Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1039 Hidden gold in the stone

Chapter 1039 Hidden gold in the stone

The words of the old somersault resolved the embarrassing situation for a while, and everyone focused on the stone coffin~~~~
The enchantment just now has disappeared, and everyone can now approach the sarcophagus.

After Fat Wei learned the lesson just now, he didn't dare to move forward now. He first probed tentatively with a knife, and only touched the sarcophagus with his hands after he was sure everything was fine.

"This coffin is definitely exquisite..."
Fat Wei touched the surface of the coffin with his hand, then probed inside with his hand, and knocked on the sound of the corner,
"This stone coffin should be purposely made so inconspicuous, in order not to attract attention, so as to protect the real "coffin" inside, and the stone skin is actually called "coffin".

The ancients said that there are coffins and coffins, and there are coffins. "Coffin" generally refers to the coffin, while "coffin" refers to the coffin outside the coffin. , which means the big shell that covers the outside of the coffin.

The exquisiteness of this coffin originated from ancient dresses, which probably arose during the Zhou Dynasty! ! !
According to the funeral etiquette of the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor needs to use two coffins and five coffins, princes use one coffin and three coffins, doctors use one coffin and two coffins, scholars use one coffin and one coffin

The coffin and outer coffin should not be too tight, and there must be a certain gap between the two to store some valuable funerary objects.

And some coffins and coffins are specially made inconspicuous because the owner of the tomb is of a high level and there are too many burials.
You can see that although the stone shell looks gray, but the edge is very hard. The coffins of this level are very high. If you guessed correctly, it is likely that there is gold hidden in the stone~~~
The things inside are likely to scare you~~~~"

"What's so surprising~~~", the old somersault said next to him,
"What do we men have not seen now~~~ Even the throne of the Dragon King can't scare me~~
Let's push the stone cover off together now, and you can see what's inside at a glance! "

"But on this..."
When Fat Wei said this, he looked at the silver whisk on top with some scruples, the blow just now gave him enough shock, he was really a little scared~~~
"This thing is not an ordinary thing, we dare not touch it easily!! If you give me this again, my little life will be gone~~~"

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he looked at Lao Somersault again. After everyone looked at each other, they all turned their eyes to Chen Zhi.

The current situation is obvious, no matter whether Qiu Chuji left the dust whisk on purpose or not, no one dares to touch it anymore, and now only Chen Zhizhi can move the dust whisk.

Chen Zhi has been staring at that whisk for a long time. In fact, from the moment he saw this whisk, his head was buzzing and a strong possessive desire invaded his heart~~~
He knew that there was a lot of power gathered on this whisk, which was a power that he would never be able to match.

If he touches this power now, he can't predict what will happen...

At this point in his thoughts, Chen Zhi took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and then sent all the airflow to the palm of his hand, and slowly stretched it towards the whisk.

The aura on the surface of the floating dust is very warm and moist, without any intention of rejecting him, it seems to be welcoming him to go~~~
When Chen Zhi's fingers brushed over the snow-white silk sash on the dust whisk, he felt that the silk hair on it was very soft, wrapping around his fingers softly, as if he had finally met his master after 1000 years.

Chen Zhi grabbed the silver handle and picked it up slowly. At that moment, Fuchen trembled slightly, and then there was a flash of inspiration, and Fuchen suddenly changed shape...

This sudden change startled everyone, and they all took a step back.

Surrounded by the spiritual light, the fly whisk suddenly became smaller in Chen Zhi's palm, then spun rapidly, bursting out with spiritual light, and finally turned into a small silver disc, which landed in Chen Zhi's palm ~~~
The small disc is only four to five centimeters in diameter and less than one centimeter in thickness. It is full of cumbersome mechanism patterns, sparkling ingenuity, ingenious, and very delicate. At first glance, it looks like a round spinning top.

And this silver disc can just be buckled on the palm of Chen Zhi's palm, and penetrate into Chen Zhi's aura.

The airflow in Chen Zhi's hand was obviously affected by the silver disc, all the airflow gathered together, and crackling~~clapping~~~ lightning flashed in the palm of his hand! ! !
At this moment, Chen Zhi could clearly feel that his body was heating up rapidly, his blood was surging crazily, and all the air flow in his body was moving up and down frantically, and was instantly enlarged countless times by the silver disc, and then stretched into Various shapes~~~, become uncontrollable...

Chen Zhi hurriedly stuffed the silver disc into the treasure bag, then adjusted his breathing silently, calming down the manic airflow in his body.

"Ouch~~~, damn it, awesome!"

Fat Wei saw all this miraculous, his eyes widened, and he said to Chen Zhi: "

"What is this thing? Transformers?

Maybe that old man Qiu Chuji really has a relationship with your Jiang family, and he knew you would come here sooner or later, so he left a greeting gift.

You have picked up a treasure this time, when you go back and study it carefully, I guess this thing should be an artifact~~~"

After listening to Fat Wei's words, Chen Zhi didn't answer immediately. He was very excited at the moment, and even though the silver disc was out of his hands now, he couldn't restrain the indescribable excitement in his heart.

"Open the coffin!"

After Chen Zhi calmed down, he raised his head and said to everyone,
"If this coffin really belongs to Genghis Khan, let's see what he looks like now?
But..., everyone, be careful, he may still be alive..."

"What?" After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Hu Meng's face turned from purple to blue~~~, he stood there and dared not come over.

"Fine! Don't care about him, let's talk after we meet~~~",
At this time, Fat Wei had already found an important position, bending over and standing on the lower right side of the coffin, just enough to push the entire coffin lid.

The old somersault couldn't help, he stood by and could only watch, Fat Wei waved for Hu Meng to come over and help push, but Hu Meng was already a bit distracted at this moment.

"What are you afraid of!! Come here~~",
Fat Wei yelled at Hu Meng on the wireless,
"The big deal is your ancestor, jump up from the coffin!! You are his great-grandson, what are you afraid of? Maybe he won't bite us anymore for your sake!
Come help quickly, or we won't be able to move! ! "

Under Fat Wei's urging, Hu Meng had no choice but to walk to the lower right corner of the coffin,

The three shouted together: "123, open~~~~"

Then, only a muffled sound of "Boom~~~" was heard, and the heavy sarcophagus lid was pushed open.

Immediately, a precious light appeared inside, and the golden light directly dazzled so much that people couldn't open their eyes!

And the small coffin inside is full of exquisite silk and jewelry vessels, and in the middle of the coffin, they saw..."

 [Thanks: ♀Snow Cat Wan Reward Plus Update]

  The debt needs to be repaid little by little, and I’m going to sleep after finishing today’s update, hehe, broken chapters~~
(End of this chapter)

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