Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1305 The Glory of the Past [Thanks: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Porridge,

Chapter 1305 The Glory of the Past ([-]) [Thanks to: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Porridge, Ten Thousand Rewards Plus More]

[Thanks to Wanshang Dahao: Abalone sea cucumber, fried crab and ginger porridge 10000, I was already asleep, so I got up and added another chapter]

Ji Lie had obviously heard Asuo's words. When he still had his eyes downcast and didn't respond, but his knife had already been put away, and he no longer had the sharp aura just now. Chen Zhi could clearly see that Ji Lie The aura behind him had already begun to dissipate, and he was affected.

But the one who was really affected was Asuo...

Asuo stood there in a daze, his eyes dazed, like a child who lost his way, staring at Ji Lie. Suddenly, Asuo's eyes flashed, and his voice was close to begging, saying,
"I see!
You've been stuck here, haven't you?

Just like these samurai, you are always trapped here and cannot get out. Of course, with your skill, you will never be injured!

I believe in you, you will never betray!

How could Xiqi's God of War betray him, heh..., hehe~~",
After Asuo finished speaking, he laughed unnaturally a few times, and that laughter sounded heart-rending.

But the fierceness in front still did not respond, motionless...

The aura behind Ah Suo suddenly became hot, and the instant anger spread throughout his whole body,

"Anbu forced you, right?

Did they cast spells on you?Confused your mind?

I knew it was definitely not what you sincerely did...

Damn Anbe, Yama~~~",
When Asuo said this, he gritted his teeth, and the fire of anger almost burned his aura,
"Ji Lie, don't worry!
I must kill them all!
Just like us in the past, anyone who dares to offend us will be punished.

We are the strongest warriors, no one has ever defeated us, we are the glory of Xiqi, and you are the myth of Xiqi, you are the invincible god of war! "

Asuo said excitedly, his eyes sparkled with hope, he stared fixedly at Ji Lie's eyes, waiting for his answer, waiting for his explanation, but in the end, Ji Lie didn't give any explanation.

All of this is silent in silence, as silent as death...

Asuo's lips began to tremble, then his arms, thighs, and finally, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, as if a person had finally faced what he feared the most.
"what is that?

Is there no reason?Ji Lie?

Are you really..., really...",
When Asuo said this, his anger suddenly exploded, and the bandages all over his body were broken one by one, and the thin and transparent skin was exposed from behind the bandages. flowed out,

"Did you really, betray Xiqi?

Asuo let out a terrible howl, the sound seemed to shake the world, and after that, Asuo, like crazy, rushed to Ji Lie in an instant, chopped off with a knife,

Is it complicated to cut yourself with a knife?
It's just cutting off one's own neck with a knife, we do this kind of thing every day!
Why?Why did you choose to survive such humiliation? ",
Asuo was completely insane at this moment. Although his saber was an ordinary weapon, his saber wind was like a mountain flowing like glass, and it fell down unstoppably, heading straight for Ji Lie's head.

But Ji Lie raised his hand, and gently grasped the blade with one hand, and with a strong "crack~~", this ordinary long knife was crushed to pieces.

"Asuo, where is your weapon?",
Ji Lie, who had been silent like a sculpture all this time, suddenly raised his head, his gray eyes looked at Asuo, his voice was like coming from another world,
"You're still so reckless.

Do you still want to defeat me without a weapon? ", after Ji Lie finished speaking, he lightly swung Asuo with one hand, and flung Asuo out.

"If a man is dead, there is no glory.

Asuo, have you forgotten everything? "

"What do you mean?",
The aura behind Ah Suo suddenly became extremely unstable. It felt as if his brain nerves had been stretched to a line and would collapse at any moment.

Ji Lie's gray and white eyes looked at him coldly, like the god of death in the doomsday,
"Asuo, have you really forgotten everything?

In fact, you died seven years ago..."

"Asuo, don't listen to him!",
Chen Zhi quickly shouted from behind,
"Back back immediately, don't listen to his nonsense!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he quickly turned his head to look at Fat Wei, and said very fast:
"Go get her!
I left marks on the way! "

"it is good!",
Fat Wei immediately understood what Chen Zhi meant, turned around and dexterously jumped out of the entrance, disappearing in an instant.

And when Chen Zhi turned his head again, he found that Asuo in front of him was completely confused...

He didn't pay attention to what Chen Zhi said, but stared straight at the ghostly Ji Lie in front of him. Although Asuo had never shown any fear since returning to Xiqi, he was trembling involuntarily now. stand up.

Chen Zhi knew that what Ji Lie said just now was actually the most frightening thing in his heart. Asuo is very scared now...

"Have you forgotten? Asuo!"

Ji Lie's tone was slow, his gray eyes looked at Asuo, no emotion could be seen on his face,

"Aren't people at the last moment of death, never knowing what they will choose?
The other samurai are here, why did you leave?
did you ever leaveHave you forgotten what happened at that time? "

Asuo began to collapse, he grabbed his hair, and the blood vessels in the transparent skin swelled.

"Samurai Asuo, don't let him disturb your mind!",
Chen Zhi shouted to Asuo loudly,

"He is no longer your comrade in arms, he is now a traitor!
Do you remember what you promised in front of the leader?

If Ji Lie betrays you, you will tear him to pieces without hesitation.

You are the most powerful Hongwu in Xiqi now, don't forget your duty! "

"Yes! Yes!" Asuo kept repeating Chen Zhi's words, trying to regain his sanity.

At this moment, Ji Lie suddenly raised his eyes, looking straight at Asuo.

Everyone noticed that his eyeballs began to turn black, and the aura of the black warrior's death had completely spread throughout his body.

"Ah Suo, do you still think I'm lying to you?
"Then just look at it,
look what's behind me "

After Ji Lie finished speaking, he suddenly moved away, revealing the scene behind him.

And at that moment, the fire light completely illuminated that dark corner, illuminating everything there clearly...

 [Thanks to: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Congee, Wan Reward Plus More]

(End of this chapter)

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