Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1030 Genghis Khan’s Ambition

Chapter 1030 Genghis Khan's Ambition ([-])
"Look, there is a name there~~~~",
Hu Meng suddenly found a line of small characters in the lower right corner of the map, and immediately ran over to pick it up and identify it.

This is a very small line of handwritten Mongolian characters, with the time and name written on it. After Hu Meng’s careful identification, the meaning of this line of text is,

""The Great Khan's World Map", painted by Yelu Chucai in the tent of the king of the Western Expedition~~~"

After reading this military map, everyone felt that thousands of emotions were blocked in their hearts, but they couldn't say anything...

After all, it is meaningless to travel through the distant years to criticize a Mongolian Han king thousands of years ago~~
After finding the exit, they left the military dispatching room and continued to walk forward. The road ahead was very clear. The Mongol military castle was simple and straightforward. One road directly connected to the next room, all the way to the end~~
Moreover, the doors in these castles are basically open, and it seems that they do not shy away from outsiders breaking in, as if the people in this city have just left~~~
After they walked through a short tomb passage, they came to a circular hall. In the middle of this hall, there were many large cushions and a square floor table with bowls, plates and cups on it, which seemed to be for a banquet. hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is an extremely magnificent stone statue, all of which are carved from black jade, with a rough carving style.

This sculpture wears the crown of the Mongol and Han kings, which can be recognized at a glance. This is the most outstanding overlord in Chinese history.

I saw the sculpture of Genghis Khan holding a scimitar in his hand, stepping on an angry horse, his eyes were open angrily, and he looked forward with a very fierce expression, as if he wanted to kill everything in front of him~~
"This is a bit wrong..."
When Fat Wei came here, he finally spoke.

"Cheng Zi, there is something I've been wanting to say, ever since I saw the ice bath just now, I feel something is wrong.

I don't care whether the cemetery of Genghis Khan is a human tomb or a god's tomb, but what is the cemetery for?It's for the dead, not for dinner~~~
Moreover, the habits of the Mongols are very special. They don’t respect the body. After death, many Mongols are pulled out by cars and thrown on the spot to be eaten by vultures and wild dogs. They don’t plan for life after death.

Even if the Mongols would repair Genghis Khan's tomb, they would never put the bath maid who the deceased used for pleasure in the cemetery.

Not to mention setting up a dining room in the cemetery, eating and drinking in large bowls, you must know that after the death of the Mongols, their descendants will not move for a period of time, let alone come here to have a banquet?

no, no...

Why do I feel like Genghis Khan's barracks have been moved down here as a whole..."

"What nonsense...",
Old Somersault took a look at Fat Wei, wondering if he was insane.

"Did you think that those Mongolians in ancient times were full of food?

You know, it is really hard to build such a big mausoleum under here, but it is even more difficult to move the entire Mongolian palace~~, they are not stupid!Why are you making such a fuss~~~"

"Yeah, they are not stupid, but we are not stupid either...",
Fat Wei pointed around,
"Look around, the road we came on, how can there be any meaning of a cemetery?
I have seen a lot of ancient tombs in my life. It does not matter whether they are from the Tang Dynasty or the Song Dynasty, the Han nationality or the minority nationalities. The dead may rest in peace!

But look at the mess here, quilts, plates and bowls are thrown everywhere, it doesn't look like a funerary object at all, and it doesn't look like there is a main tomb here. After walking for so long, I haven't even seen a shadow of a coffin.

If you want me to say, if you go forward later, you may not see anything evil..."

Chen Zhi has been listening to what Fat Wei said. In fact, even if Fat Wei didn't say anything, since he came here, he felt that something was wrong here. Moreover, he also knew what Fat Wei was worried about...

According to their original guess, the underground should be the mausoleum of Genghis Khan. As for how the tomb was built underground, it is not within the scope of their imagination. They only need to complete their own goals~~~ ~
But at this time, this underground building is really different from what you imagined. Judging from everything around, it seems that this is the place where Genghis Khan once lived, and it is his former residence. It seems that he just left here, and everything is still in the here.

And everything outside is not like the structure of a cemetery, but more like a nomadic military enclosure, and everything around it has obvious time characteristics. In other words, this is the western Mongolia conscript camp 1000 years ago... ………

"Let's go forward and take a look again, the extra suspicion is useless now...",
Chen Zhi pointed to the wide corridor ahead and said, then turned his head and gave Fat Wei a meaningful look!
"You have to be mentally prepared, the owner of your old skin may still be here..."

"Fuck, don't scare people!!"

After Fat Wei heard Chen Zhi's words, his scalp was really numb~~
Ever since Pang Wei took out the old skin sent to him by Anbu, they decided to travel to Mongolia. The purpose of their journey here was to open the coffin of Genghis Khan and see the owner of the old skin. It's not really immortal, it's become a god~~~~
And this is also related to the art of conferring gods that Chen Zhi has been exploring...

Nevertheless, guesses are guesses, and there is still a gap between illusion and reality.

Now that we are thousands of kilometers deep in the mantle layer, if the historical Genghis Khan is still alive here, waiting for their arrival, this kind of horror is unimaginable...

They continued to move forward. This place was indeed not the rigorous structure of an ancient tomb. There were no organs or checkpoints. The road was unimpeded, and there was no intention to keep people out.

On the ground, there are still many supplies of that period scattered. It can be seen that the extravagance and fornication in the tent of the Mongolian king are everywhere. There are beef, mutton and fruits that have dried up like mud everywhere. Scattered scattered on the carpet.

Dry and blackened female corpses can be seen everywhere, more than scattered fruits, some are not covered with clothes, it seems that they died here naked, and some eunuch corpses in palace costumes.

But..., none of the corpses of the real Mongolian generals and Bingyong have been seen~~~
This scene seems to be frozen in an instant, and then slowly ages in the years...

Before they knew it, they had already reached the last door. This door was obviously a large military gate. The gear handle of the gate was set inside to separate the inner castle from the outside.

The structure and exterior decoration of the door are very ordinary, and the gears on the door handle also look very simple. When you open the door, you should be outside...

And when Chen Zhi and the others came to this gate, for some reason, they felt a sense of fear, as if, after going out from here, it would be the real hell...

 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo; book friend 160504221557284, 500; make2007; Siwu
(End of this chapter)

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