Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1034 The Truth About the Killing Order

Chapter 1034 The Truth About the Killing Order

Everyone listened to Lao Dou Dou after reading these words, there was nothing to do, especially Fat Wei, whose mouth could be seen through the hood.

"Fuck me~~~, I heard that right..."
Pang Wei's voice is very loud in the wireless,
"According to this buddy named Liu Zhonglu, he co-authored Genghis Khan and never saw Qiu Chuji himself until his death?
That is equivalent to the historical period where Qiu Chuji traveled thousands of miles to the west to persuade Genghis Khan to issue a stop-kill order, which is simply false!

When Fat Wei said this, he felt that something was wrong, so he shook his head,

"But that's not right again. If there was no persuasion from Qiu Chuji, why did Genghis Khan issue a stop killing order? Could it be that his own conscience discovered..."

"The strangest thing is not this...",
The old somersault said in a low voice beside him:
"I think the most strange thing is that according to the description in this scroll, Genghis Khan suddenly became very panicked, stopped his journey to the west, and then wanted to rush back to his hometown in Mongolia in a panic.

Genghis Khan was a bloodthirsty man, and he had never been subdued in his life. Such a man who is not even afraid of gods, what is it that can scare him like that?Let him give up the most persistent belief in his life, no longer want to unify the world, but rush back to Mount Kent, and die here in the end? ",
When the old somersault said this, he turned his head to look at Liu Zhonglu's body,

"Also, this Liu Zhonglu also has problems, just like what he himself described.

After Genghis Khan died, he voluntarily guarded Genghis Khan's tomb here, that is, he voluntarily got into the coffin alive.

Since Genghis Khan was dead at that time, who ordered him then?Qiu Chuji's?New Hanwang?It's not logical~~~
So I guess...something must have happened some time before Genghis Khan's death...

This incident was not recorded in the annals of history, and even the people at the time were not aware of it, but it caused Genghis Khan to leave Xixia in a panic, and then issued a stop killing order..."

"It makes sense!"

Chen Zhi was on the wireless all the time, silently listening to Lao Somersault's words, and then nodded lightly.

"History does have some secrets that are fascinating.

But they may be destined to be buried in the dust of history and will never be discovered~~~
What happened at that time?We can't know, and we don't have to worry about it anymore.

But if the purpose of Liu Zhonglu's burial here is to protect the tomb of Genghis Khan, then the main tomb should be in front of it.

What we need to do now is to see if there is any corpse in the coffin of Genghis Khan..."

Chen Zhi's words got everyone's approval, and everyone no longer entangled with everything here. Fat Wei rewrapped Liu Zhonglu's scroll and took it back into his treasure bag.

Afterwards, everyone put Liu Zhonglu's body back into the coffin, placed it neatly, and then closed the coffin lid.

Fat Wei also deliberately cleaned up all the dust on the coffin cover, and bowed respectfully to the coffin three times.

"That..., thank you.

If you hadn't traveled all the way to do this, we Han people probably wouldn't be alive now.

I thank you for my ancestors, and my ancestors' ancestors! "

What Fat Wei said was indeed the truth. If everything recorded in this scroll is true, this Liu Zhonglu can really be called the benefactor of the Han people. Everyone bowed three times to Liu Zhonglu's corpse, and then moved on.

They are now trapped in a bunker, about ten meters above the top.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei's original plan was to throw a rope up, fix it, and climb up one by one. This depth is not a problem for their skills at all.

But the trouble is, at this time, the top is full of sand, there is not even a place to grab your hand, and the ghost knife is not there at this time, it is impossible to fly on it~~~
After Pang Wei threw the rope up several times, he failed to catch anything, and the rope kept slipping down.

In the end, the old somersault's eyes were still sharp, he always felt that there was a very low bunker in front of the sand cave, the position was a bit vague, it seemed that there was a hole in the back~~~
So several people worked together and pushed the short bunker hard, "哗啦啦~~~", a piece of yellow sand immediately slid down.

It turned out that this is a yellow sand waterfall hidden underground, about five or six meters wide, and the sand slides very fast, straight down.

Fat Wei decided to go down and have a look. He put the other end of the rope in Chen Zhi's hand, and then he pulled the rope and slid down the sand waterfall. After only a few minutes, he heard Fat Wei shouting on the wireless. ~~~~~
"Come down, there is a road down here, it is probably the tomb passage..."

After hearing Pangwei's voice, everyone was very happy. After all, the road above was impassable, which made them scratch their heads. Unexpectedly, the road below was very smooth.

They jumped off the Huangsha waterfall one by one, and suddenly, the hot yellow sand rolled them up like a heat wave, and carried them to the area below~~~~~
The trip went smoothly. After a few minutes, everyone landed one by one. When they stood up, they saw that Pang Wei was already standing there, turning on the searchlights and shining them on the surrounding area.

In addition to the yellow sand all over the place, there are dark gray walls all around. The gray is very dull, and it makes people feel depressed at a glance.

These stone walls are very old at a glance, and they probably existed before human history~~~~
Chen Zhi still remembers what Bai Qian said: "The history of human beings, in the history of gods, is just a snap of the fingers~~"

On those dark gray walls, there are still light green gemstones protruding. This kind of emerald green is very deep, like the eyes of a devil. This kind of gemstone is very rare on the ground, and it is called peridot.

Peridot is a special gemstone, because it can only be formed in the mantle layer deep in the earth, and it will be brought to the surface when the volcano erupts, so it has always been regarded as a treasure underground, a small natural stone Peridot can be sold at an extremely high price in the auction house because this kind of peridot does not belong to the world.

At this time, these green peridots were densely inlaid on the dark gray wall, forming patterns one after another, and these patterns formed familiar images one by one, and it was Wujia who sent them here together. of,
Land Fairy~~~~
 Thanks for the reward: Professor of Supernatural; Wei Tuo 200;

(End of this chapter)

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