Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1062 Turn Qi into a Bow

Chapter 1062 Turn Qi into a Bow
Even if he didn't look back, Chen Zhi could still feel the crazy earth immortals rushing towards him in groups behind him, he could hear the sound of those chains flying in the air, those iron hooks waving their sharp claws, just In a few seconds, he will be thrown down.

During this precious five seconds, Chen Zhi took a step forward, then closed his eyes, breathed his breath silently, and used all the air in his body to the silver plate in his hand.

At that moment, Chen Zhi suddenly felt a wave of ups and downs in his body, as if everything around him began to shake and shake, this air flow turned clouds and mist, rolled out of his body, and all gathered into the silver plate in his hand~~ ~
"Swoosh swish~~~~~~"

Accompanied by the influx of airflow, the silver plate in Chen Zhi's hand began to spin rapidly, and then quickly became larger. A flash of inspiration appeared~~~, a longbow and arrows appeared in Chen Zhi's hand!
This longbow is silver-white in color, engraved with runes on a silver plate, its whole body is permeable, tightly wrapped by air currents, in this night, it is like an artifact from the sky, it is indescribable~~ ~
Chen Zhi bent his bow and set an arrow, and pulled the bow to the full string with all his strength, aiming at the big moon in the sky.

During the physical training period, Chen Zhi had learned some bow and crossbow shooting techniques with Ghost Saber. Although he couldn't penetrate Yang with a hundred steps, he still had mastered the most basic skills.

And the most important thing is that the bow and arrow in his hand have been completely wrapped by the airflow at this time, that kind of momentum is mighty~~, stretching endlessly~~~, the longbow is accompanied by his cursed airflow, becoming more and more curved, accumulating exert great force.

When the longbow was drawn to the end, Chen Zhi pointed the tip of the arrow at the bright moon above his head, and let go with a bang~~!


Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the sky, a violent force flew out, and accompanied by the sparkling airflow, this arrow wrapped in endless power, flew towards the moon above the head at an extremely fast speed! ! !

At the same time, Chen Zhi suddenly felt a pain in his back. At this moment, two sharp iron claws pierced through his overalls, and then seven or eight chains wrapped Chen Zhi tightly. It is huge, and it is getting tighter and tighter, and the number is still increasing.

And then, more than a dozen green earth immortals had already jumped onto Chen Zhi's body, pressing him heavily on the ground, and the old earth immortal wearing a crown climbed onto Chen Zhi's head, pressing Chen Zhi with a fierce expression. Zhi's head stretched out his long nails towards Chen Zhi, and said in an extremely piercing voice:

"Bastard~~, watch me scratch you to pieces..."

But it was too late for the old Earth Immortal's fury...

Chen Zhi's arrow drew a beautiful streamer in the night sky, and went straight to the bright moon above his head, hitting the center of the full moon!
There was a loud bang, and everyone saw that a crack appeared from the middle of the moon, and that crack quickly spread to the side, and soon covered the entire moon~~~
The bright moonlight instantly turned into countless glazed luster, and the whole night sky was filled with colorful and dazzling lights~~~~
Now the moon has become countless fragments, looking like a mosaic from a distance...

Fat Wei and Old Somersault ran a bit slower, but they had just run under the moon, and were about to wait for Chen Zhi's barrier bubble to bounce them up.

Unexpected things happened......

I saw that although the big round moon was smashed into countless fragments, because of the sticky things inside it, all the fragments were stuck together, so it didn't disperse for a while.

But now it only needs a light blow, and the fragments on it will fall apart.

Before Chen Zhi was thrown down by the earth immortals, he threw the bow and arrow in his hand towards Fat Wei in front, and shouted: "Hurry up and make up the arrow!!!!"

And when Chen Zhi finished yelling these words, he realized that this was impossible.

Fat Wei behind him had already been thrown to the ground by several chains at the moment just now, his back and neck had been scratched bloody, and his overalls had been penetrated.

The bow and arrow landed next to him with a "bang~~~".

The situation of Ghost Knife was the worst at this time. The Earth Immortals knew how powerful he was, so they summoned countless chains and surrounded him tightly. Outside.

But there are more and more chains. After the chains that were bounced off just now rolled on the ground, they all hit the sky and cover the sky, like a silver ocean, which can engulf everyone present at any time~~~
At this time, Old Somersault had already been slapped to the ground by a thick chain, his head was covered with blood, his life and death were uncertain, and there was no hope at all.

At this critical moment, Hu Meng crawled out from nowhere. He fell while running just now and was photographed in the sand. No Earth Immortal cared about him. Instead, he escaped the attack of the chains. Covered in sand, his body was wobbly, and he picked up the bow and arrow on the ground under the eyes of everyone.

"Hu Meng~~, it's up to you kid, shoot——————————" Fat Wei shouted hoarsely.

Hu Meng's face was flushed at this time, and with trembling hands, he placed the arrow on the top of his head, pulled the bow with all his strength, and shot an arrow towards the moon~~
"it is good!!!!!"

Chen Zhi was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly spit out a stream of viscous air from his mouth, increased the elasticity, and sent the arrow away~~~~
Accompanied by Chen Zhi's airflow, the arrow quickly flew above the bright moon like a shooting star.

The glazed pieces on the moon were already in danger. When the arrow lightly touched it, there was a bang~~~, and countless shining colored glazed pieces fell from the sky.

Then, a huge black hole appeared in the sky above.

After Hu Meng shot the arrow, his calf suddenly cramped, and he knelt down~~~, sweating profusely, and said softly, "Fortunately..., fortunately, I didn't skip class in archery~~~~~"


Seeing that the hole in the air had been exposed, Chen Zhi yelled hastily, and at the same time sprayed a mouthful of blood on the ground, explosive gas was released from his body, and it spread out in a spiral shape, breaking down the earth immortals and all the chains around him. open.

At the same time, Chen Zhi opened his palm, and a transparent barrier bubble floated out of his hand...

The barrier bubble quickly grew larger, filled Chen Zhi inside, and then quickly floated into the air. Tens of thousands of spiral airflows as thin as gossamer radiated from Chen Zhi's body. The spiral airflow Like a rotating bomb, the surrounding area was once again smashed~~~, everyone escaped~~~~~
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Zhi threw out the airflow line, pulled everyone into the bubble, and rose into the air...

But what happened next made no one even imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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