Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1073 Asking for the Heirloom

Chapter 1073 Asking for the Heirloom ([-])

After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Father Muert stood there as if struck by lightning, his eyes widened and he couldn't say a word.

Even the Mongols know the legend of the ancestor of China, the ancient emperor Fuxi, but this legend is a bit too ethereal~~~, it is unbelievably ethereal~~~
But today's news is like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for them to accept~~~
Papa Mult stood there without moving, but the old servant beside him almost didn't jump up, and rushed to the front of Papa Mult, and shouted at Chen Zhi impolitely,

"Chinese, is what you said true?

Are we really the children of the gods, the children of the god Fuxi?

Haha~~~, it turns out that this is all true! ! !

I knew that we Mongols are the descendants of the gods and the kings of the grasslands, you Han people..."

"Presumptuous, go back!",
After Papa Muert regained his composure, he immediately yelled at the old manservant beside him.

Then he turned around, opened his hands to Chen Zhi, and asked respectfully:
"Dear guest, I believe you won't tease me, an old man~~~
I have lived for more than 70 years, and I have seen countless storms and mysterious things in my life~~~, but what you just said is simply unbelievable to me.

Of course, I've heard from my grandson, you guys had so many unbelievable experiences underground, I always thought my grandson, like poor Mr. King, was crazy.

But now that these words come out of your mouth, I know that all of this is true, it is simply unbelievable, and I am proud of the noble blood of my family.

But I want to ask you one thing, if we are really the blood of the gods as you said, why don't we have divine power? "

"You were supposed to have divine power..." Chen Zhi said,

"It is because of this natural divine power that you are nine feet tall, brave and good at fighting, conquering the world~~~~, and one of your heroes, Yelu Chucai, has a natural divine eye~~~
But those things have already passed, and you didn’t use those divine powers to do what you should do, so you gradually integrated into human beings, and now you are completely human beings! ! !

And there is..."
When Chen Zhi said this, he lowered his head slightly, smiled after thinking for a while, and looked up at Father Murt,

"Also, remember the animal skin you passed down? You once doubted the authenticity of that animal skin, thinking that it was left unintentionally by your ancestors~~~
But I can tell you now with certainty that the animal skin is older than the oracle bone inscriptions, and every word on it is authentic. It is probably the oldest inscription in the world, and it is written in divine characters.

The contents of these texts are:

"You will always remember that although I have given you blood, but your mother's family background is low, you must not get involved in the God Realm!!!

Among my sons of God, there must be someone who is good at using spirit stones. You can use this heavenly treasure spirit stone as a token, ask Zen to enshrine the gods, and ask him to teach you the etiquette, otherwise, if you don’t get rid of your wild nature, you will violate the great precept of killing~~~
However, this matter cannot be delayed for ten generations, otherwise your blood will be human forever~~~, remember! !Remember! ! "

"What does it mean……",
Papa Mult asked,

"Our golden family has more than a few hundred generations~~~"

"Yes~~", Chen Zhi nodded,
"There are two things in this:

First, your ancestors can use this gem to find a specific person and become a god, but there is a time limit, and now you have already exceeded this limit for a long, long time~~~
The second is that your matriarchal lineage, Alan, has a humble background and cannot be involved in the God Realm.

This concept of humble birth is very broad. In the eyes of the gods, human beings are humble, and some creatures other than humans are also humble, and this bloodline is also because of this savage nature, which led to the committing of a mass killing..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Because of the excitement, Mr. Mult was obviously a little dazed for a while,
"You mean that our ancestor Alain..."

"Hey? I didn't say anything, don't think too much..."
Chen Zhi smiled and looked at Papa Murt,

"I'm just saying that people are always willing to imagine things in legends to be beautiful. Generations after generations have beautified many things, many characters and gods, and even beautified their feelings.

Of course, this is just my guess. After all, it was so long ago. The biological world at that time was completely different from what it is now. We didn’t even have the basis for imagination, so we didn’t know what happened at that time. We can't understand either...

But one thing I can be sure of is that the opportunity for your family to become a god has long been missed, and now you can only be human forever...

And the Gala gem that can seal you as gods has no meaning to you.

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this..."
Father Mult heard so many things at once, and his world view was subverted for a while. He really couldn't accept it. He grabbed his head with both hands excitedly,

"Then why? Why didn't that person come to educate us as promised, why didn't we consecrate our ancestors? If then..."

"No if...",
Chen Zhi looked at Papa Murt seriously,

"No matter what the reason is that he gave up on you, all of this has passed, a long, long time has passed~~, the gods are dead, and now it is the world of humans~~~, and you are now living humans!! !"

"This is really unbelievable...",
Father Muert's face turned blue, his lips were trembling constantly, he clutched his heart, and with the help of the servant, he returned to the chair and sat for a while, then he slowly recovered~~~ , sanity gradually came back~~~
"Thank you dear guest, if you hadn't told me, I don't think we would have known this secret for generations, it is so important to us, since then we finally know where our roots are!!!

It turns out that our bloodline is really as brilliant as in the legend~~~~, I am proud of it, and die without regret~~~
But I have a question for you...

Who is the person who can make us gods thousands of years ago?

And you..., who are you?How would you know such a secret? "

After hearing Papa Mult's question, Chen Zhi was silent for a while, and finally raised his head to look at Papa Mult's face,

"I think you should have heard of his name. His surname is Jiang and his name is Shang. He is from the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Chinese call him Jiang Ziya!!

That Gala gemstone seal was originally left for him, but he didn't come to pick it up~~~
And I am his only descendant in this world..."

(End of this chapter)

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