Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1304 The Glory of the Past

Chapter 1304 The Glory of the Past ([-])

"Get out of the way...",
Bai Ke spoke quickly, and rushed to the front of Chen Zhi.

"Chen Zhi, don't make a move.

I have to get him out fast or we'll be in trouble,
Don't think that if your enchantment completely blocks the outside sound, it won't wake up that thing down the well.

Let me tell you, "he" is actually very sensitive to spells, especially your Jiang's spells. As long as you use large spells to fight, he will be easily awakened.

Let me deal with him with physical skills, we must make a quick decision now! "

After Baike finished speaking, the silver scales all over his body began to glisten, and streaks of blood surged up from the roots of the scales, and he was completely in a fighting state.

After Chen Zhi heard Bai Ke's words, he stopped objecting.

He began to silently operate the airflow in his body, pouring the airflow into the ground to form a net-like enchantment.

Once the battle situation is unfavorable, prepare to ambush Ji Lie in front with Bai Ke.

But Ji Lie in front of him didn't seem to care, and walked towards them as usual, his facial features became more and more clear, and the color of his eyeballs turned gray, like a statue made of plaster.

Just when Ji Lie was about to arrive in front of them, there was a sudden bang.

The organ they entered just now was touched again!

After Ji Lie heard this voice, like a ghost, his figure flashed and jumped back into the dark corner again.

Only then did Chen Zhi realize that Ji Lie's movements were so fast. If the Ghost Saber's figure was like a ghostly phantom, Ji Lie's speed was so fast that it didn't even have a shadow.

The mechanism at the entrance was indeed opened, and then smoke and dust came out of the dark entrance again, and two people stepped in through the door.

And one of them was exactly what Chen Zhi was looking forward to,

"Patriarch, what are you doing?"

This voice was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar. The person who came in was Asuo!
Fat Wei also came in with him. Obviously, he told Asuo how to activate the mechanism just now, and then brought Asuo in.

Just like Chen Zhi's original arrangement, no matter in any dangerous situation, even if manpower is lacking, one person must be arranged to respond outside, so that the crisis may turn around.

As soon as Fat Wei came in and saw such a scene, he was stunned on the spot.

He was originally a very elf person, the first thing he saw were those warriors who were like ghosts, and that dark corner.

Although Ji Lie retreated into the corner, Fat Wei immediately understood everything when he saw Ji Lie's face carved out of the same mold as the ghost knife.

He immediately retreated subconsciously to the corner to protect himself and observe the development of the situation. He knew that in the current situation, there was no room for him to speak.

Asuo looked very tired at this time, he seemed to have not noticed that dark corner at all, nor did he see his former companion standing in the darkness.

Asuo's appearance at this time is different from that of Bai Ke. His body is covered with dust and debris from the outside, and he looks a bit embarrassed.

Obviously, he had been running for a long time in this violent wind and environment before he finally found this place.

Asuo's face and skin were originally covered with bandages, but now the white bandages have been blown by the strong wind here, and have turned into a faint scarlet, making the atmosphere here look even more gloomy.

After he came in, the first thing he did was to point his long knife at Bai Ke beside Chen Zhi.

"Patriarch, don't trust him!

That person has a problem.

According to your order, I followed him all the time, he couldn't get rid of me, then he stopped suddenly, turned around and smiled at me, and then disappeared out of thin air, even if I used the spell, I didn't catch up with him!
My tracking was impeccable, and there was no way he could escape.

He is definitely not a living person, maybe, he is a ghost at all! "

"Stupid humans!",
Baike looked at Asuo with contempt, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face,

"Don't you know your situation yet?
Call others dead, but don't know what you are? "

"What do you mean?"

Asuo was instantly irritated, perhaps because he had run too long during this period, he was obviously agitated.

"Asuo, stop!",
Chen Zhi's serious Asuo made a coded gesture, telling him not to say anything to Bai Ke.

"You don't need to worry about our affairs, I just ask you one thing now.

Asuo, you said that Ji Lie is dead, so take a look now, who is the person standing next to you?

You tell me, what's going on? "

After Asuo heard Chen Zhi's words, he felt like collapsing for a moment. His head slowly turned mechanically to inspect everything around him. However, he just didn't look at that dark corner.

"Ji Lie is alive, so he will stand there!" Chen Zhi once again pointed to the dark corner and said with certainty.

And at that moment, Asuo seemed to really return to reality, he raised his eyes, and finally looked at the corner he had been avoiding.

And when he saw it, all of a sudden, the aura in his body disappeared, and that feeling was very strange, as if a person had suddenly lost everything he believed in.

He pointed forward with his finger, his voice was so low that almost everyone could not hear clearly


Is it Ji Lie?

How is this going?

Why are you standing here alive?I... am I dreaming? "

Ji Lie, who was in the dark, finally reacted. He clearly knew Asuo, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

But he still looked down at the ground with his eyes down, without answering, as if he didn't see Asuo.

"It seems...he is not as glorious as you said!",
Chen Zhi looked at Asuo, with some sarcasm on purpose in his tone,
"Is this what you said, the God of War who is as immovable as a mountain?

Asuo, you once swore that he chose death just like you.

You would rather believe that you will betray than that Ji Lie will betray Xi Qi.

But now, it seems that he is not dead!On the contrary, he had defected to Anbu seven years ago.

Since then, he is no longer our Xiqi samurai.

Asuo, do you feel ashamed? "

Chen Zhi's words were as sharp as a knife, cutting Asuo's belief invisible. He stood there in a daze, staring straight at Ji Lie in the darkness for a long time, like the time in this world It's like it's stopped here.

Finally Asuo, trembling all over, made a sound,
"Ji Lie,
Is that you?
You..., are you not dead? "

(End of this chapter)

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