Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1033 Liu Zhonglu's Self-narration

Chapter 1033 Liu Zhonglu's Self-narration

Pang Wei gently shook the scroll full of yellow sand, poured out the sand inside, and then found the port and slowly opened it.

"I'd like to take a look, what is this thing that this buddy will remember even when he is dying~~~... Maybe it's a lost martial arts secret book or something..."

While Fat Wei was speaking, he had already slowly pulled off the outer shell of the scroll. After opening it, he found that there was a thin layer of animal skin inside, which completely sealed the scroll paper inside. It can be seen that Liu Zhonglu was keeping the scroll. When I opened the scroll, I cherished it very much~~~
And when Fat Wei pulled the layer of animal skin away to expose the scroll paper inside, he discovered that all the Chinese characters were printed on the yellowed paper scroll.

These Chinese characters are all written in regular script, which was commonly used in the late Southern Song Dynasty.

But these Chinese characters are written very procrastinatingly. It looks like a child who has just learned to write. It is like a child who has just learned to write. It is hard to carve out stroke by stroke. Although there is no aesthetic feeling of the font, it is written very carefully~~~
Fat Wei Sulai was very unimpressed with regular script, so he frowned, and handed it to the old somersault next to him.

The old somersault took the scroll, and read it from the first line carefully according to the roughly translated meaning of the classical Chinese:
"The sinner, Liu Zhonglu, wrote a handwritten letter under the city!!!

At the end of last winter, the Xixia people destroyed our Mongolian caravan and killed our Mongolian merchants. The Khan was furious and led his army to march westward. Wherever they went, they immediately slaughtered the city and exterminated the whole family, and no one was allowed to survive.

In the early spring, the plague broke out in the Central Plains and spread to the Mongolian army. Countless Mongolian warriors fell under their horses and died on the way to the west.

The 32 sons of the Great Khan, the youngest son of the newborn king, and several princes all died in the plague.

At this time, the Great Khan knew the fear of death, so he ordered Yelu Chucai to find the technique of immortality so as to avoid the pain of death.

Yelu Chucai is my Mongolian talent, born with the eyes of immortality, sitting in the tent is like sitting on the clouds, looking at everything in the world, the vast sky and the deep sea, everything in the world is wonderful, and there is no place to escape his eyes~~~
After Yelu Chucai peeped at the world with his divine eyes, he reported to me, King Khan, that there was a god-man named Qiu Chuji in the Qixia area of ​​Dengzhou in the Central Plains, whose age was unknown, but he knew the art of immortality. Sweat can live forever~~~
Khan was overjoyed when he heard the words, so he asked me to bring precious gifts to Qixia, Dengzhou, to look for the god.

Before leaving, I issued a strict order to me. If I can't invite you, I will apologize with death.

My relatives led 500 Mongolian warriors, carrying more than [-] horses of gold, pearls and jade, to Qixia on a starry night journey.

But when I arrived in Qixia, I visited all the way, but there was no such person as Qiu Chuji~~~~~
Later, in the Qixia Pavilion, his disciples told him that the Taoist priest Qiu Chuji had passed away three years ago, so let us go back here.

But I was still lucky, and I knew the task was arduous, so I didn't want to leave, so I stationed on the back mountain. Half a month later, I saw an old man with white eyebrows and white beard playing with a tiger in the mountain.

The old man has long hair like snow, wears a thornwood silver hairpin on his head, his face is like a silver plate, his eyes are like stars, and the tiger looks like a cat's ears in front of him~~~
We immediately went to kneel down and begged for the old man's real name.

The white-bearded old man told us that he is Qiu Chuji, a real person from Changchun.

He knows that we have been stationed in the mountains for many days, so he showed up today to meet me, so as not to kill us~~~
When we heard the words, we were grateful for the new life, knelt down and kowtowed to the monk, presented the precious gift, and read the will of the Great Khan to him.

But the old man waved his hand to us, saying that he does not follow the edict of the human king~~~~~
And asked us, King Khan has been tyranny for many years, did he ever have the intention of not being able to bear it...

I replied:

"King Khan is the first hero. We all think of him as a god. Why can't we bear to slaughter the incompetent people?"

The old man sighed, and then he stopped talking about the Great Khan with us, but told us that he was willing to accompany us on a journey of thousands of miles to the west, to meet the Great Khan, and to give him the art of longevity.

At the end of autumn, Master Changchun and we went to the Western Regions to follow the footsteps of the Great Khan's Western Expedition.

Changchun real person taught me to write Chinese characters and know good and evil all the way.

He also complained: "All life in the world has a destiny and should be cherished. The way of heaven kills, and those who kill indiscriminately will kill themselves!!!"

Then I asked: "What is the way of heaven~~~, what is retribution~~"

Changchun Master replied:

"Everything in the world has its own rules, it is the way of heaven!!!!

Those who insist on going their own way, thinking that they are in touch with the will of heaven, and those who go against the sky, will suffer retribution~~~”

I asked again: "What kind of scene will it be when retribution comes~~~~"

Changchun Master replied:

"This kind of retribution is beyond the reach of human beings!
Borzigit Temujin, he fought all his life and killed countless people, so he must be punished~~~~"

We were shocked, and then we knelt down and asked the real person how to redeem our sins.

Master Changchun shook his head and said:
"The Mongols are violent by nature, killing without knowledge is the fault of the poor~~~~
Although Temujin committed a lot of crimes, he was not as poor as he was.

The crime of poverty, the destruction of the earth and the sky~~~, sinners cannot redeem sinners~~~~”

Afterwards, we accompanied Changchun Daoist all the way to the west, and the Great Khan marched all the way west. Countless people were massacred, corpses littered the fields, ghosts weeping and wolves howling!There is no trace of life in the Western Regions~~~
Everywhere Changchun Daoist went, he ordered us to bury the corpses, and then stood by for a night of vigil.

We are very puzzled by this...

At the end of the winter of the next year, we finally caught up with the Great Khan's western expedition team. At this time, the Mongolian warriors had captured half of the Xixia Kingdom. Looking around, there were thousands of miles of scorched earth and thousands of miles of dead bones, and no one survived.

The king's tent of the Great Khan was stationed on the border of the Xixia Kingdom. He cut off the heads of the Xixia royal men, boiled them in a pot, drank and ate them, tore off the women's clothes, gave them to the army, and then chopped them into minced meat to feed the army dogs and wolves~ ~~~
When he learned that Qiu Chuji, a real person from Changchun, came, he was overjoyed and killed hundreds of cattle and sheep to welcome the real person...

But the real person left indifferently, telling us before leaving:

"The sins of the Great Khan are hard to repay..."

We were all surprised and asked what happened.

Changchun Master replied:

"The gods were born to be gods!!!
And a person who is bloodthirsty can also be a god! ! !
Longevity is not a gift, but a punishment..."

Immortal Changchun then passed away, saying that he would use another face to meet Da Khan, and then give him the body of longevity in exchange for the lives of countless living beings...

A few days later, after we returned to the king's tent, the profuse Khan turned his temper overnight and couldn't sleep at night. He was extremely frightened. He personally ordered the Western Expedition to stop and ordered all Mongolian troops to stop killing innocent people.

However, a few months later, Da Khan rushed to the grassland and suddenly made a splash! ! !

In my life, I have never met Qiu Chuji, a real person from Changchun......"

 I'm exhausted writing this chapter
(End of this chapter)

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