Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1309 The Great Rebellion

Chapter 1309 The Great Rebellion

[Thanks to Dahao: The Tomb of the Ghostly God rewarded 10000, but one didn’t pay attention, it seems that another [-] was rewarded. I just paid off the debt according to the photo, and I owe it again. Don’t sleep and code! 】

Ji Yang's voice was like a bolt of lightning in the dark, swift, decisive, and unavoidable. The moment Ghost Saber heard that voice, it collapsed~~
Chen Zhi had never seen such a ghost knife before. He was shaking like a sieve at this moment, as if he had heard the most terrifying order in the world, and his soul was about to be swallowed up by panic.

Afterwards, the energy and blood all over his body surged up, and the blue veins on every part of his body burst out. He opened his eyes wide, the corners of his eyes were cracked, and his eyes were blood red, as if they might explode at any time. He looked at Ji Lie , with uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

And in the next second, tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably.

Ghost Knife was crying, indeed he was crying, this person who was never willing to express his feelings easily, is now crying like a child.

Facing such a ghost knife, Ji Yang was outraged, his anger accompanied by his shouts, lingered in the air, piercing into the ghost knife's ears,
Ji Ling, what are you doing?
are you crying

You useless thing!
Can you stop acting like a coward?
You are a samurai!Remember the samurai belief?
I swear blood, honor and disgrace, and I will never survive!
The belief in our hearts is more important than our lives!

Excuting an order!

You are helping him!

Otherwise, once he escapes, he will live in shame for the rest of his life..."

The last sentence lashed Ghost Knife's body like a whip, and Ghost Knife stood up immediately, like a reflecting spring.

Chen Zhi once thought that it was not easy for Ghost Saber to take this step. Even if he took this step, he would hesitate for a long time. However, it didn't take long...

Ghost Knife calmed down quickly, he wiped away the tears on his face quickly, then raised his face, and restored his face as calm as water.

Then he drew the knife with one hand, quickly pulled out Shiranui with the other hand, and jumped up lightly.

He first jumped up and jumped onto the wall, then used his reflex to leap forward, and then disappeared in a flash.

This movement of the ghost knife is really called a ghostly ghost, even Ji Lie didn't see his movement clearly, and in the next second, the ghost knife had appeared behind Ji Lie, and the long knife lay across Ji Lie With the other hand, he raised the blue Shiranui and slashed towards Ji Lie's shoulder.

Under the sudden attack, Ji Lie quickly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already landed far away in a corner, but his shoulders were hung!

Ji Lie's expression on seeing Ghost Knife became serious. His face was gloomy, and he stared at every movement of Ghost Knife. His eyes were very strange. Chen Zhi always felt that what emerged from Ji Lie's eyes was a kind of fear of death. of fear.

Then he raised the long knife horizontally, pointed the tip of the knife at the ghost knife in front, leaned forward, and made a perfect attacking posture, which was no longer the state just now.

At this time, Chen Zhi also clearly saw that there was a strong killing intent in Ghost Saber's eyes at this time.

"This is what you humans believe!
Bai Ke looked ahead with piercing eyes, and said softly,

"In my memory, there are many memories of ancestors in the past, in fact, a large part is about human beings and their beliefs.

My ancestors believed that human beings are very fragile, good at deceiving, short-lived, and ignorant, and a little profit can make them chase and kill each other, just like aggressive antelopes.

But they have a very unique thing, once they have it, they will become extremely powerful, and this kind of thing makes human beings very special.

This thing is called belief!

In my memory, there are many people who have believed in humans, and finally created incredible miracles!
Among them are many stories about Xiqi's past. Ji Fa, the former monarch of Xiqi, is a very special person.My people all think that he is a human being with faith, so he is very strong and finally did that big thing.The fighters around him deserve respect.

And I also saw the shadow of Ji Fa in these warriors now.

It seems that if time passes, I might like my cousin and like you humans too..."

The battle ahead is still going on, Ji Lie's speed can only be described as super fast, coming and going without a trace, flashing to various corners without any entity, but..., no matter where he flashes to?Ghost Saber can always follow him like a shadow!
Only then did Chen Zhi realize one thing, the ghost knife is no longer the ghost knife in the past. During this period of time, something must have happened to him, which made his physical skills improve by leaps and bounds. The movement is faster and more stable.

If it is said that Ji Lie's speed is intangible, Ghost Saber is more like a gust of light wind, without feeling it, it has already arrived by your side.

But Ghost Knife's knife is very decisive, he seems to have forgotten that in front of him is his biological father, wherever he goes, he can control Ji Lie's actions, like a rope, trapping Ji Lie tightly Tight, absolutely impossible to get rid of.

At this time, Ji Yang's stormy offensive showed his greatest advantage.

His black knife roared like the wind, splitting the lightning, there was no way to avoid it!

In the end, Ji Lie was captured by them.

At the last moment, Ghost Saber plunged into the ground with a long knife, pinning Ji Lie's instep firmly, while Shiranui stabbed Ji Lie's left arm, pinning him to the wall, and then the Ghost Saber swung its arms around, The triangular attack trapped Ji Lie tightly in the corner of the wall. Finally, Ji Lie couldn't move anymore.

At this moment, Ji Yang raised the black long knife in time, and slashed at Ji Lie's neck without hesitation, but Ji Lie grabbed Ji Yang's knife with one arm, and then the other The arm forcibly broke away from Shiranui, and grabbed Ji Yang tightly.

Under such circumstances, all three of them were under quality control, and Ji Yang couldn't move anymore!

Ji Lie's eyes were bloodshot at this moment, he gritted his teeth, staring at Ghost Saber firmly,

"Let go!"

When Ji Lie said this, the corners of his mouth were already cracked, it could be seen that he had made a lot of determination.

Ghost Knife's face was already gray and gray at this time, as if he was a dead person, his lips were blue and trembling, but his face was still indifferent, so indifferent to a terrifying degree, as if he was indifferent to the biological father in front of him. , without the slightest mercy.

"Ling'er, let go!

he will kill me! ",
Ji Lie gritted his teeth, and said another sentence fiercely. There was a miserable taste in that voice. It sounded frightening. It seemed to be threatening, or..., begging~~
Ghost Saber was still staring at Ji Lie, his eyes were motionless, his gray face twitched, and he shook his head slightly towards his father.

(End of this chapter)

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