Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1031 Genghis Khan’s Ambition

Chapter 1031 Genghis Khan's Ambition ([-])
Everyone stood in front of the gate with some hesitation. It was a kind of human instinct. It seemed that they had a very bad premonition about what was outside the gate, and that premonition made them extremely frightened.

Chen Zhi was the first to walk over, and waved out his airflow, making a protective barrier to protect himself, then put his hands on the handle of the gear, pulled it lightly, and the gear immediately started to rotate~~~
"Kudden~~~Kudden~~~Kudden~~~", the sound of the gears rotating is very well-proportioned.

As expected, the door was not locked, and the mechanism at the door was very sensitive, so it opened slowly in front of them.

And when the door was opened, a piece of hot yellow sand swept by the wind and blew in front of their eyes, fascinating everyone's eyes.

When everyone rubbed their eyes and looked forward again, they saw a desert in front of them, with ruins of buildings everywhere, appearing in front of them like an ancient scroll...

Ahead seemed to be a large ruined city, and the age of the old houses could no longer be seen. Judging from the architectural style, they seemed to be from the Western Regions a long time ago.

Killing and screaming, the hot sand is like the roar of hell demons~~~~
In the farthest place, among those ruined walls, there is a blank area, where a faint green light rises~~~~~~
"That's a corpse scale..."
Pang Wei's eyes were very sharp, and he opened his eyes wide to look at the pale green light in front of him.

"It's the organic matter synthesized by human corpses in the coffin. The longer the time, the heavier the green color~~~, there must be a wooden coffin in front of it, and the funeral is not bad~~~
Unexpectedly! !Genghis Khan's Mausoleum, so easy for us to find?is it possible?Could it be a scam..."

"Is there any fraud, just go and see!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he was the first to go out, and when his feet stepped into the yellow sand, suddenly a gust of hot air came in. Even through the thick special shoes, he could still clearly feel that this The scorching temperature in the yellow sand can almost burn human bones.

Everyone immediately followed in, and when everyone entered the desert, they were all overwhelmed by the strong aura here~~~
The whole piece of yellow sand is permeated with a feeling of crying, sorrow and hatred, which has turned into a powerful resentment, surging in the desert like a stormy sea~~~
It seems that there are hundreds of millions of resentful spirits gathered here, staying here forever and never wanting to leave...

Chen Zhi walked forward step by step. Every time he took a step, he felt that under the yellow sand, there seemed to be countless hands pulling him. Every step he took, he could feel the sadness and hatred permeated in the surrounding wind and sand.

This kind of resentment is too powerful, it can become a sea and become a desert, it is the resentment towards the murderer who murdered them!It is the resentment for exterminating their nation, the resentment for the inhumanity of the world...

Chen Zhi could even vaguely feel that the human head surged like the sea, the mother was holding the child, the elder brother was holding the younger brother, howling and surging in the yellow sand~~~~~, those faces were distorted and deformed, with their mouths wide open , cursed a name together in grief and indignation.

"Borzigit, Temujin!"

Fat Wei and the others behind him, although they couldn't see what was in the aura, they felt great oppression all over their bodies, especially Hu Meng, who had an inexplicable trembling twitching feeling, if it wasn't for Fat Wei pulling him, they couldn't help it. keep walking~~~
Everyone didn't speak a word along the way, and every step after that was a torment for them. After an hour of hard trekking, they finally walked in front of the green light...

The soil here is very loose, and there is only a scorched yellow desert, but those faint green lights rise from this desert.

Pang Wei lowered his head and grabbed a handful of the yellow sand, the hot yellow sand immediately raised a white smoke in his hand~~, Pang Wei picked up the sand with his hands, then stood up and stomped it with his feet, finally said,

"This layer is loose, there is something below, everyone is ready, we are going down..."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he stuck the long knife upside down into the sand, then jumped up high with all his strength, and stomped down heavily.

"Boom~~~~" With a sound, the sand layer on the ground suddenly collapsed, and they all fell down...

Fat Wei's behavior really shocked everyone. Everyone rolled down along with the yellow sand, and their faces fell into the hot sand. If it weren't for the protection of work clothes, they would probably be scalded into roast pigs by now up.

Fortunately, the depth below is not that great. After falling a few meters, it rolled into the sand hole below, and the ground below was very soft, like Simmons, without being shaken at all.

After the old somersault fell, he immediately scolded Fat Wei, "You fat man, why are you so surprised and unprepared for doing things? Have you ever thought about what to do if there are all knives under here? We all I have to be pierced to the core..."

Pang Wei wiped away the sand all over his face,
"I've been scouring the sand for so many years. I know this kind of place when I look at it. Don't look at the heat wave outside. It must be a cool place down here. The place where the coffin is placed is definitely not bad~~~~"

What Fat Wei said was indeed correct. When everyone patted the sand on their bodies and stood up, they found a coffin lying horizontally on the stone platform in front of them.

It was a very clean stone platform, as if it was covered with a layer of transparent film, and there were no decorative carvings on the stone platform, which looked clean and simple. The coffin on the stone platform was made of high-quality fir wood.

And the gap in this coffin was opened, and the owner of the tomb in the middle revealed an arm that had turned into white bones, protruding from the gap in the coffin...

"No way……",
Fat Wei widened his eyes and looked ahead, hesitating for a long time,

"Could it be..., could it be the corpse of Genghis Khan?
It's too simple, isn't it?
And why was this corpse thrown in the desert like this?No main tomb and no funerary objects?It doesn’t look like a Mongolian Khan at all~~~~~”

Chen Zhi walked over, there was no cover around the coffin, and the corpse inside could be easily seen.

Through the two-inch wide gap, he could clearly see that although the corpse was exposed, it was very complete.

This corpse looks to be about two meters tall. On the head that has turned into a skeleton, there are double buns common to ancient Mongolian warriors~~
Mongolian men have an ancient tradition of combing their hair and grooming their beards. When their men grow up, they will keep three folds on the top of their heads like Han children, shave off the curvy hair around the top of their heads, leave the front hair and cut it short. Hanging, braiding the hair on both sides into two buns, hanging between the left and right shoulders, called "Huhele".

The surviving portraits of Yuan Taizu, Yuan Chengzong, and Yuan Shizu all look like this. The thicker the braids, the more heroic they are.

This corpse was dressed in the attire of an ancient Mongolian general. It was by no means an ordinary soldier, but judging from the body structure of the mummy, it didn't look like Genghis Khan's age when he died, but more like...

(End of this chapter)

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