Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1066 Encountering God

Chapter 1066 Encountering God

"I saw the old fairy...",
The old somersault was contrary to his shrewd and calm normal state, and he spoke to Chen Zhi with vigor and vigor. His forehead was severely injured and wrapped in white gauze like a rice dumpling, but his eyes were full of energy, and his words were excited ~~~, it seems to have been beaten with chicken blood.

"Chen Zi, do you know? I'm lucky~~~, I really saw a real god~~~~"


Hearing this, Chen Zhi's heart tensed up. The figure in white appeared in front of his eyes again. In his memory, Qiu Chuji was always in the clouds, which made people feel very unreal, like a phantom that would dissipate at any time. ~~~~
During these days when Chen Zhi was in a coma, that figure appeared in his dreams time and time again. Sometimes Qiu Chuji seemed to be right in front of his eyes, still facing away from him, holding the floating dust in his hand. Every time Chen Zhi wanted to see When his face, that figure will disappear in an instant, in a flash.

But at this time, Chen Zhi could hear that voice in his mind that seemed so far away: "Son, atone for me......"

"What kind of fairy is that? What did I tell you?" Chen Zhi asked the old somersault.

"That is really an amazing fairy, and he talked to me a lot~~", the old somersault replied excitedly,

"That was after you fainted, I felt that I was shaken awake, and then I saw an old fairy come out~~, that old fairy is amazing, covered in silver, full of fairy air, It's like it just fell from the sky! It's magnificent~~~
That old fairy has no airs at all, and he was very kind when he talked to me, he helped me up, and asked me to carry you out, and chatted with me for a while~~~"

With a happy face, the old somersault began to recall the unforgettable experience in his life,
"The old god is very approachable, after he helped me up, he patted the ashes off my body, and called me old brother.

He told me that he used to have sons and daughters~~~, he had a lot of children, but they are gone now~~~, you are also a child of their family?Please ask me to carry you back, he will repay me~~~
I said I don't have the strength either... how can I, a patient, carry you on such a long journey~~, he said that it doesn't matter, he will give me a ride.

Then he also told me that all the stupid things I did when I was young were bought and sold, and he reported them to the gods above, and the gods forgave me.Although I had this disease, he cured it for me and said that I could live a long life in the future.

Then he patted me on the shoulder, and I suddenly gained the strength to carry you on my back and walk away, this journey~~, it’s like flying through the clouds~~"

"These are true..." Fat Wei echoed beside him,

"We're waiting for you at the pea pods, we didn't have any hope at all~~~
Unexpectedly, after a while, I saw the old golden man coming with his face flushed behind his back. The old golden man was quite scary at that time, his head was covered with blood, his eyes were red, he smirked, and kept giggling~ ~~, it’s like taking drugs~~~, I knew at that time that the old golden man was in trouble! ! ! "

"What nonsense~~~, I met God!!!",
The old somersault immediately dug Fat Wei fiercely, then turned his head and said to Chen Zhi with joy,
"The old god also said that he will come to me to play chess when he is free in the future, and he also wants to go to the teahouse with me~~, he is busy now, and he will come to me when he is free..."

The white and holy shadow in Chen Zhi's mind disappeared in an instant. He looked at the old somersault in front of him a little unbelievably. Continuing on his own,
"That old god calls me brother and brother. He knows everything I did when I was young. He even knows what kind of tea I like to drink. He also invites me to eat tea cakes and melon seeds..."

"Okay, okay...",
Fat Wei couldn't stand listening anymore, he pulled the old somersault out,

"We all know about your old encounter with God. You have told us several times in the past few days, and each time is different. Let's spare Cheng Zi today. Your old talk, when you go home, talk to Ding Ning Said, he must believe all of them."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he looked at the people around him, and a few Mongolian boys came to help~~~
Just as Fat Wei was about to pull Lao Somersault away, Chen Zhi stood up and pulled him back.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Jin, you've said so much? You can see clearly, what does that fairy look like?"

The old somersault suddenly hesitated, he looked at Chen Zhi blankly for a long time, and finally said in a daze:
"The old god's face is full of golden light. I really didn't see his facial features clearly at the time, but the gods~~~, they are all the same, and they are all kind-hearted. How can he be with me? We..."

"Okay, okay, let's go. If you talk a little longer, that old fairy will soon become your wife~~~", Fat Wei couldn't take it anymore, pushed the old somersault away, and then turned to Chen Zhi, He made a gesture on the head, indicating that the brain of the old brain was stimulated and it was no longer normal.

Afterwards, several people coaxed and persuaded again and again, and got the old somersault outside~~~
The old somersault was still extremely excited, and kept yelling in the corridor, saying that the old god was drinking tea and eating melon seeds with him~~~
After Fat Wei pushed the old somersault away, Mr. Muert walked over with a face full of apology, and bowed to Chen Zhi:
"Dear guest, I really can't describe how guilty I am, let alone how grateful I am right now.

For the sake of our family, you suffered such a serious injury, almost took your life, and old Mr. Jin, even got mad~~~, we really can't repay you, my whole family of Borzigit is grateful to you ! ! !
I promise you, from now on, I will be your most loyal friend, no matter what you ask, I will do my best..."

"Thank you~~~",
Hearing this, Chen Zhi nodded politely to Papa Mult.

"You don't have to be polite, as I said before, my ancestors actually owe you a favor.

And I do have a request in the near future, I hope you can agree, but it is inconvenient to say this now~~~, after I am discharged from the hospital, I will go to you, and I will meet the Gala gemstone seal again! ! "

"Of course, I look forward to your arrival anytime!!"

After Mr. Muert finished speaking, he bowed to Chen Zhi again with the Mongolian gift, and left with the other Mongolians.

Hu Meng held Chen Zhi's hand and chatted alone for a while, since he shot that crucial arrow underground, no one called him Prince Hu Meng anymore~~~, Fat Wei and Chen Zhi now both call him Prince Hu Meng. He looks like a brother.

Since Hu Meng came back from Mount Kent, he has now become a great hero in the Golden Family, with a very high status.

Moreover, Hu Meng himself said that because he was seriously injured in the battle with the dragon in the underworld, he can't speak or walk well now, so he needs to be made into a wheelchair, and he needs to be taken care of by a beautiful nurse in uniform.

The beautiful nurse's figure is super hot, she is wearing very transparent clothes, her two thighs in black stockings have caught up with a supermodel, she keeps bending over to reveal her career line, pinches Hu Meng's shoulders and feeds water, and after talking with Hu Meng , twisting his buttocks, pushed the "seriously injured" Hu Meng away.

In the end, Ji Ying was the only one left in the room, and she came over after waiting for everyone to leave~~
She walked to Chen Zhi's bed, bent down and said to Chen Zhi:
"Patriarch, my subordinates have something important to report. I, I saw Ji Yang..."

(End of this chapter)

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