Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1308 Undeniable

Chapter 1308 Undeniable
Ji Yang's words were powerful, and there was no room for rebuttal at all.

But Ji Lie in front suddenly became furious, and he no longer had that calm and calm face, as if someone had uncovered the deepest scar in his heart.

"Ji Yang, what right do you have to say about me?
You and I go the same way! ".

"Ha ha ha, is it?",
Ji Yang suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice was as loud as thunder, without any concealment.

"Ji Lie! What are you thinking?

Looking for a companion?Looking for someone who's been a traitor just like you?

Haha~~, what a joke!

Seven years ago, you led the strongest team into this tomb of the gods. In the end, Asuo, who was with you, chose to commit suicide. Stay here forever.

what about you?What did you choose in the end?
The old man is really strange, why do you still have the shame to live in this world?

Since you mentioned the old man, let me tell you in person.

I, Ji Yang, have never thought of betraying Xiqi from birth to death.

On the contrary, if someone wants to hurt my Xiqi leader, they can only step over the old man's corpse.

Hahaha~~, Ji Lie, you are a natural genius, what a ridiculous end result!

In the end, old man, I did not betray, your comrade-in-arms Asuo did not betray, and your son Ji Ling did not betray either. Among the red-belt warriors of all ages, no one has ever truly betrayed Xiqi.
and you, and only you,

You are the real betrayer!Hahahahaha~~~~~~~~~~~~"


Ji Lie suddenly collapsed, and he jumped into the air like a mad man.

The aura behind him was finally fully exposed, it was an impregnated human aura with a lot of alien things obviously added in it, it was dark, weird, and dark and turbulent.

Every blood vessel in Ji Lie's body became thick under the rapid congestion, and the anger value in his whole body had reached its peak, like a completely erupting volcano. The moment he jumped into the air, he disappeared.

In the next instant, Ji Lie had already arrived in front of Ji Yang, and he chopped down with a long knife...

In the next few minutes, Chen Zhi witnessed the most wonderful battle in the world,
It is no exaggeration to say that the physical skills of these two people have reached the level of perfection like gods.

Ji Yang's every movement, turning around, swinging his sword and jumping, is perfect and impeccable. He is a fast warrior, but his movements are more ferocious and decisive, like black lightning. No hesitation at all!

But Ji Lie is unimaginably fast, his saber light is really like a storm, countless saber marks can appear on the ground in a second, but he can't be seen at all, but every one of his The attacks are very accurate, if any attack is hit, it is enough to kill a person, there is no room for maneuver.

If Chen Zhi hadn't transported the airflow into his eyes, he wouldn't have been able to see such a fast movement, and he wouldn't have been able to witness this perfect battle scene with his own eyes.

Even Bai Ke next to him opened his eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief...

In the following time, Bai Ke kept his lips tightly closed. His silvery face no longer had the contemptuous expression just now, but was replaced by an extremely serious, even respectful expression.

His eyes were already blood red, and his eyes were motionless. He carefully observed every move and every detail of the two chief red-belt warriors. After observing from beginning to end, he softly uttered a sentence:
"Human beings, don't underestimate them!"

The battle lasted for about half an hour, and there was still no winner. Later, even a person like Chen Zhi who was not proficient in physical skills could see the development of the situation.

Two tigers fight each other, only fighting for the front line.

In fact, in the duel between masters, the time for fighting is also very short, and the advantages of both sides can be revealed immediately. Ji Yang's strength clearly has the upper hand, but there is one thing that makes him weaker and weaker, that is, he is simply Unable to catch Ji Lie.

Ji Lie, it's really too fast...

Even if Chen Zhi put the airflow on his eyes and zoomed in countless times, he still couldn't see Ji Lie's full image.

Chen Zhi could clearly see that Ji Yang wanted to catch Ji Lie several times, but in the end they were all in vain.

Under the absolute advantage of Ji Lie's speed, Ji Yang's arms, legs, waist, and shoulders all had obvious stab wounds, and the battle situation has become more and more unfavorable!

"There is no time!"

Baike said loudly to Ji Yang who was fighting from behind,

"Excuse me, but we must do it quickly!

I am not talented~~
To intervene! "

Do not!
Ji Yang suddenly jumped out of the circle and shouted to Bai Ke, his voice was like thunder.

He pointed his long knife straight at Bai Ke in front of him, his head was dripping with sweat, and his pale face was full of angry veins.
"This is a matter between us Xiqi warriors, you are not qualified to intervene!"

"I respect your duel!",
Baike's voice is very serious:

"Time is too precious now, I can't do more pestering!
Don't forget the purpose of your trip!

I can't let what's down below notice, if I wake him up, we'll all die here.

Please forgive my presumptuousness! ",
After Bai Ke finished speaking, he gently pulled out the deer knife in his hand, his eyes quickly gathered a murderous look, and turned to Ji Lie standing in front of him.

"I will not kill such an excellent warrior!
I just need to control him first, and then use your Xiqi knife to kill him! ", after Bai Ke finished speaking, he was about to jump forward.

"No need for you!",
Ji Yang roared in anger, his voice contained an extremely firm determination, like a mountain cracking.

"I warn you, he is from our Xiqi, even if he dies, he is our Xiqi's ghost!

If you dare to touch him, I will fight you to the death! "

After Ji Yang finished speaking, he turned his head suddenly, and suddenly looked at the ghost knife who had been standing by the wall.

"Ji Ling!
Are you still my samurai in Xiqi? ",
Ji Yang's voice was particularly loud, like a thunderclap in the dark.

Ghost Knife was awakened immediately, he had been leaning against the wall since just now, watching his master fight his father with numb eyes, in a trance.

And when he heard Ji Yang's explosive roar, Ghost Knife trembled all over, and immediately subconsciously grasped the handle of the knife, his lips moved slightly, but he didn't utter any sound.

"Ji Ling, my apprentice,"

Ji Yang shouted loudly, his eyes suddenly glistened, and the corners of his eyes were full of blue veins.
"If you still think of yourself as a warrior of Xiqi.

If you still remember that I have no children in my life, I have taught you the kindness of practicing martial arts for 16 years.

Come here and kill this traitor with me! "

 Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday.Just one chapter today, a beautiful broken chapter.If you want to see photos, enter the group 535422468, take a photo, and write off what you owed in the past. From now on, Wanshang will add it immediately and you will not be in arrears.It's too difficult to count the past, I'm going crazy, I'd rather sell my face, and I won't count.Don't mention morals, there is no morals.

(End of this chapter)

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