Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1098 Huaxia Killing God

Chapter 1098 Huaxia Killing God

The autumn temperature in the Northeast has gradually cooled down. With the bleak autumn wind, the dead leaves are flying around, which always gives people a desolate autumn feeling~~~~
When Xiao Keba's car was parked downstairs, Fat Wei was still holding his toilet in the toilet and vomited profusely. Looking at it like this, it might last a whole day!

Chen Zhi didn't call Pang Wei this time, he put on a random piece of clothing, closed the shutter door, and got into the small car.

Because Xiao Keba drank with them yesterday, he thought he was already in the circle. Along the way, he immediately opened up the chatterbox, and started to call Chen Zhi his brother and brother, talking endlessly.

He said that he already has a future plan in the Bao family, but he should not be too high-profile. The first step now is to quickly become a full-time employee and get into the position of manager. Chen Zhi is required to help him! ! ! !

During this process, Chen Zhi kept leaning sideways on the car glass, not listening to Xiao Keba's nonsense, but looking at the flying scenery outside, thinking about the name that Bao Ping said.
"The person who has a relationship with the organization, the god of death in Chinese history...

Is that really the case..."

Thinking of this, Chen Zhi always felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart, a feeling of being at the mercy of fate, which spontaneously arose,

"Is everything arranged?

Are things that happen decades, or even hundreds of years later, nothing more than a move in a chess game?
And me, including Bao Ping, Ghost Saber, everyone, including my father...are they nothing more than a pawn in a chess game?Then if one day, this pawn becomes meaningless..."

The car flew forward quickly, and with Xiao Keba's eloquent speech, the car finally stopped at the door of the Shelter Pavilion.

This time, Chen Zhi saw the warm scene of the past again, and the old somersault stood at the door of the Shelter Pavilion to pick him up again.

The old somersault looked very good, wearing a light gray cashmere sweater with prominent Italian brands embroidered on the neckline.

Chen Zhi still has some understanding of some high-end men's clothing. The price of that sweater is extremely high, and there are no more than a hundred pieces in the world~~~ It seems that Lao Somersault really appreciates life this time and knows how to enjoy it. ~~~~
"Chen Zi!! Here you come! Come in! Waiting for you...",
The old somersault came out with a smile on his face, and brought Chen Zhi in.

Along the way, the old somersault kept taking the initiative to talk to Chen Zhi, the contents were all innocuous and polite words, and he never gave Chen Zhi a chance to speak, as if he was very afraid of Chen Zhi asking questions.

Chen Zhi knew that the old somersault was actually afraid that he would ask that question again, about the real scene he saw underground.

Chen Zhi had actually thought about using the mantra to enter Lao Dou Dou's mind and search for his deepest memory, but with Lao Dou Dou's state of resistance, he couldn't bear it, and it was very dangerous to force it.

Compared to the old fate of the old somersault, Chen Zhi finally gave up on this idea...

The old somersault enthusiastically brought Chen Zhi to the second floor, and then led him into the secret room.

The secret room was still the same as before. They should have been drinking tea just now, and the room was filled with the aroma of hot tea just brewing.

Bao Ping sat there alone, with the cup of blood-red blood crystal still in his hand, and two red-belt warriors, Asuo and Ji Ying, stood behind him.

"You go out first!!

I chatted casually with the patriarch, if you don't ask you, you don't have to come in! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he waved his hands to the left and right,

Hearing the words, Asuo and Ji Ying bowed to Chen Zhi, and then left the room. Old Somersault politely poured tea for Chen Zhi, exchanged a few words, and left the dark room.

After the darkroom door was closed, Bao Ping waved to Chen Zhi, then pointed to the opposite chair,

"Come and sit!!

There are some things that we need to touch..." After Bao Ping finished speaking, he took out the cigarettes from the cigarette case again.

Chen Zhi strolled over, sat on the chair opposite Bao Ping, picked up the teacup on the table and scratched the lid of the cup, then put it to his mouth, and looked at the corner of the table.

There was a small object wrapped in silk, the binding was very simple, and inside was a boxy figure.

Chen Zhi could confirm at a glance that the bread there was the abandoned seal he brought back from Mongolia~~~~
"Did the test result come out?"

Chen Zhi took a sip of hot tea lightly, then put down the cup,
"What's the name on it? Is it from a long time ago?"

Bao Ping also smiled, and put the blood-red blood crystal in his hand on the table,
"It's been a long time indeed, and as you imagined, the name on it is a real god of death!!!!

And this killing god has some connections with our organization! ! ! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he lit a cigarette, flicked it on the ashtray, and continued,
"Did you know that during the Warring States period, there was a famous general in Qin State, who was called Ren Tu?"

"heard about it!!!!",
Chen Zhi nodded slightly,

"I heard that this famous general has high martial arts skills, has gone through several battles, and is invincible. He is an ever-victorious general in the Warring States Period~~~, known as the undefeated god of war!!!!
But he was bloodthirsty and ruthless by nature, everywhere he went, there were corpses strewn all over the fields, and he wanted to slaughter people as soon as he saw him, which made the six kingdoms terrified, so he was also called human butcher! ! !
And the Qin Dynasty relied on him in the end to unify the six kingdoms and gain the world! ! !
He can be regarded as a hero in the Warring States period, but he was too bloodthirsty, so people in later generations called him both the God of War and the God of Killing! ! ! !

When Chen Zhi said this, he smiled:

"Is the name on the stone really white?"

"Yes~~, it's him!!!",
Bao Ping was still lightly flicking the cigarette ash,

"What you just said is Bai Qi in history, it is Bai Qi passed down by the people~~~~
But the real whiteness, I guess you don't know it well..."

After Bao Ping finished speaking, he threw Chen Zhi a stack of materials, which were all printed text, the first few sheets were all white printing paper, and the black and white characters were very clear~~~
[Ying surnamed Bai, named Qi, a famous general of the Qin State, known as "Rentu"

His ancestor was from the royal family of the Qin State. He joined the army at the age of 15. Because of his bravery in battle, he made many military exploits. He was noticed by the power minister of the Qin State, Ranghou Wei Ran.

Later, Bai Qi made great achievements repeatedly, winning every battle, which frightened the six countries. The most famous of them was the Battle of Changping. It laid a solid foundation for Qin to sweep the six countries in the future!

When Bai Qi was in his prime, he was conferred the title of Lord Wu'an by the King of Qin. Later, because he had kind thoughts in his old age and did not want to fight again, he was given a sword by the King of Qin to slay himself! ! !Since then, he has won the sympathy of the people of Qin and treated his descendants kindly.

Today, in Baijia Village, Changxing Town, Mei County, there are still people with the surname Bai and the cemetery of Baiqi! ! !

Bai Qi was good at fighting all his life, and left a great reputation in the history of China~~~, even Mao Zedong once said: "In terms of fighting annihilation war, no one can beat it for thousands of years~~", later generations call him Because, the Undefeated God of War, also known as the God of Undead Killing! ! ! ! 】

"I've seen these materials on the Internet before...",
After Chen Zhi turned a few pages, he continued:

"But what is the relationship between this general during the Warring States Period and the organization?"

"You look back...",
Bao Ping pointed to the black papers behind the stack of materials,
"Those just now are Baiqi in the historical records,
And the latter ones are the real white ones in the organization's secret files..."

 Thanks for the reward: Remilia has integrity; Siwu; Yu 1888; Shenda Expressway;
(End of this chapter)

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