Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1032 Genghis Khan’s Ambition

Chapter 1032 Genghis Khan's Ambition ([-])
This corpse was dressed in the attire of an ancient Mongolian general. It was by no means an ordinary soldier, but judging from the body structure of the mummy, it was not like Genghis Khan's age when he died, but more like a young general.

When Chen Zhi stood in front of the coffin, Fat Wei and the others quickly followed from behind.

The first thing Fat Wei did when he saw the coffin was to poke his head into the coffin and search it carefully.

This bold action shocked Hu Meng a lot. It was hard for him to imagine that someone would dare to put his head in the coffin to look at things without hesitation.

And when Fat Wei poked his face out again, his face was full of disappointment~~~
"Don't think about it, the master in this coffin is not Genghis Khan at all...,
The Mongols admire gold and iron horses the most. When princes and generals die, they wish to engrave their lifetime military exploits on their faces.

But look, this corpse doesn't even have a knife, it's not right at all...

Also, Genghis Khan was over 60 years old when he died, and this corpse is too young, probably an unknown general who guarded his spirit..."

"To occupy a place here, you must not be an unknown person~~~"

Chen Zhi lowered his eyes, looked at the corpse in the coffin, then reached out and fiddled with the neck of the corpse, and found a hanging tag inside.

This is a hanging tag made of pure copper, half the size of a matchbox, with Mongolian characters engraved on it~~~
Chen Zhi saw it at an auction before. This is the military badge of the ancient Mongolian army. When the ancient Mongols marched, they marched from south to north, and death was a common thing. Many people's bodies were left far away~ ~~
In order to let the fallen leaves of warriors who died abroad return to their roots, Mongolian soldiers hang a military plate around their necks, with his name and place of birth written on it, as well as the names of their parents.

In this way, after they are killed in battle, comrades can send back his knife and the hair on his forehead, which is also the greatest respect for these warriors~~~
And this military badge is obviously more noble, the edge is inlaid with silver, the surface of the military badge is stuck with the skin of some corpses, and the text is somewhat unclear. "

Chen Zhi dealt with the sticky matter on it, revealing those Mongolian characters.

"See what these Mongolian characters mean..." Chen Zhi handed the tag to Hu Meng who was next to him.

Hu Meng took the hanging tag, and it was very difficult to decipher these ancient Mongolian characters.

"These are all Mongolian characters from a long time ago. I helped my grandfather copy ancient scriptures before, so I can barely understand these characters.

It should have the tribe's name and location on it, as well as the person's own name.

But this name is a bit strange, a bit like the name of a Han Chinese, called, called...",
After Hu Meng's careful identification for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up,
"This name is Liu Zhonglu..."

"Liu Zhonglu?"

When Chen Zhi heard these three words, his heart trembled slightly.

He did not expect that Liu Zhonglu, who has been uncertain in history, would appear here at this time and be buried in this desert...

Liu Zhonglu was a Mongolian military general who worked in the late Song Dynasty. His life is unknown, and he was a minister in the tent of Genghis Khan.

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar in 1219, Genghis Khan sent Liu Zhonglu to Shandong to invite Qiu Chuji.Liu Zhonglu was originally from the Kingdom of Jin, and he returned to Mongolia shortly after the Mongolian army invaded Yanjing.

He was able to make Mingdi, proficient in medical skills, and was brave and courageous. He was appreciated by Genghis Khan and became Genghis Khan's close servant.When Liu Zhonglu went to Shandong to invite Qiu Chuji, he traveled for 7 months. He went to Haotian Temple in Laizhou, Shandong in December of the lunar calendar, and finally invited Qiu Chuji.

The "Journey to the West of Changchun Real Man" handed down to later generations is a diary written by Qiu Chuji's disciple Li Zhichang when he followed Qiu Chuji to the west. The book was completed in 1228 and consists of two volumes.

The first volume writes that Qiu Chuji's master and apprentice traveled westward to Balu Bay on the northwest slope of the Daxue Mountain (now the Hindu Kush Mountain in Afghanistan), where they met Genghis Khan in the palace and advised him to issue a stop killing order! !Then he returned to Samarkand in Central Asia (now Uzbekistan) to spend his old age in peace.The book contains one edict and four edicts of Genghis Khan.

All the records mentioned Liu Zhonglu, Genghis Khan's envoy, and how he used his perseverance and wisdom to persuade Qiu Chuji, who didn't care about world affairs, to go west to meet Genghis Khan.

In other words, it was Liu Zhonglu who brought Qiu Chuji to Genghis Khan through thousands of mountains and rivers back then. He was the first witness to the whole process of the killing order...

However, with the development of modern archaeology, many scholars have expressed doubts about whether the character Liu Zhonglu really existed.

First of all, the most authoritative "Secret History of Mongolia" has never mentioned this character, even in the records of the order to stop the killing, this Mongolian envoy has not been mentioned, which is not in line with the recording habits at that time. It seems that this person was invented by later generations.

Secondly, judging from the leftover "Journey to the West of Changchun Real Man", the identity of this envoy is very vague. At one time he was Genghis Khan's imperial physician, at another time he was Genghis Khan's general in the tent, and later he became Qiu Chuji's attendant.Moreover, his name does not have the characteristics of nomads, it is more like the name of the Han people.

Thirdly, according to the folklore at that time, Qiu Chuji had the art of longevity, and his age was 300 years old.

Among the "Four Kingdoms", three emperors successively invited Qiu Chuji.Emperor Xuanzong of Jin Dynasty and Emperor Ningzong of Song Dynasty all asked Qiu Chuji to take important positions in the imperial court.

But Qiu Chuji refused successively. As a Han Chinese, he finally chose Genghis Khan. This was hard to understand at the time. What was the reason for Qiu Chuji to do so?Is it really because of Liu Zhonglu's perseverance and wisdom?
"I'm wondering about one thing..."
Fat Wei touched his chin, looked at the corpse and said,

"I saw it just now, no one has moved this corpse after death, but he stretched out an arm~~~
That is to say, when he was lying in the coffin, he should still be alive. He stretched out an arm and wanted to do something~~, but he couldn't hold back his energy, so he died like that~~~
You said that he was forced to be buried here, and he was already aggrieved enough, so he just lay down in the coffin honestly, and why did he stretch out his arms?This death is too ugly~~"

"No nails were put in the coffin, and the ability to open the coffin lid by himself proves that he was not forced, but was buried voluntarily~~~",
Chen Zhi glanced at the shriveled corpse, then at the arm that had turned into bones,
"But you are right about one thing, when this Liu Zhonglu stretched out his arm, it should be when he was still breathing.

He wanted to take something, but maybe he was too weak at the time, and he died before he could hold this thing! ! !

And that thing, now...",
When Chen Zhi said this, he looked down along that arm, and there was a piece of yellow sand under that white-boned finger bone~~~
Fat Wei walked over in one step, dug in the sand, then stretched his hand in and rummaged through it. After a while, he pulled out a scroll,
You are really right~~~~, what this buddy wants to take before he dies should be this scroll..."

 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo 200; book friend 160504221557284, 500
(End of this chapter)

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