Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1097

Chapter 1097
"Jian Di, it hurts a lot from the fire, you have to be ready..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he raised his right hand and silently recited the Fiery Curse, and the scorching flames began to wrap around Jian Di's side, like a huge brazier~~~
In fact, this fire curse is only an intermediate and advanced spell in the classics of Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion. The method used is not too technical, it is just a simple burning fire, not as ferocious as the wind and thunder curse, it is not Chen Zhi's favorite type.

However, the extremely high temperature can be burned in this raging fire, the highest can even reach several thousand degrees, and the metal can be easily melted away.

"From the records, it can be seen that this fire curse was prevalent in ancient times, and it was basically used to punish disobedient bastard demigods! Even a huge demigod as tall as a small building can be burned to ashes by this fire curse~ ~~
"Jane Di, the son of the mysterious bird~~~",
Chen Zhi looked at Jian Di who was kneeling on the ground in the raging fire and asked:
"I'll ask you one last time... don't you regret being burned by the fire?"

"No regrets!!!"

Jian Di knelt in the fire, raised her proud chin:

"My God is a descendant of the gods, I am willing to bet and admit defeat, and I will never break my promise~~~~
And my fleeting life is already worthless, since the patriarch wants it, let's give it to the patriarch! ! ! "

"it is good!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he frowned tightly, turned his palms, and released all the fire spells. The raging fire instantly turned into a spiral shape, and quickly attacked Jian Di in the middle.

Jian Di, who was kneeling in the middle, was instantly engulfed by the flames~~~

In such a scorching fire, no creature can remain calm. When the heat wave hit, Jian Di immediately screamed fiercely. Her body changed instantly, and huge wings emerged from her arms, with thick and beautiful feathers. Accompanied by the raging fire, the flames soared into the sky, she screamed crazily, the sound was so painful that people would collapse in fear~~~
But at this time, Chen Zhi had completely sealed off the surroundings of the courtyard with an enchantment, no matter how much Jian Di screamed and wailed in the courtyard, no sound could be heard from outside~~
The violent scream lasted less than half a second before the fire was extinguished.

When the fire dissipated, look at Jian Di in the middle. Her long hair had been completely burned, her clothes had been turned into fly ash, her plump feathers had been burnt into charcoal, and the surrounding area was full of charred smell.

Jian Di was obviously terrified just now, her lower half was now in the state of a bird, her huge feathers were basically burned, and her wings were trembling with charcoal stars, and he trembled like this for a while , and took human form again.

Her whole body was covered with burnt skin, she knelt down on the ground with a thud, and looked at Chen Zhi with fear on her face:
"Patriarch, you..., what do you mean?"

"What? I spare your life, aren't you happy?"

Chen Zhi smiled and looked at Jian Di, silently uttered a spell, released a breeze, and dispersed the coke around her~~~
Jian Di's thin body like a girl was completely exposed in front of him,
"The feeling of being burned by the fire just now, you have already felt it!!!"

Chen Zhi looked at Jian Di with a smile, then his tone was very serious,

"Jiandi, the son of Xuanniao, you once slaughtered your own kind, and then you were abandoned by the gods. You are a guilty body~~~~
The burning fire just now is your punishment~~~~, your sins will be written off~~~~~
From now on, you are the witch under my Jiang family, and you must obey my orders in everything you do! ! !

If you dare to disobey your orders, you will end up burning yourself in flames! !

And..., or without my permission, don't try to eat people~~
The witches under my Jiang family~~~~, cannot feed on humans! ! ! ! "

After Jian Di heard Chen Zhi's words, she was very excited, her eyes widened, and the round eyes flashed with aura, like two watery glass balls,
"Patriarch, what do you mean? Are you going to recruit me into Xiqi King City to be a witch?"

"There is no past suspicion between us, so why bother?

Besides, you Xuanniao were originally the witches under my Jiang family, but you have never looked for us in the past few hundred years..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he took off his coat and put it on Jian Di, and stretched out a hand to Jian Di who was kneeling on the ground,

"Jian Di, what use do I want your life for?
What I want... is your loyalty! ! ! "

Upon hearing this, Jian Di stretched out her hands tremblingly to hold Chen Zhi, as if holding the only support in the world, then buried her head down, sobbing and crying,
The appearance of her crying is exactly that of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old little girl, alone, wandering, like a tired bird that has been flying alone for hundreds of years, and finally found the other shore~~~~~~

It was almost noon the next day when Fat Wei got up from the bed. He drank too much this time, and he was still staggering when he got up. Vomiting and diarrhea, humming and chirping~~~
It was also the first time for Ding Ning to drink so much alcohol. He had been complaining about headaches since the morning, and asked Chen Zhi to take sick leave for him. He didn't want to go to school anymore.

As a result, Ding Ning reluctantly carried his schoolbag and went to school with his lips pouting after Chen Zhi gave the king a scorn.

But at noon, Chen Zhi received a call from Bao Ping himself...

The difference from the previous style is that this time, Bao Ping was a little hesitant to talk on the phone. He said that the abandoned Shenxi was sent to Professor Liao's research group a few days ago, and now the results have been produced.

Sure enough, as Chen Zhi expected, the position of the signature on the divine seal was indeed polished, and the time of polishing was about 1000 years ago, and the time was exactly the same.

However, the location of the polishing is very deep, leaving few traces, and after nearly a thousand years, the exact traces have basically been found.

However, Professor Liao's working group is really powerful. They used the anti-reaction function of the potion to reveal the hidden traces on the back bit by bit. After a period of oxidation, a group of blurred artificial spots finally appeared on that part The traces proved to be hand-carved characters.

Sure enough, there was another name hidden on those discarded jade seals...

According to Bao Ping, this is a familiar name in China, and it once had a deep connection with the organization! ! ! !

After learning the name, Bao Ping immediately realized that this was a big deal, and immediately brought Shenxi back to the Bishi Pavilion from the organization, and invited Chen Zhi to come to the Bishi Pavilion to meet right away! ! !
It is said that the information hidden on the seal of the gods is far more complicated than they imagined...

(End of this chapter)

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