Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040
Sure enough, Fat Wei was right. This sarcophagus was made according to ancient etiquette. Inside the big coffin, there was a layer of small coffins.

The space in the auxiliary coffin is covered with beautiful silk and satin, and it is filled with gold, silver, jewelry and precious utensils, all of which are rare in the world, and it looks like jewels and luxury.

But the value of all these treasures is less than one ten-thousandth of the main coffin in the coffin core.

Inside the auxiliary coffin is an exquisite wooden coffin, which is the main coffin of this huge stone coffin~~~
The main coffin is made of thin gold-thread wood, which has been the most precious since ancient times. It can be said that every inch of wood is gold. There is a kind of thin gold-thread wood, which is warm in winter and cool in summer. ~~
As the name suggests, thin gold thread wood is a kind of wood with a very thin texture. High-quality thin gold thread wood is as thin as a sheet of paper.

And the coffin of thin golden silk nanmu in front of me is as thin as a cicada's wing, which can be called a shocking treasure.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for princes and generals to obtain a piece of thin gold silk to settle down, and such a large gold silk coffin can only be owned by the king who dominates the world. Judging from the situation at the time, this must be the coffin of Genghis Khan~~~ ~
The thin golden nanmu coffin is about two meters long, and the whole body is made of golden wood silk, which is still shining after thousands of years, like a gauze woven with golden threads, and inside the coffin, there is a shadowy figure The shadow, that is a human-shaped shadow, lying in the coffin, lying upright~~
"Damn, it's true~~~~~~",
Fat Wei was the first to call out on the wireless,
"Although everyone was prepared in their hearts, everyone was not sure about Genghis Khan's situation along the way. No one really thought that there was really Genghis Khan's body in this coffin.

"That..., that orange, what did you just say? Genghis Khan may still be alive, right~~",
Fat Wei's voice in the wireless was obviously a little frightened,

"Well, you said that if the coffin is opened later, the old man will sit up from the coffin~~, let's, what are we talking about?

Said Uncle Temujin~~~, we just came to see if you are still alive?Seeing that you are fine, we are relieved~~~, and then I will put the coffin lid on?

Then..., what if they don't let me cover it..."

"No matter what Genghis Khan inside has become, never let him out!",
In the wireless, Chen Zhi replied with certainty, "This devil must never let him return to the world!"

Although Fat Wei agreed in his mouth, cold sweat had already begun to break out on his forehead.

He wanted to turn around to say hello to Meng, but when he turned around, he found that the kid had already jumped two meters away with a livid face.

"Bah~~, you look at you like that, you are still a Mongolian prince~~~, you will be like this at the critical moment!"

Fat Wei scolded him on the wireless, then turned his head and looked at the looming figure in the coffin.

I saw that this figure was obviously very tall, about two meters tall, with very strong arms and thighs~~~, which was a typical ancient nomadic figure.

At this moment, he was motionless in the coffin, not showing any anger~~~, as if he was calmly waiting for them to open the coffin. This weird atmosphere made everyone present even more nervous.

"What are you waiting for?" Chen Zhi said sharply on the wireless.

"Open the coffin!!"

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Fat Wei gritted his teeth, and immediately came up with a ruthless force. He pressed the buckle under the coffin with his hand, and then pushed upwards,

"Okay, if it's a human or a ghost, you'll know if you pull it out~~~"

There was only a sound of "嘎巴~~~", and the golden nanmu coffin in front of him suddenly made a crisp sound, and the lid of the coffin, which was as thin as Zen wings, was overturned by Fat Wei at once.

And after the lid of the coffin was lifted, an ancient blackened corpse appeared in front of them...

This corpse has obviously been dry and cracked for a long time, because the temperature here is high, there is no moisture on his body, and it is completely dry, with cracks on the face and thighs~~~
His hair was braided into thick braids, coiled on his dry head, his mouth was wide open, and his face was very distorted, in the shape of a gourd. It was obvious that he had been tortured before he died!

His feet were no longer recognizable, the bones had been severely burned and corroded, and it looked like he had walked barefoot in a hot place.

And the whole body of the corpse was tightly imprisoned by chains, just like what was described in the mural, one was imprisoned on his shoulders, the other was imprisoned on her back, and the other was imprisoned. in his belly~~~
This corpse is completely dry, but there is an unbelievable strange phenomenon on this corpse!

The skin of this corpse has been dry and black, like mud, but the shoulders; Bright as new on the skin~~~
According to what they saw on the mural just now, these three parts of Genghis Khan are all tattooed with dragon, beast and god tattoos, which is the symbol of the supreme king.

At that time, those earth immortals grabbed these three tattoos with heavy chains and dragged Genghis Khan into the underworld alive.

At this time, although the corpse had long since dried up, his three tattooed skins were still as vivid as if they were alive...

"Damn it, I was shocked!!!",
When Fat Wei saw that Genghis Khan in the coffin had become a mummified corpse, he let out a heavy breath.

"I really thought there were immortal things in this world, and I almost scared me to death just now.

To be honest, if this old man Temujin really jumped out suddenly, I really don’t know how to greet him, I guess the black donkey’s hoof is not easy to use~~~”

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Hu Meng,
"Okay, I said Your Highness, don't be shivering beside me~~, this is your ancestor, you are afraid of a fart~~~, come here and kowtow!"

"I~, I~, I'm not afraid~~~",
Hu Meng has been unable to control his emotions since just now, but his mouth is still stiff~~~ Seeing that the coffin has been opened, he moved his steps and moved closer.

But after he glanced at the corpse in the coffin, he obviously couldn't accept it, and immediately knelt on the ground, banging his head against the coffin a few times.

"My god ancestor, the unfilial descendants Hu Meng kowtowed to you, you have suffered~~~, the unfilial descendants don't even know you..."

Hu Meng kowtowed and chattered, while Fat Wei carefully inspected the withered corpse. The body was cracked all over, like a black clay figure who was short of water all year round. Fat Wei finally set his eyes on the neck of the corpse Below~~~.

"Hu Meng, stop knocking~~~~", Fat Wei shouted in a low voice,
"Come here and take a look, under the neck of this corpse? Is there something on it......"

(End of this chapter)

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