Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1099

Chapter 1099

The next few pages are all on a black background, and all of them are rubbings. They are polished with fluorescent powder, and it is very difficult to read. It can be seen that the stone inscriptions on the tombstone were originally transferred from paper. ~~~
Chen Zhi looked up at the paper with the help of the light, and saw that the first thing written on it was an ancient stone inscription. Because the sentence was complicated, there were many signs of modern characters around it. The overall reading content is as follows...

【Secret Records of Emperor Zhou:】

[Bai Qi, after the nobles of Qin State.

His father is Gongsun Baigong, and the identity of his mother is a mystery. After giving birth to him, he left her.

After this son was born, his strength was boundless, his body swift and swift, and he was a martial arts prodigy.

At the age of five, a black dog can be strangled to death, and at the age of nine, a lion and bear can be killed. Every time a prey is killed, its intestines will be turned out, and it will be eaten alive. It looks like a wild beast.
His father knew that he was cruel by nature, so he asked many famous teachers to teach him, hoping to lead him into the right way, and read all kinds of schools~~
Unexpectedly, although this son is wild by nature, he is extremely intelligent and quick-witted. He has collected scriptures and books, and he understands everything.

Especially for military strategists' formations, swords, spears and fists, they are self-taught! ! !
When he was young, this son often observed the terrain near Mount Qi, simulated the formation of troops, and was very obsessed with military books and strategies. He told his father that most people in the world are stupid. Ghosts and gods are soldiers, no one in the world can block my way~~~,

His father admired him and believed that he would become an outstanding general in the future. He remembered the story of the famous general Wu Qi, and gave him the name Bai Qi~~~, and reported it to King Qin, raised him well, and planned to emulate Qin State in the future! ! !

When he was 14 years old, his father hired a woman as his wife. One day, seeing the woman making soup and crying alone, he asked her why.

The beautiful woman replied, "My husband has a strange habit. He ordered me to cut off the flesh from the bone and put it into the soup for him to eat. If he doesn't obey, he will beat me with thorns.
I cut my flesh every day, and one day I will die here,

His father was terrified, knowing that his son would inherit his mother's blood, that his nature was immortal, and that he liked to eat people, so he ordered thousands of elite soldiers to arrest his son, chain his ribs with iron chains, and imprison him in a dry well.
He also ordered that no food or water be released, causing him to die of starvation! ! !

Then he played with the King of Qin again, telling his deeds and deeds, and said that this son must not be hired~~~~, otherwise all the kings and kings of the world will die in the hands of this son~~~~
However, during Qin Zhaogong's time, Qin State was besieged by six kingdoms. In a world of great strife, the King of Qin was eager to win the world, but he had no strong generals, and he was depressed all day long.

The Prime Minister of the State of Qin, Ranghou Wei Ranjian said:
"I heard that there is a son in Bai Gong's family who was born as a god general and can be of great use!!! But because his father didn't like it, he was trapped in the well, and his life and death are unknown!!!
If my lord needs a good general, you can go to the White Mansion and ask for this son~~~ Even if he has a violent temper and likes to kill and eat meat, he is nothing more than the true nature of a man~~~~, give him a slave every day for him to eat~~ ~"

Qin Zhaogong was very relieved after hearing this, so he ordered his guards to go to Baigong's mansion and take his son out~~~
Bai Gong had no choice but to release Bai Qi at last. At that time, Bai Qi had been trapped in the well for a year, and the water and rice had not been taken in. The skinny beast did not die! !

Since then, Bai Qi has repeatedly made military exploits. He has experienced more than 40 battles and has never been defeated. In the battle of Changping, [-] Zhao troops were killed, and in the battle of Yingdu, hundreds of thousands of Chu people were drowned. Unstoppable, Bai Qi is also known as the Immortal God of War! ! !

Qin Zhaogong was overjoyed, and gave him the title of Marquis of Wu'an, and gave him a residence in Wu'an~~~
However, after Bai Qi was middle-aged, his true nature was revealed. He slaughtered more than ten slaves every day and devoured their flesh, making the Marquis' mansion like a bloody hell.

The people in Wu'an were in fear all day long, no one dared to live there, and they all migrated southward.

King Qin had no choice but to issue an imperial edict to reprimand Bai Qi to restrain him~~~
Afterwards, Bai Qi no longer devoured the flesh of common people, and grinned grinningly all day long, like a demon beast! ! !

One day, Bai Qi led tens of thousands of strong warriors, broke into the palace, met the king of Qin, and said with a smile to the king of Qin~~
"The sages often say that courtesy is reciprocal~~~
How about I send the lord the world, how about the lord give me the flesh of the prince? "

The King of Qin was horrified, knowing that a catastrophe was coming, so he sent dozens of his concubines to Bai Qi, but they were devoured within a few days.

The King of Qin took this opportunity to send his close envoys to meet with the Emperor Zhou in secret, weeping and saying:
"My king once disrespected the emperor, and regretted it unceasingly. I ask the emperor of Zhou to look at the face of all living beings and imprison the evil spirits for nothing~~~~, otherwise, we and other princes will all be their fish and meat ears~~~"

Zhou Tianzi accepted the request of the King of Qin, so he sent the patriarch of the Jiang clan to lead the gods and witches of Xiqi to arrest Bai Qi, suppress him under the mountain, and lock him into his tomb so that he could not come out.

However, when Bai Qi was pressed in the coffin, he was unwilling to die, and killed several people, and no one could subdue him~~~~
The patriarch of the Jiang clan suddenly vomited blood and said:

"My ancestor Jiang Shang is here, I'll be out soon!!!"

Then he led all the gods to escape from the tomb of the gods, and then died of vomiting blood...

Since then, no one knows where Bai Qi was buried.

Zhou Tianzi recorded the secret edict based on this, the tomb of Baiqi is definitely not a good kind, and future generations will not be able to find it again. If this son is released, the world will suffer chaos~~~
Remember!Remember! 】

After Chen Zhi read the long and cumbersome rubbings, he suddenly felt very tired, and then threw the materials on the table~~~~
"How? Have you read it?",
Bao Ping looked at Chen Zhi with a smile, flicked the cigarette in his hand on the ashtray lightly,
"This is a rubbing from the stone tablet in the secret room~~~, it is very confidential~~~
Tell me, what do you think after reading these? "

Chen Zhi didn't speak for a while. Judging from this passage, the amount of information expressed in it is really too large. Although many logical relationships in that era are different from those of the present, the general meaning can be seen clearly. An unreasonable place~~~
First, Bai Qi, the famous Qin general, is not a pure human being, so his mother has a problem. If he is not a demigod, what is his other half blood?
Second, if he was able to go crazy enough to ask the king of Qin to devour the flesh of his prince, it would prove that he was so powerful at that time that the king of Qin would cry and ask the emperor Zhou for help. Then the logic here It's a little confusing.

"There's one thing I don't quite understand...",
Chen Zhi took a cigarette from Bao Ping's hand, lit it, held it in his hand,
"I don't know much about the political habits at that time, but as far as I know, the Zhou Dynasty had already declined at that time, and the relationship with the Qin royal family should not be very good.

I remember that King Qin Wu died with a tripod, so his younger brother Qin Zhaogong succeeded to the throne. Last time we knew the truth about the death of King Qin Wu. It was not because he was killed by a huge tripod, but because he offended He killed Emperor Zhou and was secretly executed by warriors.

If it is such a relationship, how can Zhou Tianzi help Qin Zhaogong?
And how can the weakened Zhou royal family have the ability to help Qin Wang? "

Bao Ping smiled after hearing Chen Zhi's words, and then flicked the cigarette ash in a flat manner,
"Actually, I've been wanting to tell you something,

The decline of the Zhou Dynasty was actually not what we imagined..."

(End of this chapter)

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