Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1072 Asking for a handed down item

Chapter 1072 Asking for a handed down item

"Gala Gemstone Seal...",
After hearing Chen Zhi's request, Mr. Muert froze on the spot, his face turned ashen, and his face was uglier than the sole of a shoe.

And the old manservant next to him, after hearing Chen Zhi's request, pulled out the short knife from his waist at once, blew his beard and stared at Chen Zhi, and cursed in Mongolian, that posture could pounce on him at any time Desperate with Chen Zhi.

"******, presumptuous thing~~, go back quickly...",
Father Muert sternly reprimanded the servant, and the old servant backed away muttering, his eyes still fixed on Shen Shen, with a fierce expression on his face~~~
At this moment, Father Muert raised his face to look at Chen Zhi, his old body trembled slightly, Chen Zhi saw that he was crying.

Chen Zhi thought about the various reactions of Papa Muert after hearing this request yesterday, and this is the best reaction, which proves that Papa Mult is ready to keep his promise, and the reason why he shed tears is because of that gem For the golden family, it is too important~~~
This stone named Gala Gemstone Seal is a sacred object of the Mongolians from ancient times to the present. In the myths and legends of the Mongolians, this is a token of the golden god, who was given to the first grandmother of the Mongolians, Alan, as a token of love. Reproduction is also the proof of the identity of the golden family~~~
For a long time, no one was sure whether this seal existed, and this seal itself was a puzzling legend~~~
But during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, an official of the Ministry of Rites found traces of this seal on an old Mongolian leather scroll. Emperor Qianlong was very interested at the time and asked the Mongolian royal family to take out this legendary seal. , dedicated to the Qing emperor.

But the Mongolian royal family refused to obey, insisting that the legendary seal did not exist at all, and rejected Emperor Qianlong's request.

Of course, Qianlong was furious, and sent envoys to reprimand the elders of the Jin family, asking him whether he wanted his life or a seal. Unexpectedly, these Mongols united unprecedentedly. All men and women on the grassland were soldiers. ! ! !
After the founding of New China, the matter of this sacred object is still the inverse scale of Mongolia. No matter which country's foreign envoys visit, they deliberately avoid this matter in front of the Golden Family, as if this seal is really not Exist the same~~~
And now Chen Zhi actually asked for this handed down seal in front of the elders of the Golden Family. For Father Mult, it was even more difficult than asking for his head~~~
It is estimated that this request was heard by other members of the Golden Family, and they would definitely rush forward and fight Chen Zhi to the death.

"My dear guest, your request really embarrasses could you make such a request?",
Father Mult spread his trembling hands and said with tears on his face:
"I did promise you that I would not refuse any of your requests.

But this gemstone is the soul of my entire family and even Mongolia, how can I have the right to give it away?
How about this?I give you four pots of newly produced colorful gems~~~ These gems are so precious that even the head of a country will not refuse~~"

"No need..." Chen Zhi looked at Papa Murt and shook his head gently.

Papa Mult was very desperate, he spread his hands and continued,

"In that case, I will give you a piece of Hanwang armor in the basement. The armor was handed down by King Kublai Khan. It is made of gold and inlaid with countless diamonds and emeralds. Even the European royal family has never seen such an armor. Treasures~~~"

"No~~~", Chen Zhi still shook his head,

"I just want that gem seal!!"

"You son of a bitch~~~", the old manservant suddenly jumped over with a dagger in his hand,

"You Han people are all so treacherous and greedy~~~, you are all disgusting little thieves, it is not enough to give you so many treasures, and you want our national treasure~~, I will cut off your tongue now, and see you Do you want to..."

"Bastard~~, back off..." Father Muert shouted back the servant again, turned around and said to Chen Zhi,
"Dear guest, I really cannot accept your request~~~
It can be said that even if I die a hundred times, my son and grandson die a hundred times, I dare not lose this gem. This is the root of our Mongolians and the testimony of our blood.still……"

"It's still a golden god, a token for your grandmother Alan, right..."
Chen Zhi took the words of Mr. Mult's father and said:
"Father Mult, I want to ask you a question. You Borzigits are all saying that you are the child of the golden god, but in fact, do you really believe it in your heart?

Deep down in your heart, have you ever doubted that the story of your ancestor Alan marrying the golden god did not exist at all. This story is simply a ridiculous legend, just like all kinds of fairy tales in the mountains. It was fabricated, and this Gala gemstone is just a beautiful stone! ! ! ! "

Faced with Chen Zhi's doubts, Father Murt was at a loss for words.

Indeed, even the patriarch of the Golden Family cannot say that he has never doubted this myth. After all, this is a modern society, and these myths are very far away, so far away that they are almost ridiculous~~~
Chen Zhi looked at Papa Murt, and continued to ask.

"Patriarch Mult, if I'm not mistaken, not only you, but all the descendants of the Golden Family, especially the young people of Humeng's generation, have long since disbelieved in this legend."

Speaking of this, Mr. Muert immediately put his hands on his chest, his face was very serious,
"This is a story passed down from our ancestors. We Mongolians are proud. We are the children of the golden god. We all believe it is true...""

"I believe, but I'm not sure, right!",
Chen Zhi looked at Father Muert with sharp eyes, and after pondering for a long time, he said in a very low voice,
"Patriarch Mult, listen carefully, everything I say now is true, and I'm officially telling you one thing.

The story of the golden gods that you Mongolians have passed down from generation to generation is completely true! ! ! !
Your ancestors did indeed have a relationship with the gods, and they bred descendants with the gods~~~
But it is estimated that this ancestor named Alan should not be an ordinary village woman, and she is not as gentle as your legend~~~
As for the true identity and name of your ancestor Alan, as well as what really happened at that time, I don't know, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, there is indeed the blood of the gods in your body.

And the identity of this god is extremely noble, he is the ruler of the gods and the human world in Chinese legend, Fuxi's family! "

 [Thanks to: Snow Cat Sister Wan Reward Plus Update]

  This is the most previous account, the most original bill is as follows, after paying these, then pay the later~~~cough cough~~
  ♀Snow cat, second watch

  haseoyy, two more

  Deep-fried Crab and Ginger Porridge with Abalone and Sea Cucumber

  g55amg one update

(End of this chapter)

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