Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1061: Silver Artifact

Chapter 1061: Silver Artifact
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he wiped the silver plate in his hand lightly, and the silver plate immediately shone brightly, and even the engraved patterns on it became very clear. With a faint aura.

At this time, I heard Chen Zhi say...

"I have been studying the patterns on this silver plate just now, and found that these patterns are definitely not used for decoration. These patterns are very regular, like regular symbols, balanced and orderly, and it is a unique method of number arrangement~ ~~
If I'm not wrong, this should be a very delicate equation, and this equation is for conjuration, far more complicated than the equations invented by us humans.

It includes calculation energy, control energy, and energy deformation. Such fine calculations cannot even be carried by the most advanced large-scale computers! !

I just used that period of time to roughly calculate some data, and now I can only decipher a very small part of it, but this is enough...

Because this part of the data can already control my airflow and increase the explosive power of the strong spell, that is to say, this silver plate has the function of strengthening the airflow, and reacts on the silver plate, changes the physical structure of the silver plate, and can shape the silver plate. Weapon~~~~"

"Oh my god~~~~, what do you mean by talking about all these things?"

Fat Wei said with sweat all over his head:
"What time is this, who can understand your academic reports? Don't talk about those useless things~~~ Now I can fucking see Lord Hell's feet~~~~
Just tell me now whether we still have a way out, if not, we might as well go and see the third son with the old Jintou~~~~"

"Okay, let me put it simply...",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he clenched the silver plate in his hand.

At the same time, the ten thousand zhang airflow shot out from his body, and the airflow had a unique brilliance, and soon formed a spiral shape under his feet, just like a tornado~~~
"Now this silver plate can strengthen my airflow, making them form a spiral structure in a short period of time, with extremely strong explosive power, just like dynamite~~~~
I calculated just now that this explosive airflow can instantly bounce off the chains outside~~~
Then use this time to take me to the desert outside, as long as you give me 5 seconds, I have the confidence to shoot that moon~~~~"

"I'll go, are you talking in your sleep~~",
Fat Wei finally understood what Chen Zhi meant this time, and said next to him:
"Don't forget, how did we fall from the sky just now~~~, that piece of big colored glaze can eliminate your spells, and by then your air flow will disappear before it reaches the top, how do you Shoot the moon?"

"That's right, that moon can remove my spells~~, but it can't remove concrete things~~, such as concrete arrows~~~",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he revealed the silver plate tightly held in his hand.

"This magic weapon can change the movement of the airflow, and the airflow can also react on this silver plate, shaping it into any shape..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, the silver plate in his hand began to twirl. It kept spinning in his palm, and finally became slender, twisted and deformed, and finally turned into a shining arrow. ~~~~
At this time, I heard Chen Zhi continue to say:
"As long as you send me out, I will create a set of physical bows and arrows, and then use the sticky power of the airflow to increase the elasticity and strength of the bows and arrows, and shoot the moon in the sky.

When the moon is shattered, my spells will no longer be controlled, and then I will make an enchantment bubble, wrap everyone around, and then use the airflow to eject it~~~"

"I can take you out~~", Ghost Saber, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

He obviously still had serious injuries, and kept clutching his chest, his face pale~~~
But his tone was very calm, and he said with certainty:
"I have fought with these earth immortals. Their speed is very fast, but they are still a little worse than me~~~, if the outer chain is bounced, I can send you out, and I can buy you 5 seconds~ ~~~"

"Very good, then it's settled!!!", Chen Zhi turned around and nodded to Ghost Saber.

But at this moment, there was only a bang, and after a violent impact, the top of the tent began to collapse, and as the pieces of wood fell, the tent began to fall apart, and it was about to collapse. It's collapsed, the situation can no longer be hesitated~~~
"Get out of the way~~~",
Chen Zhi jumped to the middle of the ground and shouted, and raised the silver plate in his hand high. At that moment, a spiral pattern on the silver plate suddenly became dazzling, emitting ten thousand auras, and the airflow under Chen Zhi's feet began to spiral Rotate, zoom in infinitely...

"Remember, once you get out, run outside recklessly and gather around me quickly. As soon as the moon is broken, I will make a sticky enchantment bubble and eject everyone out.

The speed must be fast..."
After Chen Zhiyan said that, he closed his eyes, bit the tip of his tongue, and put a mouthful of blood on it.

Afterwards, a majestic airflow gushed out from his body, and all these airflows were in a spiral state, quickly entangled together like a spring, and then they piled up higher and higher, becoming more and more elastic~~~
At the last moment, Chen Zhi suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Break!!!!"

There was only a "bang~~~", and the majestic airflow collapsed instantly like a spring. That force was so powerful that it could tear apart the earth and rush out of the tent quickly!
Under the impact of the high-intensity airflow, this wooden tent instantly turned into powder, and the chains entrenched high outside were also scattered at that moment with a bang~~.

In an instant, countless iron chains were flying all over the sky, and within a ten-thousandth of a second, a gap appeared in the position directly in front.

"Go~~", Chen Zhi yelled at Ghost Saber.

Before Chen Zhi's voice could be heard, the ghost knife had already grabbed his arm and flew into the gap in an instant.

Afterwards, Chen Zhi couldn't see anything in front of his eyes, and the scenes on both sides flashed quickly. He heard the angry cries of the earth immortals behind him, and felt his body flying in the rapid air. Let the air stand still!

When Chen Zhi's feet landed on the ground, he found that he was already in a desert, and above his head was the big moon as bright as a jade plate~~~~~
 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo; one meter of sunshine is extremely warm 200; promises come true; love is in BC;
(End of this chapter)

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