Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1300: Land of God's Tomb

Chapter 1300: Land of God's Tomb
[The chapter posted after yesterday was blocked and is trying to recover.

Thanks to Wanshou Boss: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Porridge 10000]

After Chen Zhi jumped in, a dense mist instantly blocked his vision completely.

Chen Zhi could only feel an extremely disgusting rotten smell in the air, rushing into his nasal cavity, that disgusting smell was really unbearable, his stomach couldn't help but churned immediately, a wave of Bo's acid water surged up, and he was about to spit it out.

But at this time, a fire suddenly flashed in the darkness. When Chen Zhi opened his eyes again, he found that Bai Ke was standing beside him. A ball of fire miraculously ignited in his hand, illuminating the surroundings.

And Baike's face at this time is clearly reflected in the firelight...

His face is calm and serious, and his skin is covered with transparent silver scales. Every part of that face is as delicate as a statue. Made statues.

Bai Ke put the fire light in his hand in front of his mouth, and blew on it lightly, and the flames were miraculously dissipated by him, illuminating everything here clearly.

"Look, this is the real purgatory...",
Bai Ke lowered his eyelids and spoke softly, but he didn't raise his eyes to look around, as if he already knew what was around and didn't want to look any more.

"Purgatory? It's not the first time I've seen it...",
Chen Zhi turned around slowly and looked around, already prepared in his heart.

But even so, when the tragic scene was completely displayed in front of him, his body and mind were still deeply shocked!At that moment, he wished he could have his eyes gouged out, and he didn't want to see this unacceptable scene...

This area is open, and the reason why the inside cannot be seen from the outside is not because this is a closed room, but because this is a space sealed by advanced enchantment techniques.

This advanced enchantment technique requires a high level of ability, and Chen Zhi has only come into contact with it in the concept. When the fierce spell is mastered to a certain extent, he can use fine airflow to create a tangible space, just like a large glass fiber reinforced plastic Similarly, it can block the outside light and air, and even materialize, turning into a closed room, completely hiding the internal area, and people outside can't see what it looks like inside.

In this barrier-enclosed space, due to too long a time, the surface has already formed a layer of solidified derivatives.

These derivatives contain many things, some are fragments, some are dust, and phages, which are slowly combined into a solid shell, making this place look like a huge stone chamber...

But in the stone room formed by this spell, there are many people walking back and forth, and these people are all alive...

When he saw these so-called living people, Chen Zhi's heart suddenly clenched. This was a scene he was never prepared to face.

This is a human breeding factory, and it can be an extremely simple breeding cage...

There are nearly a hundred people here, all walking back and forth slowly, their blood vessels are exposed, their chests rise and fall slowly, they are all alive.

But it can be seen that most of the blood on their bodies has been drained, the blood vessels have become thick and rough due to the large number of them appearing all year round, and there are large and scary wounds all over their bodies. Swallowed, the moldy and rotting wound turned outwards, healed several times and was bitten several times, moldy bones have been exposed in many places.

Because of living in the dark for a long time, most of them have lost their vision, and their double eyelids are covered with accumulated fat particles and skin stones, layer by layer like lameness.

These people obviously no longer have human consciousness. They move slowly and look dull, just like the meat fish in the glass tanks of the fish market. They are kept in glass tanks all year round, dirty and chaotic, blind in both eyes, just wandering slowly with.

Even though their bodies are covered with disgusting derivatives, feces are piled up everywhere, and their bodies are covered with shocking wounds, they are still alive, tenaciously alive...

"How is this going?

What happened to them?
they are……",
A terrifying idea suddenly popped up in Chen Zhi's mind, he couldn't help looking at the costumes and arms of those people, and in the next second, Chen Zhi completely collapsed!

Chen Zhi was first angry, and then deeply sad. He was very afraid at this time. He was afraid that if he did not find the divine seal in Genghis Khan's mausoleum, did not understand Jiang Ziya's thoughts, or listened to Fat Wei's words, he would give up entering In this space.

Then he may never know the situation here. If they don't come here, how long can these people last?

These people are all members of the organization!

Without exception, they all wore the costumes of organization warriors. Although their faces were covered with fat lumps and those disgusting derivatives had covered their faces, they could still see the broken wills on their bodies, but they were all tight. He clenched his right fist tightly, and half of the bright yellow brocade was exposed in the fist.

That is the family plate of the samurai in the organization, their first and last names, and the only thing that can prove that they are Xiqi samurai!
Chen Zhi yelled uncontrollably, and uncontrollable grief and anger exploded from his body. Only then did he realize that his heart had already been closely connected with Xi Qi, and he actually had feelings for Xi Qi in his heart. Such deep feelings, such deep feelings for these warriors who have never met before.

When he saw these Xiqi warriors so miserable, he wished he could raise the vast curse at this moment, no matter what kind of killing gods he was in vain, or Jiang Ziya's seal, he would burn all of them with fire, and all ashes would be destroyed Do not stay.

But Baike suddenly flashed behind him at this time, the speed was like lightning, he covered his mouth instantly, and said in a very serious voice,
"Shut up, where do you think this is?

Here he is, just asleep...",
After Baike finished speaking, he lifted the deer knife with the other hand and pointed to the dark place in the center of the front.

Only now did Chen Zhi vaguely see that there was an empty area in the darkness ahead, and those warriors who looked like walking corpses seemed to avoid that area on purpose.

And in that place, there is a big stone well, the side of the well is covered with thick chains, the chains are soaked in blood, and around the stone well, there are strings of ancient sealing spells~~
Those chains were trembling slightly, and it was obvious that something was being held underneath, and the thing in the well was obviously alive, and it was making weird noises...

 [Thanks to Wanshou Boss: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Porridge 10000]

(End of this chapter)

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