Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1301 The Land of God's Tomb

Chapter 1301 Land of the God's Tomb ([-])

Bai Ke's words made Chen Zhili calm down. He tried his best to control his emotions, and then used the airflow to strengthen his hands, breaking off Bai Ke's fingers one by one,

"What's that sound?" Chen Zhi asked softly, "Is it him?"

Baike's voice has changed obviously at this time, and now it is more like an electronically synthesized voice, very masculine, very hoarse, as dry as sand grains, and the skin on his face is covered with silver scales, constantly panting. With silver light.

"He was asleep, deep in the well.

This is the place where Bai Qi was born, and also the place where his mother gave birth to him. After giving birth to him, his mother ate everyone here, and then left.Leave Bai Qi in the arms of humans~~
This is the mansion of Gongsun Baigong more than 4000 years ago. This well is the stone well where Bai Qi's father, Gongsun Baigong, imprisoned him!

His father is really a contradictory human being. He was born with his barbaric maternity line. He always wanted to kill him, but he couldn't bear it. In the end, he was trapped here, hoping that he would die by himself, but in the end he couldn't kill him. Kill him, let him finally become climate.

In that barbaric era, the purebreds of our race could easily destroy human beings, and the gods at that time had already disappeared, and Bai Qi could easily swallow the entire civilization, and then destroy this hypocritical and ingenious world set up by Jiang Ziya..."

While talking, Bai Ke put his finger on his lips, made a booing gesture to Chen Zhi, then turned around, holding the deer knife in one hand, and walked gently towards the well.

Every step Baike took at this time showed his superb physical skills. His steps were completely silent, his body was stretched sideways, and the curves of his body were flawless, as if he was stepping on a cloud.

But Chen Zhizhi saw that Bai Ke's hind legs were trembling constantly. He knew that Bai Ke was actually very afraid of the things in the well. , this reason, Chen Zhi can't be sure now.

Baike cautiously walked to the edge of the wellhead, and stopped at a place about five or six meters away from the wellhead.

Chen Zhi saw that Bai Ke's whole body began to tremble violently involuntarily, and his blood-red eyes were red and bright in the darkness at this moment, like two bright lights.

Bai Ke waved to Chen Zhi, beckoning him to come over, and made a gesture to keep his voice down as much as possible.

Chen Zhiyu followed the path he walked, and walked over lightly. Chen Zhi knew the power of this, he wrapped the airflow around his feet, and walked carefully step by step without making any noise~~
When he walked up to Bai Ke, Bai Ke stopped him with a long knife, and then pointed forward with one finger for Chen Zhi to see.

Chen Zhi stretched his neck as long as possible, and carefully looked at the mouth of the well in the darkness.

It is really a very old stone well. The body of the well itself should be made of stones. It is very rough and has no special shape. However, because of its age, a deep red shell has formed on the outside of the stone well. .

This shell contains a lot of things, among which there are a lot of vegetation and mycelia. It seems that this place should have been a lush grassland a long time ago.

But now on the outermost layer of the shell, there are still thick blood stains, which are covered with large chunks of blood scabs, and the chains are also full of coagulated blood, layer by layer, many of which are from a long time ago. But there is still a lot that is new.

Around Shijing, there is a large series of seal strips surrounded by strips of yellow cloth. Those seal strips are all golden, as if woven with gold thread. seal.

Chen Zhi could see clearly that all the cloth strips were covered with powerful mantras dipped in blood. The mantras were very primitive and the notes were very familiar. They were definitely written by Jiang Ziya himself.

The four-open and four-close seal is seamless and very tight. The degree of precision and perfection is beyond the reach of Chen Zhi. In Chen Zhi's eyes, this kind of precise seal cannot be escaped even if the Emperor is alive.

But even so, there is a part of the seal port that was torn open. It was a small crack with a strange shape, as if it had been bitten by human teeth for tens of millions of years, and it was finally torn apart. Same!
But with such a small gap, the entire four-fold four-fold seal no longer exists~~~
"He has come out...",
Chen Zhi suddenly felt cold sweat break out from his head, and the back of his head was cold.

Bai Ke said softly:

"If he was still sealed in the well, how could this place be the way it is?
He has already come out, after the people from your organization came here seven years ago, they met him!

Then, there was the most tragic battle, and you Xiqi lost..."

"Then why didn't he kill these warriors?"

"Why don't you give them a good time? To torture them like this...",
Chen Zhi gritted his teeth fiercely and asked, a surge of energy and blood kept surging back and forth in his chest.

"very simple!",
Bai Ke said softly:
"Did you see what those warriors held in their hands?

They were defeated and captured, but they still had hope in their hearts, waiting for his companions to rescue them~~
For the past seven years, they have been enduring the pain of being bitten here. This kind of pain is unimaginable to human beings, but they have a firm belief in their hearts, which is the reason why they did not choose to die in the end.

For this, I admire them!
Of course, there is another important reason! ",
After Bai Ke finished speaking, he pointed to the well in front of him:

"He... needs a steady stream of fresh flesh and blood!"

After Bai Ke finished speaking, he looked at Chen Zhi with those strange blood-red eyes,

"Just like your human farm, you can use it at any time..."

"What do you mean?" Chen Zhi suddenly hated Bai Ke's provocative eyes.

"Don't you humans often do this kind of thing too?
Don't tell me you don't know...",
Bai Ke smiled coldly, his face was full of expressions that were different from humans,

"Those profit-seeking businessmen among you humans cut off the bear's gall, let the bear heal itself in pain, and then grow again, and then cut off the fresh bear's gall after they grow well. No matter how many bears Painful, they still do this cycle.

You humans can do this?Why can't he do this..."

"But, but that's for animals...",
After Chen Zhi uttered these words, he suddenly became speechless, and then he gritted his teeth tightly, not knowing what to say anymore.

Bai Ke suddenly laughed coldly:
"Chen Zhi, you've been with humans for too long.

You should really learn not to use human thinking to think about problems anymore!

Human beings can do whatever they want in this world, not because they represent justice, nor because they are powerful, but because your ancestor Jiang Ziya helped them gain control of this world.

Otherwise what do you think they are? "

"What's the point of saying this now?",
Chen Zhi quickly grabbed Bai Ke's arm,

"Bai Ke, since you have this attitude, I have to ask you a question.

Why on earth are you on our side? "

(End of this chapter)

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