Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096

Just like last time, Chen Zhi took out a piece of yellow paper from his pocket, then drew the round totem of summoning the black bird on the yellow paper, put it in front of his mouth, and began to silently recite the summoning mantra!

However, unlike last time, the summoning spell went very smoothly this time. Chen Zhi didn't finish reciting the summoning spell, and the mysterious bird appeared.

The swirling wind roared in the night sky, and Xuanniao's feathered body shrank into a black shadow in the strong wind, and then fell down with the wind, revealing her human body.

Objectively speaking, Jian Di, as a black bird, has a very fierce appearance. Her feathers are very thick, she has a long beak and sharp teeth, her olive-shaped eyes are fierce, and her feathers are thick and shiny, like a flexible bird. Like a metal dart, it completely envelops its body. It is estimated that this big bird is very difficult to deal with when facing the enemy! ! !

As a human being, she is the pure and quiet type, and I belong to the one that I feel pity for! !

Jian Di's figure is very slim, even a little thin. Her chin is pointed, her eyes are agile, her pink lips are slightly raised like cherries, her waist and ankles are thin, and her fingers are pointed. The lightness, when not speaking, is like a lovely lotus flower! ! !
If you don't know her real identity, you can probably equate her with Lin Daiyu! ! !

When Jian Di fell from the sky, she glanced left and right with her nimble eyes, and first glanced at Chen Zhi lightly, the expression on her face was a little uncertain, but it was much softer than last time.

"Patriarch Chen, why did you summon me here? Is it because of the last bet?"

Chen Zhiman looked at Jian Di in front of him with a smile,
"It seems that you are quite a brave bird, you dare to come here after knowing the ending!! I think, you still remember what your bet was last time!!!

If the thing in my hand is really Jiang Ziya's magic whip from the past, then you"

"The god vowed to die by being burned by fire...",
Jian Di solemnly repeated this sentence with a serious expression~~~
"Patriarch Chen has underestimated you~~~~
Although the god is humble, but since he is a god, he promises as much as other gods, even if he burns himself, it is nothing more than death, so what is there to be afraid of?Why run away~~~~"

Chen Zhi smiled and looked at Jian Di in front of him, thinking that he really underestimated this little bird,
"Then it looks like you're ready!!! Then..."

"Wait a moment!!!",
Jian Di interrupted Chen Zhi, looked at Chen Zhi with piercing eyes and said,

"The Wenxue Holy Mountain where the Light Second Gods are located is a unique world, even the mysterious bird can't see that place~~~~
If the Patriarch of the Light Second God, Time Juzi, really admits what Patriarch Chen has in hand, please let me see the proof! !If it is true what Patriarch Chen said, His Majesty will definitely entrust this life to the Patriarch, and will never break his word~~~~"

When Jian Di said these words, her face turned blue. It could be seen that she was actually very scared, but demigods were like this. They were always able to face death, just like Qin Yueyang in the past. Although he was very timid and cowardly, But when faced with death, he was still very calm.

Chen Zhi smiled and stretched out his hand, surrounded by mist in his hand, and then a flash of inspiration appeared, and the gleaming silver ring jumped out of his hand with a bang~~, instantly illuminating the surrounding darkness brightly,

"The time giant said that Jiang Shang liked to turn this thing into a whisk 5000 years ago, making people forget that it was originally a weapon!!!
At that time, the giant of time also jokingly said that he wanted to make a beautiful tassel for this whisk, but at that time, the war was chaotic and Jiang Shang was caught in the flames of war all day long, so this matter was forgotten...

This time the magic whip reappeared in the world again. In order to fulfill the promise of the past, Time Giant specially gifted me with a special tassel, which was tied to the dust whisk. When the magic whip turns into a whisk, it will be revealed. To prove their past friendship.

Do you want to see..."
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, with a slight thought, the ring in his hand began to change instantly,
The ring became soft all over, like noodles that had been kneaded, it began to grow longer and wider, twisting left and right, and under a cloud of spiritual light, it turned into a snow-white whisk!

The dust whisk is still very holy, spotless, the silk ribbons are as shiny as silver threads, and the handle of the dust whisk is shiny silver, even if it is the highest quality platinum, it cannot be compared to one ten-thousandth of it.

And under the handle, there is a section of tassel made of silver thread. The tassel is like a silver smoke, floating in the air, looming, like a phantom, but also like a real existence. Its magical feeling is indescribable.

"This is made of the silver whiskers of the Time Giant...",
Chen Zhi picked up the whisk, handed it to Jian Di to watch, and continued,

"The time giant said that they are already old, and their family is not good at attacking and fighting, and they want to hide in the Wenxue Holy Mountain from now on, and live in peace...

They believed that the battles in the world could not be done with a snap of the fingers, and now they gave away the beard for the whip of the gods, and the fate with Jiang Shang in the past came to an end! ! !

How are you, Jane Di! !Is this a certificate? "

"This..., this is really a magic whip? The world's magic weapon...",
Jian Di's hands were trembling, and she wanted to touch the shining silver whisk, but she seemed a little scared, so she immediately withdrew her hands, and tears welled up in her eyes.
"His Majesty already knows the dignity of the patriarch, but the patriarch is unaware of the humbleness of His Majesty...",
When Jian Di said this, her body trembled flutteringly, as if a gust of wind could blow her away~~~,

"God is not a decent black bird, most of the black bird bastards are of human blood, and my father is nothing more than a ghost eagle with a lifespan, and the mother who is a black bird gave birth to my bloodline!!

Because of his low status, my father was not recognized by the Xuanniao patriarch. In the end, he ordered my father to be killed and stewed, and the clansmen shared the food.

My mother cried blood and died, so I swear to avenge her! ! !Let me slaughter all the clansmen when I become an adult. From then on, I know that I am only half a black bird, and the other bloodline... called orcs,

But I am more powerful than those black birds. My claws can strip their feathers and gnaw their flesh and blood. Since then, all the demigods have spurned me. For hundreds of years, they have regarded me as a beast Crazy birds, never have any demigods, intersect with me~~, even, don't live in the same place with me~~~~
From then on, I thought I would never be accepted by the Protoss again. I would be alone forever. Even after death, my ancestors would not allow me...

For hundreds of years, a person has lived alone in the world, alone, and when he was very lonely, he also admired the Xiqi Jiang family and tried to join the banner~~~, just like the gods and witches like Yan Ya, who are respected by people, and there are also people after death. Incense worship~~~~
But among the demigods, who doesn't know that the authentic Jiang family has been unattainable since ancient times, and the patriarch of the Jiang family sits in the west of Wangcheng, so he can't tolerate a beastman demigod like me who slaughters the same kind~~~~, so I am timid~~~ ~~
There is nothing to love in this world, even if I didn't meet Patriarch Chen by chance, I think I will die soon~~~
I didn't expect that before I was about to die, I could see the magic whip that my ancestors used to make them slaves. It seems that my ancestors did not abandon me, and I died without regret..."

After Xuanniao finished speaking, she bent her knees and knelt down obediently on the ground, with her soft silk hair hanging down, she lowered her head,
"God is willing to gamble and admit defeat, and is willing to give this life to Patriarch Chen, you do it!!!"

Chen Zhi's face suddenly became icy cold, he uttered the Fiery Curse, and pointed at Jian Di's body, a circle of flames immediately flashed around Jian Di,
"It hurts to be burned by the fire, you are ready..."

 Thanks for the reward: the supernatural professor; yi iiiiii; Chenmi oy500;

(End of this chapter)

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