!" After Hu Meng finished speaking, he squinted at Ji Ying and raised his voice deliberately, saying,

"Even if there is any danger down here, I will go up first, and I will guide you..."

"Come on, you can stop cooking early..."
Pang Wei tied the rope around his waist, looked down, then looked up at Hu Meng,

"Let me tell you, your kid is at the end of the line, next to the old Jintou.

Below, the old Jintou has more experience than you~~~~
Don't take it easy, this is not a place to be a hero, if you are told to run, don't jump, if you go east, don't go west, otherwise your little life may be gone at any time! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he let go of the rope and jumped down.

Don't look at Pang Wei's fat body, but his dexterity is really not covered.

After arriving down the well, Fat Wei immediately hung on the ladder firmly, and then pushed the corpses down one by one.

After those corpses fell into the well, they quickly disappeared into the darkness, but they didn't hear the sound of landing, which shows that the bottom is unfathomable~~~~~
Fat Wei then pulled the rope and jumped two more times. After confirming that the hanging ladder was strong, he climbed down the ladder.

According to what he said, every time Pang Wei climbed 100 meters, he would report his safety on the wireless. When he climbed to the position of 600 meters, he yelled through the wireless.

"Come down, it's still far down here..."

After hearing what Fat Wei said, everyone lined up.Climb down one by one along the rope...

Chen Zhi walked in the front, and after they climbed backwards for a while, they found Fat Wei next to the hanging ladder below.

"Orange, have you seen...",
After seeing Chen Zhi, Fat Wei gently pointed down with his hand.

Following the direction of Fat Wei's finger, Chen Zhi glanced down.

It turned out that the ladder went straight down, one section connected to the other, and a dead body was hung on each section below. The faces of those corpses were full of fear, as if they had seen something horrific before they died. Competing to be the first to flee up the ladder...

It's so weird... ",
Hu Meng looks down from above,

"These workers, why did they come up in such a panic? And they gathered so many underground?
According to the rules and regulations of our family's internal mines, the people who go down the well are in batches and in order every time, and so many people are not allowed to go down the well at the same time. This is a violation of the rules..."

"It is estimated that what they violated the rules is not only this little...",
Chen Zhi looked down, then raised his head and asked Hu Meng,
"I remember you once said that this gem mining village is closed, and these workers are related to each other. In a sense, this village is actually a big family, right?"

Hu Meng nodded and replied:
"We have known since childhood that this gemstone village only accepts women from the Golden Family to marry in, and no one has ever married out~~~
Therefore, all the people in the village are intermarried with close relatives, and every household has a very close kinship relationship, and the villagers are very united.

Didn't you see it just now?There are no locks in this village at all, and every house does not close its doors at night, and those gems are placed outside in such a way that they do not avoid people, because all the miners are relatives. "

"If we are all relatives, we will keep a secret together...",
Chen Zhi said in a deep voice:

"You can also violate the family rules together~~~~~"

"It's not that serious~~~", Hu Meng slowly crawled to Chen Zhi's side, and said with a smile,
"It's not a big deal. Even if there are more people going into the mine, no one cares about these trivial matters. There's no need to keep any secrets~~~"

"Then, are there any rules within your family that cannot be violated?",
Chen Zhi asked Hu Meng,
"The result of violating this rule is so serious that these miners are united and secretly working underground in the middle of the night!"

"A rule that cannot be violated..."
Hu Meng hung on the ladder with one hand, scratching his head in confusion,
"Our family has too many rules, and the number is countless. But for the people in this gem village, we have always been relatively lenient, and no one has ever wanted to punish the clansmen in this village~~
Because we all know that it is not easy for them, it is they who have worked hard here to make wealth for the whole family!
If there are any rules that must be followed, it is only a matter of mining depth~~",
After Hu Meng finished speaking, he pointed to the ground,

"Didn't I just say that? Since our ancient times, the family has set a fixed standard for the depth of gem mining.

Every generation of gem miners cannot go beyond, I remember it seems to be about 1000 meters... ",
When Hu Meng said this, he suddenly realized something, and then he opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Zhi.

"You mean to say...

Could it be that the people in this village secretly violated the rules set by their ancestors, exceeded this depth, and mined underground here? "

Chen Zhi nodded slightly, looking at the darkness underground,
"It is definitely a great temptation to have so many people working secretly in the well in the middle of the night~~
It is estimated that they really went deep underground and saw something beautiful..."

 Go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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