Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1306 The Dead

Chapter 1306 The Dead

Chapter 610 The Second Dead

There were several corpses lying there. Due to the erosion of the years, they were all haggard. However, due to the special environment here, although they had become mummified corpses, their faces were still well preserved. They were still wearing the armor of Xiqi warriors. Still wearing a saber.

Among these corpses, there is one that is the most frightening. His body is the most well-preserved, especially his face and facial features. There is no damage, and he can vaguely see his handsome and upright appearance in the past.

And that corpse was wearing a complete set of battle armor. There was a very long knife on the chest, and a broad knife was stuck in it. The corpse's hands were on the hilt of the sword, and it was obvious that he committed suicide without hesitation.
As for the face of that corpse, Chen Zhi recognized it at a glance, it was the face of Ah Suo in the past...

After Ah Suo was rescued from the ghost town of Fengdu by them, his skin never returned to normal, even with elixir, his skin was always transparent, like a plastic film, which could Seeing the internal organs and blood circulation inside made Asuo look scary, so since then, he has been wrapped in bandages all over his body, not even showing his face.

But Chen Zhi had heard that Asuo was quite a handsome warrior when he was young, and he was known for being handsome and free-spirited. Chen Zhi had also seen some photos of him in the past. The young man in the photos had a clear face and a calm smile.

But now, the face in the photo is actually sitting in the corner, but the muscles of that face are sunken, the skin is gray and black, it is already a mummy.

"How is this going……",
Chen Zhi asked Bai Ke softly,
"Is it rebirth? Is the dead reborn? Or..., or is Ah Suo always a ghost?
No, not right!He has a heartbeat, so what?

Everything here is too illogical? "

"What logic?",
Bai Ke smiled coldly,

"Who told you that there is logic in this world?
Those so-called scholars among human beings?

That is your human world view, you human beings are too materialistic, too materialistic!

Sometimes, you should use idealistic thinking to think about problems, so that everything can be figured out! "

Asuo stood there in a daze, unable to say a word. When he saw the corpse, he completely lost his mind.

The blood in his transparent skin was flowing rapidly, and his heart was beating extremely fast, as if it was about to explode. His eyes stared straight at the corpse in front of him, as if his soul had been hooked.

"Asuo, haven't you ever felt strange?",
Ji Lie's gray eyes looked at Asuo, as if looking at a dead soul.
"Look at yourself!
Look at your transparent skin, how did you become like this?Do you really believe the stories you make up?Believe those self-defeating stories?

At that time you persistently chose to commit suicide, but what did you gain in the end?Honor? "

Ji Lie's voice was as cold as the frozen water on the top of a snow mountain, without the slightest emotion,
"In our whole life, we have been in a sea of ​​swords and fires, and we have been born and died, and we never know what it is to regress?

What is it all about in the end?
Just to become what you are now?
Asuo, ask yourself, do you know what you are now?Is it still alive?
What honor and shame do people who don't even know what they are?

Stop asking me questions, Ahso!
Remember, only when a person is alive can he be qualified to speak..."

Ji Lie's voice was dark and deep, as if it came from the underworld.

Asuo was obviously powerless in front of him.

He staggered forward, passed Ji Lie, and finally walked in front of the pile of corpses.
He knelt down on one knee, stroking his once handsome face with trembling hands, stroking that shriveled and withered body, tears streaming down involuntarily,

What are you doing?
calm down! ",
Chen Zhi shouted loudly from behind, but Ah Suo couldn't hear anything at this moment.

After Asuo walked to the corner, he curled up and lay down next to the corpse, looking sideways at the wound of the long knife on the chest of the corpse, and at the wide knife piercing the ribs above, besides silently crying ,nothing left.

"He's useless!",
Bai Ke quickly said:

"Now we can only rely on ourselves, Chen Zhi, remember, no matter what the circumstances, we must not use a large number of spells, otherwise once he wakes up, we will be attacked by the enemy, and then we will have no chance of winning!"

"Give me some more time!",
Chen Zhi squeezed the glowing air flow in his hand, and said urgently:
"Ji Ying is not dead. She is on her way here now. She is in very good condition and can assist us. Just give me a little while..."

However, before Chen Zhi finished speaking, he suddenly felt a breeze.

When Chen Zhi raised his eyes to look forward again, Ji Lie had already appeared in front of him, and his cold long knife was already aimed at the center of Chen Zhi's eyebrows.

Ji Lie's wrists were black, just like those black warriors, the smell of death and sulfur on his body made one's brain ache!

Chen Zhi saw that the red wristband was still tied on Ji Lie's wrist, but he pushed the wristband into the cuff deliberately, so it couldn't be seen from the outside.


Haven't ripped this thing off yet? ",
Chen Zhi looked coldly at the wristband on Ji Lie's wrist, and laughed contemptuously:
"It seems that the shackles of the past are not so easy to get rid of!
What you just said is so relaxed, it seems like you don't care about anything, but why do you still have this wristband?
Do you think you still deserve to wear it?
Xiqi's traitor! ",
Ji Lie listened to Chen Zhi's words silently, without any rebuttal, but when he heard the word traitor, his eyebrows moved slightly.

At the same time, his long knife slid up in the wind, and Chen Zhi suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then heard a "clang".

Bai Ke's deer knife flew out and pushed Ji Lie's long knife away.

Only then did Ji Lie slowly turn his head and look at Bai Ke. After staring at him for about two seconds with gray eyes, he flicked his right hand and drew a semicircle in the air with the long knife, standing straight between his eyebrows, gently He raised his eyebrows at Bai Ke, and then the veins on his forehead suddenly twitched,
"Baby stuff!"

Then Ji Lie disappeared in a blink of an eye, and so did Bai Ke, only to hear their weapons colliding with each other, and with a clang~~, they collided together, sparking a burst of knife light, but the next second, the two of them separated up.

After the two separated, they stopped attacking each other. Instead, they both raised their necks and looked upward.

"Looks like we have help",
Bai Ke smiled lightly, took the deer knife back, and stood beside Chen Zhi again.

At this moment, Chen Zhi saw a young man jumping down from the darkness above, his movements were very light and light, like a leaf falling, without any sound at all.

Holding a silver-white long knife in his hand, he looked at Ji Lie solemnly,

"Father, let this be the only request in my life.

Please tell me what made you a traitor! "

(End of this chapter)

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