Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1067 A gift between the leaders

Chapter 1067 A gift between the leaders

Ji Ying's expression was very serious at this time, and there was an imperceptible emotion on her Baijiu face, as if she was very concerned about the current conversation. She had been standing in the corner just now, waiting for everyone to leave the room before walking to Chen In front of Chi.

Chen Zhi noticed that Ji Ying was still carrying a cowhide double-pocket bag in his hand, which was bulging inside and the bag was very heavy, so one could tell that there was something heavy in it at a glance.

Ji Ying first put the bag on Chen Zhi's hospital bed solemnly, then covered the opening of the bag, looked at Chen Zhi's face with both eyes, stared for a while, and then said softly:

"Patriarch, when I was waiting for you outside, I saw Ji Yang..."


After Chen Zhi heard the words, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that since Ji Ying would bring the news at this time.

Ji Yang is actually what Bao Ping is most concerned about now. He has been missing for a long time since he pretended to surrender to Anbu. In fact, they have already made preparations to face Ji Yang's death~~~ As for Ji Yang's identity, Except for Bao Ping, Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword, no one knows about it! ! !

"Then what……",
There was no emotion on Chen Zhi's face, he looked at Ji Ying calmly and asked, "Did he tell you anything?"

"Yes..." Ji Ying looked at Chen Zhi and nodded.

"What did he tell you?" Chen Zhi smiled indifferently,
"Did he tell you that everything in the organization is a lie, that Bao Ping and I are deceitful demon kings, and then let you seek refuge in Anbu?"


Ji Ying stared at Chen Zhi's face, carefully observed Chen Zhi's expression,

"Ji Yang gave me something and sent me a message, and I can't confirm the authenticity of this message, nor can I be sure if it will bring you danger!
So, I want you to tell me now, is the defected warrior Ji Yang one of our own? "

Chen Zhi was at a loss for words for a moment, and he didn't know how to answer.

It's not that he can't lie, in fact, as long as he wants to lie now, no one can expose him~~~
But now facing Ji Ying's eyes, he hesitated. He felt that lying was the most difficult thing in the world. Since what happened last time, Chen Zhi hoped that he would never tell lies to this woman again in this life~~
Ji Ying's eyes were very shiny, staring at Chen Zhi like a dark agate, waiting for his answer earnestly, Chen Zhi knew that Ji Ying was a very frank person and always liked to get straight to the point, and her natural intuition of a martial artist , sharper than anyone else.

Just when Chen Zhi was hesitating repeatedly on how to reply her, Ji Ying suddenly lowered her head:
"The subordinate is overstepping, this is not a question that the subordinate should ask, but thank the patriarch for not lying to me, I think..., I already know the answer..."

After Ji Ying finished speaking, she carefully opened the double-carried cowhide bag, and then took out the contents...

It was a very weird wooden box, the outside was covered with bronze sheets, and the structure was very fine. At first glance, it looked like a music box made of tin~~~~
Chen Zhi has seen this kind of thing before, it was in the "Tongjian of Ancient Objects" in Jiang's Library~~~
It is recorded in the book that this was a container used by the gods and nobles to deliver letters and gifts in the age of gods a long time ago.

The gods and people at that time liked to give gifts to each other. Some gifts were very expensive and required special containers. This kind of wooden box is like a safe today. After putting the valuables in it, close the lid, and only the recipient You can only open it yourself, otherwise others will not be able to open it even with a knife~~~, just like the current fingerprint verification.

And on the top of this kind of box, there is a separate mezzanine, and there is a letter in the mezzanine. Before the gods and people open the gift inside, they will see this letter first~~~, so that when the box arrives in the hands of the recipient , There are also gifts and blessings, very complete! ! !

Generally, letters are written with polite words of blessing, such as congratulations on your birthday, or congratulations on the birth of your precious son~~
However, it is recorded in ancient books that the description form of this kind of letter is very special, which can make people have the feeling of "being there in person"~~~
When Chen Zhi read this material, he felt very strange. How could a letter give people the feeling of "being there in person", even the current video can't do it~~~
However, it is also recorded in the data that this kind of box needs to be shaped by some spells, which is very troublesome. If it is not a very expensive gift, this kind of vessel is generally not used, so it was gradually abolished~~ , and none of them have survived in the world until now, and Chen Zhi also saw the hand-drawn drawings on the materials.

I never thought that this kind of ancient thing, which is only used between the gods and the gods, is still reserved in the hands of Anbu~~~
"Is this the only box?"

Chen Zhi stroked the box with his hand, raised his head and asked Ji Ying,


Ji Ying nodded,

"I was standing outside waiting for you. At that time, the temperature was very low, and there was no movement for hundreds of miles around, and there was a dead silence~~~~
But when Ji Yang appeared, I didn't realize it at all, he just appeared like a lifeless shadow, suddenly appeared behind me, if he wanted to take my head at that time , It is as easy as picking something out of a bag~~~
But he didn't do anything to me. He handed me the box, saying that it was a gift from the new God of the Underworld, Yamo, to our leader~~~
Yamo asked Ji Yang to convey:
Anbu has heard the name of the new leader for a long time. The new leader can command Xiqi as a mere human. He admires it very much and hopes to become a confidant! !
He knew that there was something in the leader's heart that he had been thinking about all the time, and he couldn't sleep peacefully every night. He has now put this thing in the box and presented it to the leader as a gift, so that the leader will never have to think about it again~~~~
And said that this gift must be opened by the leader himself! "

"Then what……",
Chen Zhi groped for a dark wooden box with his hands, felt the thin and familiar aura on the wooden box, and asked lightly,
"What else did he say?"

"The words just now were conveyed by Ji Yang to the leader, and the following words are what Ji Yang asked me to convey to you..."
When Ji Ying mentioned this point, she looked at Chen Zhi tightly with her eyes, and said in a very soft voice:

"Samurai Ji Yang asked me to convey to you...

Yamo has absolutely no good intentions this time, if this secret letter is a letter inviting the leader to meet, it must be a grand feast! ! !
Anbu is now full-fledged, and must not be underestimated! ! !

No matter how earnest the words in this letter are, please ask the patriarch to persuade the leader absolutely not to let the leader meet the new god of the underworld, otherwise the leader will be killed by Yamo! ! ! "


(End of this chapter)

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