Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1307 The Betrayed Father

Chapter 1307 The Betrayed Father

The person who fell from the sky, without any suspense, was Ghost Saber!

The moment Chen Zhidang saw the ghost knife, uncontrollable excitement burned all over his body.

During the time when Ghost Knife disappeared, Chen Zhi had been speculating about his situation, worrying about his comfort all the time, and Chen Zhi hadn't thought about it, maybe Ghost Knife was dead, just like those people in the sub-rudder. Already dead, and not so lucky exceptions.It's just that no one wants to speak out until they see the body.

But at the moment when the ghost knife appeared here, Chen Zhi felt that the stone that had been pressing on his heart had finally fallen down.

Ghost Knife had already seen Chen Zhi obviously, and he was not as excited as Chen Zhi. On the contrary, Chen Zhi saw that the aura behind Ghost Knife became very gloomy, dark and thick, and his mood was extremely depressed.

Although his face is calm, it can be seen from his aura that Ghost Saber is actually crying in his heart at this moment!

"Want to fight me?",
Ji Lie didn't answer Ghost Saber's question, but raised his long knife numbly, and asked coldly:
"You have grown up, you can try it!"

Ghost Knife shouted in a trembling voice, his shoulders trembling slightly:

"Father, please don't evade the question I asked you just now.

Even if you are no longer a samurai of Xiqi, you are still my father, please answer my question,

What is it that made you a traitor? "

Ji Lie was still speechless. In fact, he didn't seem to listen to Ghost Sword at all. He raised his long knife again with a numb face, and repeated what he said just now.
"Want to fight me?"


Why on earth...",
Suddenly, Ghost Knife's veins twitched violently, and he yelled at Ji Lie in front of him in a rage.

Afterwards, the aura all over Ghost Knife ignited. From his neck to his forehead, his arms and fists were all covered with veins. He clenched his fists tightly. That kind of unrevealable anger seemed to destroy the entire world. Everything burned.

"I just need an answer!
Just one answer is all it takes!

Why is it?
Why betray Xiqi?
Are you bored?Tired?
Do you hate Xi Qi?Hate the leader?
Why is it?
Ghost Saber's voice echoed in this space, his voice was too loud, forming an impact force.

Those warriors who lost their minds were shocked. They all retreated to the corner out of instinct, and all curled up together, like a group of stimulated weak animals, which made people look sad and heartbroken.

Ghost Saber pointed at the warriors who lost their minds on the ground, and shouted to Ji Lie with a trembling voice,
Why can't you be like them?
Die here, or be trapped here, live strong.

You are God of War!Why, why betray?


Before Ghost Saber finished speaking, Ji Lie suddenly flashed in front of him, the speed was indescribably fast, but Ji Lie didn't draw the knife this time, and kicked with his backhand,

Accompanied by this neat movement, Ghost Knife was kicked to the wall instantly like a arrow, and the wall cracked and shattered.

This set of actions is too fast, and the human brain can only reflect what happened after one second.

It was only then that Chen Zhi realized that this former God of War really lived up to his reputation...

Then Ji Lie followed like a ghost, grabbed Ghost Dao by the neck with one hand, and pushed him against the wall,


Why do you always like to ask me questions?

To shut up!

Shut up! ",
After Ghost Knife was pinched by the neck, he held his breath and controlled the strength of Ji Lie's wrist, but he was still very excited. His eyes were bloodshot and he stared at his father. The veins on his forehead were throbbing violently. The stress made it impossible for him to speak anymore.

But at this moment, suddenly a black shadow came straight from the sky, that black shadow was like splitting lightning, swift and fierce, it went straight to Ji Lie's left arm.

Ji Lie then flashed away, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already retreated to the wall.

At this time, a man holding a black knife landed in front of the ghost knife. He pulled up the ghost knife, and then the black knife cut, turned to face Ji Lie, with a contemptuous smile on his face:

"Haha, Ji Ling, there is no need to ask him why, it is impossible for him to answer you.

Because he couldn't say the answer at all!

As a samurai, there is no reason to betray Xi Qi under any circumstances.

There is only one reason for his betrayal, hahahahaha~~~",
The man holding the black knife looked at Ji Lie with a hearty laugh,

"I'm not wrong, Ji Lie!

You are just afraid of death, right?

After the man finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his smile was full of mockery towards Ji Lie.

Then he turned his head to look at Chen Zhi,

"Patriarch, don't panic, I'm here, I will dedicate the head of this traitor to you immediately!"

"Ji Yang!",
Chen Zhi's mood was extremely excited at this time, the person in front of him holding the black knife was none other than Xiqi's current chief warrior - Ji Yang!
Ji Yang smiled and nodded at Chen Zhi, and then walked towards Ji Lie with a black knife in his hand. He was different from Asuo and Ghost Saber just now. Lie put it in his eyes, on the contrary, his eyes were full of contempt.

Haha~~, who sealed it?

Is it because you have been invincible?

How can there be anything invincible in this world?
As a samurai, how can you not often feel like failure~~
do you know?In fact, I have long felt that you are a cowardly person!You know it yourself, right?Hehe~~"

While smiling, Ji Yang walked slowly towards Ji Lie,
"During the years you were the chief, you teamed up with Asuo and never lost.

You guys at that time were really powerful~~~~
But the old leader talked about you with me before he was alive, saying that although you are talented, you are too proud.

It's like a knife sharpened too sharply. Although it is easy to use, it is easy to break.

He said that you have never suffered a defeat in your life, once you lose, you will definitely not be able to bear it!

how about it?
Didn't expect you to fail sometimes, right?

Only after being defeated in the hands of the real God of War in this tomb of God, can one know the taste of death, right?


He reached out to Yamo, begged for his life, and betrayed Xiqi!

Haha~~~, it’s actually such a simple thing, it’s so simple!

Ji Lie!

They... all overestimated you! ! ! "

 Discuss something with everyone, just to discuss, um..., those rewards in the past are too difficult to repay.

  Otherwise, I'll blow up a photo and write off this ten-thousand-year-old debt.woo woo~~
(End of this chapter)

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