Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1303 The Glory of the Past

Chapter 1303 The Glory of the Past
Ji Lie, the God of War in the legend of Xiqi King City, a legendary figure between two generations of warriors.

There are countless legends about him in Xiqi, just like the gods on the murals of the oldest royal court in Xiqi, they are so unattainable and flawless.

He is the idol of all Xiqi warriors, and the highest honor they strive for.

Before that, Chen Zhi re-made countless assumptions, uncontrollably wanting to exonerate the God of War in Xiqi.

I hope that when all the truth is finally discovered, he is not the ghost warrior who took refuge in Anbu and sneaked into Xiqi to open the back door.

However, now, all these assumptions are shattered, just standing there, the legendary invincible god of war, Ji Lie, the chief red-belt warrior of the previous term, stood there.

Seeing this legendary figure, Chen Zhi's mind exploded instantly, and the first thing that came out of his mind was the shadow of Ghost Saber.

But in the next second, his reason had already made a judgment before his brain.

Chen Zhi quickly took a step back, and then threw the protective airflow that he had already prepared to the back.

The airflow immediately cut out a block-shaped area at the mouth of the well, completely covering the stone well inside.

The inside of this enchantment is very thickly woven, which can completely isolate the outside sound and make the surroundings of Ishii quiet.

When Baike saw Chen Zhi's performance, he already had a guess in his heart.
"You know him, don't you?
how is he?Is it easy to deal with? "

"Very difficult to deal with!",
Chen Zhi said softly, looking straight ahead at Ji Lie with his eyes:
"He used to be a god of war, the most powerful representative of Xiqi's force.

In all the past records, no one can beat him.

Now that he has defected, he is strengthened by a special power.

This kind of power can stimulate people's potential and expand their muscles and body potential beyond limit, but it makes human beings closer to animals. I call it demonization!

So I estimate that he should be several times stronger now than in the past!
Very difficult to deal with! "

"Magic, it's very interesting!"

After Bai Ke finished speaking, he straightened the long knife neatly, protruding from the corners of his mouth with sharp teeth, and smiled ferociously on his face.

I would like to see, what kind of level will the strongest warrior of human beings reach after being demonized? "


Chen Zhi sternly rejected Bai Ke's idea:
"Did you forget what we discussed?
Your task is to help me deal with that guy in the mine.

We should try our best to save our energy, especially you, you can't have a decisive battle with the strong-body-type enemy until you touch the thing in the well.

Or let me try it! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and a row of explosive and roaring aggressive air flowed out from his body.

These airflows are very sharp, like a row of sharp blades.

Chen Zhi then mixed the Wind and Thunder Curse into it, aimed at the black figure in front of him, and flicked it lightly to test the truth.

These sharp and irritable air currents rushed forward mercilessly.

Wherever it went, everything it touched was cut open, and the sharp air current was wrapped in the wind and thunder spell, and it arrived in front of the figure like a thunderbolt and lightning.

And that figure has been standing there.There was no intention of avoiding it at all, and when the airflow finally approached him.

He raised his right hand lightly, and swung the long knife in his hand, "Pa~~", with a crisp sound of cutting, he cut the air flow across the air!

After the airflow cut across, the light wrapped in the wind and thunder curse exploded instantly in the darkness.

The figure could no longer hide in the darkness.

He slowly straightened the long knife, and stepped into the light step by step, revealing his face.

This person... is really Ji Lie!Ji Lie is alive!
Chen Zhi had seen this legendary face in the minds of many people before, but the voices that followed him were all.

"Invincible, glory forever!"

At this time, Ji Lie's face, just like the images in memory that Chen Zhi saw, did not age at all.

His face was obviously a little blue, like frozen meat that had been frozen in the freezer for a long time, livid and stiff.

And his eyes were blue and white, which made him look very cold and unreal as a whole.

And his whole body, like those black warriors, exudes the smell of beasts, and the strongest smell is the smell of sulfur.

Ji Lie slowly walked towards Chen Zhi. He obviously knew who Chen Zhi was, but he seemed not ready to talk to Chen Zhi.

"Are you Ji Lie?",
Chen Zhi asked softly,

"I am the new patriarch of the Jiang family, Chen Zhi.

I know your son! "

Ji Lie on the opposite side obviously heard Chen Zhi's voice, but he didn't answer, nor did he stop.

"Did Ghost Saber be rescued by you?"

Chen Zhi continued to ask,

"In the sub-helm, I found a leaf.

I saw the message you left him, the ghost is not dead, right?Do you know where he is now? "

Ji Lie still lowered his eyelids silently, without saying a word, but he still didn't stop approaching Chen Zhi.

And as his distance got closer and closer, he slowly raised the long knife, looked coldly at the ground with his eyes, and pulled out the scabbard.

But Baike was extremely excited at this time, he was obviously very excited, that feeling was like meeting an opponent that was rare in a thousand years.

Every scale on his skin lifted slightly, and his eyes became blood red.

"Don't ask",
The corners of Bai Ke's mouth parted open in excitement, that face with a grin was like a devil,
"He doesn't want to talk to you at all!
He just came to kill you! "

"Ji Lie!",
Chen Zhi suddenly shouted angrily, and the hot anger spread all over his body.

His anger comes from many things, including Xiqi, Bao Ping, Ghost Saber, and those warriors who still believe in the glory of the God of War.

Even the old lady Ji Chu who died for no apparent reason...

And these angers suddenly turned into a feeling of betrayal, which spread throughout Chen Zhi's body.

Chen Zhi felt that he was betrayed by the former Chief Hongwu in front of him. This kind of betrayal made him go crazy with anger.

"Ji Lie...

Are you really not dead? ",
When Chen Zhi's voice came out, it was trembling with excitement,
"No matter what the reason, you survived, we still remember you, and you are still yourself.

And what are you doing now?Are you aiming at me with a knife, trying to kill Jiang's patriarch?

Ji Lie, have you forgotten your oath? Are you really no longer a warrior of Xiqi? "

Chen Zhi was very emotional at this time, and he wanted to say something, but he soon discovered that it was meaningless.

This Ji Lie seemed to be unable to hear any voice, and did not want to answer any questions at all.

He finally walked over step by step, the long knife in his hand was out of its sheath.

Chen Zhi saw that the thick training energy began to wrap upwards from Ji Lie's feet like silk.

It's really like what Baike said, the former Xiqi Hongwu has a very direct goal now.

just kill them...

(End of this chapter)

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