Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1074 Asking for the Heirloom

Chapter 1074 Asking for the Heirloom ([-])

"So it's like this~~~, so it's like this~~~~"

Papa Muert immediately stood up, saluted Chen Zhi grandly, then walked over, held Chen Zhi's hands tremblingly,

"Even if we are grassland people, who doesn't know about Jiang Ziya, the legendary god-man in Chinese history?

It turns out that you have such a noble status, you are simply the sunshine on the grassland~~~, your arrival makes me Borzigit's luxuriant, why didn't you say it earlier, you should live in my room, I'll change your clothes myself..."

"You don't have to be polite..."
Chen Zhi took the hand of Mr. Muerte and said:
"As I said just now, please give me the Gem Seal of Gala!!!
It means nothing to you now, but it means a lot to me, maybe it will help me to create a great god...

Of course, you can rest assured that after the gem seal is handed over to me, I will keep it completely secret. Your descendants and the world will never know what happened today!Gala gemstone seals will always be the heirlooms of the gold family and exist in people's legends~~~”

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Mr. Muert immediately fell silent, and then he sat down and stopped talking.

He kept his head down, he was silent for a long time like this, there was no sound around, just when Chen Zhi thought he was going to be silent like this forever~~~
Suddenly, old Muert's tears flowed down~~, and then he began to cry loudly, like a child who did something wrong.

He cried like this for a long time, and finally said:
"Okay!!! Maybe this is fate~~~~
You Chinese have a saying, "return things to their original owners". Since this gem originally belonged to China, then return it to the person in charge of it! ! !

I believe that you will use this gemstone for righteous things. I heard from my grandson that you are a very brave person and you have faith in your heart! ! !

I have also heard what you have seen and heard below, and I express my sincerest apologies for the past behavior of us Mongolians!
I hope that this gem bestowed by the gods can display its true divine power in your hands~~~~"

After Mr. Mult finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked the old manservant beside him to open the basement mechanism.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing...",
At this moment, Chen Zhi's eyes suddenly became sharp,

"Father Mult, I think you also know that what I just said is absolutely confidential, and no possibility of leakage is allowed. You are the patriarch of the Golden Family, and you should know these secrets.
But others..."

Speaking of this, Chen Zhi turned his attention to the old manservant next to Father Murt.Then he raised his hand lightly, and in an instant, the surrounding air flow quickly reversed, and the originally transparent air suddenly became as sharp as a knife, touching the skin of a person, and could pierce a person's heart at any time.

"I suggest that this person can be disposed of to prevent the secret from being leaked..." Chen Zhi looked at the old servant indifferently, as if looking at a corpse.

Chen Zhi's sudden change made Mr. Muert and the old manservant gasp. Chen Zhi, who was still a human just now, suddenly turned into another thing, and this kind of thing is very cold, without any Human love~~~
"What are you doing? Please don't kill me! Chief Murt, protect me~~~",
The old manservant is obviously very proficient in Chinese, he understood everything Chen Zhi said just now, he hurried over and grabbed the sleeve of Mr. Muert, speaking Mongolian, which meant to ask Mr. Muert to protect him .

"Let him go..."
Father Muert was very afraid of the current Chen Zhi, and immediately clasped his hands together and begged:

"Dear guest, why do you suddenly say such unfeeling words~~~
He is not an ordinary servant, he is my concubine younger brother, he has been with me all his life, he may have a temper, but I know his character, I can guarantee that he will never leak the secret~~~
Please believe me, let the guest trust me, let him go~~~" After Mr. Murt finished speaking, he looked at Chen Zhi with tears in his eyes, and tightly guarded the old manservant beside him.

"Of course, this is your family business...",
Chen Zhi nodded slightly and smiled, then raised his hand, and the air immediately returned to normal~~~
Father Mult and the old manservant both breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if they had hallucinations just now, Chen Zhi still stood in front of them with a smile on his face, the surrounding air was still transparent, and there was nothing~~~
The old manservant then went to turn on the switch of the basement, and Chen Zhi followed Mr. Mult into the secret treasure house of the Golden Family again.

Of course, when Chen Zhi saw that golden gemstone seal again, Chen Zhi felt his heart was touched again~~~
The gorgeous golden light instantly reflected the entire room into golden yellow, and even Chen Zhi himself was covered with a golden film.

And Papa Muert was in tears, took out the square seal with trembling hands, and solemnly handed it to Chen Zhi...

"Dear guest, please look, this is the token of the golden yellow god sent to our grandmother Alan in our Mongolian mythology, the Gala gemstone seal!

From now on, it is yours, please..., please treat it well!

After Mr. Muert handed over the seal to Chen Zhi, he burst into tears uncontrollably, looking at Chen Zhi with infinite entrustment in his eyes~~~
"rest assured!!"

Chen Zhi solemnly took over the Gala gem from Mr. Muert,
"I will treat it well, from now on, it will be as important as my life~~~
This spirit stone is in my hands, it will definitely display its true power, it will create a god~~~~"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he held the seal in his hand tightly.

Suddenly, he felt that this spirit stone seemed to be alive, and it squirmed slightly in his hand.
Then Chen Zhi suddenly felt a pain in the palm of his hand, a piercing pain came from his palm, Chen Zhi hurriedly opened his hand.

I saw that his hands were already covered with blood at this time, and the Gala gemstone seal seemed to be able to suck blood, sucking blood greedily through the skin of his palm.

And Chen Zhi's blood penetrated through the skin of the gemstone, and was being passed into it bit by bit, and finally appeared in the middle of the gemstone...

(End of this chapter)

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