Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1313 Miracle

Chapter 1313 Miracle

Accompanied by Chen Zhi's Fiery Curse, the dead body of Asuo in the corner immediately burned violently.

The high temperature of the Blazing Curse exceeds the limit of human technology, and it can destroy everything in an instant. The raging fire quickly burned the corpse completely. When the fire is extinguished, only the ashes left on the ground gradually drift !
"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Chen Zhi waved his hand and retracted the Blazing Curse, with black smoke still in his hand,
"We've never seen any dead bodies, and I don't think there's anything wrong with you!
From the time I knew you, you have been like this, in the heart of the leader, you are the real Asuo!
Don't cling to the past that you can't do anything about, that's the most stupid behavior!
Asuo samurai, don't mention this matter from now on, this is my order and the meaning of the leader. "


After Asuo heard Chen Zhi's words, he knelt down instantly, and the heavy burden in his heart seemed to turn into ashes along with the burning corpse in an instant.

At this time, I saw Chen Zhi, pointing to the broad knife in Ah Suo's hand,

"Put that knife down!

This is a weapon of the past, it belongs here, let it go with your past,
From now on, you don't need it anymore!
Believe me, fate will definitely give you a new weapon, a weapon that is truly worthy of you! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he gave Asuo a serious look, shook his head slightly, and signaled him not to say any more!

Asuo gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Zhi, obediently placed the broad knife in his hand on the ashes tremblingly, lowered his head with mixed feelings, tears streaming down his eyes drop by drop.Thousands of words were swallowed.

The time after that was very tense, and they had to find a way to take all these surviving warriors out, but in fact, this matter was not that easy at all.

Although these warriors have lost their minds, they still have a strong sense of self-protection, and they have strong resistance behaviors. When they are pulled out, they immediately start to scream loudly like crazy, and the shrill voice pierces the eardrums .

That scene seemed a bit distressing.

The worst one was Fat Wei, but he was pushed a few times by these warriors vigorously, and every time he suffered heavy blows, he almost broke his bones.

Just when Chen Zhi was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, suddenly, several figures rushed in through the entrance.

And when he saw the person who came in, Chen Zhi only felt his heart suddenly open up,

It was Ji Ying who came in, and those blue-ribbon warriors who were fighting the Tengu to the death...

Ji Ying looked very embarrassed at this time, her hair and body were covered with plasma, all sticking to her face.

She supported Old Warrior Xia and half carried him on her shoulders.

The old warrior Xia was already unconscious at this time. His whole body was covered with messy bite wounds. The wounds were all open. It was frightening to watch. There was almost no complete skin visible all over his body. Blood and plasma Dyeing his entire face blood red, if it weren't for the clothes and weapons, it's really impossible to recognize who he is.

And when Chen Zhi saw them again, his emotion was beyond words. This time, Chen Zhi was really wrong. He almost lost these warriors forever!Bear the unforgivable spiritual guilt.

Ji Ying's intuition was right. Although these warriors could no longer be seen in the air flow, none of them died.

In the labyrinth, the samurai were attacked fiercely by the tengus. The overwhelming attack was simply irresistible!
But Xiqi's samurai were never used to being weak, nor used to waiting to die.

The old samurai Xia has very experienced actual combat experience. He made precise deployments, used tactics to travel between various routes, rescued each other, and disrupted the attack targets of the tengus.

During this battle with the tengu, they have been supporting each other and fighting in a roundabout way.

In the end, they successfully led all the tengus to the most tortuous route, and then used their geographical advantage to fight a very tragic life-and-death fight with those tengus!

This is another story, in which every samurai did his best, performed miracles, and was called a hero.

But in this battle, all the warriors also paid a heavy price.

First of all, the old warrior Xia, although his left hand was injured before, he still slaughtered more than a dozen tengu with one hand, which greatly boosted the morale of the warriors!

But he was bitten almost all over his body and a major artery was damaged.

Bao Jiu's amazing explosive power saved everyone's lives. He chained dozens of tengus tightly, and then killed them together with the warriors. Rotten, the root of his thigh had been bitten off by a tengu, he was bleeding profusely, and he was completely unconscious.

This battle was tragic. After killing all the tengus, all the warriors also lay on the ground, without even the power to save themselves.

Soon, they entered the coma state before death. At those times, their health was very low, almost no different from that of a dead person, so Chen Zhi's air flow line could not see that they still had a trace of breath.

When Ji Ying found them, they were already dying. If Ji Ying was five minutes late, they might, indeed, have turned into corpses.

Ji Ying used rapid physical skills to stop their bleeding in the shortest time, and took emergency pills mixed with elixir. The effect of elixir cannot be underestimated, and many people immediately recovered.

Only Bao Jiu and Old Warrior Xia were seriously injured and were still in a coma.

Seeing those warriors covered in blood and scars, Chen Zhi was heartbroken. Then he looked at Ji Ying,

"Warrior Ji Ying, thank you!",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he solemnly put his hand on Ji Ying's shoulder,
"You made your first battle!

When I go back, I will definitely announce this to everyone.

You are Xiqi's hero!
Please forgive my previous indiscretion! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he looked at the warriors who looked like walking corpses again, and briefly told Ji Ying about the current situation.

The time is too urgent now, these warriors must be transported out, this place is not a place to stay for a long time at all, everything will be discussed after going out.

Chen Zhi and Ji Ying checked the situation of the team. Now, except for the old warrior Xia, everyone else in the team has regained consciousness, and even Bao Jiu can walk by himself with the support of others.

Some samurai who are not seriously injured can help, but it is still very difficult to transport these walking corpses out, and it will take a while.

Now everyone has to think of a special way to let these walking corpses walk by themselves and follow them out.

It's time for everyone to rack their brains and find a way!
A terrifying scene suddenly appeared...

 [Thanks to: Tomb of the Ghost God, ten thousand rewards and more]

  I owe him a total of ten chapters, and I will strive for four more tomorrow, and pay off the debt quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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