Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1060 Old Somersault's Suggestion

Chapter 1060 Old Somersault's Suggestion

After hearing what Old Somersault said, Fat Wei was shocked all over, opened his mouth wide, and didn't know how to react for a while.

Hu Meng was also completely stunned, holding a small dagger and standing there like a clay sculpture, unable to speak a word.

"Old..., old gold man, are you sick in the head, or something?",
Fat Wei stammered and asked:
"I don't think you're right along the way. You're as neurotic as if you've taken the wrong medicine. Do you think we're not human? With so many young lads, can you throw an old man here to change your life? Isn't it? The poisonous gas in the ground has smoked you, and your head is broken..."

"It's not that my head is broken, it's that my liver is broken...",
The old somersault pointed at his chest, and the tears flowed down immediately,
"Weizi~~~, I was notified last month that I am already in the late stage of liver cancer~~~, I now have two tumors in my liver, which turned out to be hidden behind the fat layer, and I just discovered it now!!! I have an incurable disease~~~~"

"Oh shit~~~, you..., what did you say just now? I tmd heard it right!",
Fat Wei couldn't react for a while, he looked at Lao Somersault with his eyes wide open, with a nervous expression on his face,

"Are you hallucinating? What nonsense are you talking about here! What liver cancer? How could you suddenly get liver cancer? You eat more than me all day long..."

"It's true, Wei Zi! This time I'm really going to die..." The old somersault shouted excitedly, and then tears fell uncontrollably, and the old tears flowed horizontally and vertically.

"The doctor told me that my cancer cells spread very fast, almost the fastest in all cases~~~, and there are only three months left to live at most.

This is all the sins I made in this life, retribution! !I have lived for more than 50 years, and I have done both good and evil things. I have lost countless lives. I have nothing to complain about. Good and evil are rewarded. This is the retribution I deserve. !!!
So, when I found out that Genghis Khan was buried here, I put up my old face and insisted on coming down with you. If I can die in the same place as Genghis Khan, I will not lose~~~~
In the first half of my life, my talents were unrecognized, and in the second half of my life, I have enough glory. Before I die, I will exchange my old life for yours. It is worth it! ! "

"That..., that doesn't work...",
What the old somersault said just now completely confused Fat Wei, he was so dizzy that he couldn't react for a while, he stared at the emaciated face of the old somersault, and spoke hesitantly.

When I looked carefully, I found that the old somersault was obviously much thinner than Hei a few months ago. His eyes were full of dark circles, and his white hair also took up a lot of layers. This is a state of serious illness. It seems that he did not lie talk.

"What are you still hesitating about, Wei Zi~~~",
Old Somersault suddenly had blue veins on his forehead, and blood rushed to his head, his eyes were bloodshot and weeping,

"Third son has been here alone for too long... I don't worry~~, now I'm finally going to see third son, to see my son, I'm happy~~~"

After the old somersault finished speaking, he wiped away his tears and took Pang Wei's hand, holding his hand tightly,
"Weizi, I told you before that money is something external to you, so don't worry too much about it in the future~~~
After I die, all the money I saved will be given to you. My credit guarantor is Leopard, and all the money is stored in the Swiss bank VIP account. The password is the day when I was released from prison when I was young. Withdraw money.

I will give you all the more than five billion I saved in the bank, and you will pile a grave for me next to my third son, and when the men think of me in the future, just remember to put some incense on me~~~"

"Oh, I said the old golden head..."
Fat Wei pulled his old somersaults, and almost didn't cry for a while, his head was covered with sweat, and he didn't know what to say.

And at this moment, they heard a bang~~~~
The left part of the entire enchantment suffered a violent impact, because those iron chains had all gathered to the upper left of the enchantment, gathered together like a giant dragon, and hit the upper left of the enchantment heavily, smashing out the barrier. a groove~~~
"Okay, let's stop hesitating now..."
The old somersault looked at the obviously deformed tent outside, and shouted loudly:
"Weizi!!! We men have been born and died for so long, do we still use these fake things?

Now there is such a way, these chains are not human after all, Genghis Khan could come up with this trick to trick them, now we can too~~~~~ Let's push Chen Zi to the ground, and put Chen Zi on his shoulders Peel off the skin and stick it on my body~~~~
Then I rushed out directly, and you all tried to jump out from the top of the tent, and then ran back the same way without looking back~~~
I must find a way to hold out for a while longer, until you run out, as long as you get out alive, I will be worth it~~~"

"You old gold man, you...",
At the moment of parting from life and death, Fat Wei couldn't help but shed tears, indeed, what Lao Somersault said now is the most feasible way, no matter how beautiful words are used to evade, this is an indisputable reality.If they hesitate for a while now and wait for the chain to cover all the area above, then they really have nowhere to escape!

"Uncle Jin, I already knew you had cancer...",
At this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly turned his head to look at the old somersault, and said slowly:

"Ever since you insisted on coming to Mount Kent with us, I've noticed that your aura is getting weaker and when you insisted on going underground with us, I didn't object~~~"

What Chen Zhi said out of the blue surprised everyone. He had been concentrating on looking at the silver plate just now, and everyone thought he had been thrown into a fool~~~
"Okay, it's useless to talk about it now..."
Old Somersault wiped away the tears on his face, gritted his teeth and drew out the dagger,

"Chen Zi, hold on, I'll take a piece of skin from your shoulder... Then you find a way to seal your breath, take everyone out of the tent, and run back the same way~~~"

"Uncle Jin, it seems that you have misunderstood me..."
Holding a small silver plate in his hand, Chen Zhi calmly smiled at Old Somersault:

"I brought you down to let you have no regrets in this life, not to send you to die~~~~
Whether you can resist this disease after you go out ~~~ is your destiny.

But since I can bring you down, I can take you out......"

(End of this chapter)

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