Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1314 Awakened Evil

Chapter 1314 Awakened Evil

[The local tyrant, the tomb of the deceitful god, gave another [-] rewards]

It was Bai Ke who first discovered the vision!

Just as everyone was busy trying to find a way to transport these walking corpse-like warriors out of this ghostly place, Bai Ke suddenly jumped into the middle of everyone and made a silent gesture.

At this time, Bai Ke's face was ashen, everyone realized that something had happened, everyone immediately held their breath, no one made a sound, and the whole space immediately became quiet~~~
And in the silent darkness, everyone noticed that the smell of blood here suddenly became stronger, it was the kind of thick that could suffocate people, it made people feel as if they were immersed in a pool of blood, and it was very difficult to breathe.

Bai Ke waved to everyone, motioning everyone to look back, then he pointed to the location of Ishii,
Chen Zhi looked forward along his hand, and when he saw the scene coming out of the stone well, he felt a "thump~~~" in his heart.

On the edge of the well, at some point, a hand stretched out. The hand was black, and its shape could be called a claw. The five fingers were long, especially the middle finger, which hooked forward like an eagle's claw. with.

The skin and flesh are all black, with bumps and bumps on it, like festered and burnt skin, but you can see the long nails on the paws, and the strange huge ring on the index finger, it must have been a hand.

Chen Zhi immediately clenched his fists, crossed his arms and made a gesture in the air.

This is to tell everyone to be quiet immediately and not to show any breath.

Then Chen Zhi winked at Bai Ke.

Bai Ke understood, and then flew lightly into the air like a butterfly, then tapped his toes to the ground, bounced two steps forward, and slowly approached the stone well without making any sound.

Chen Zhi could clearly see that Bai Ke's forehead was starting to sweat. He was very, very afraid, very afraid of the things in the well. He stopped three or four meters away from the stone well, and tentatively looked forward.

After staring at it for a long time, then turned back, shook his head at Chen Zhi, and said softly with his lips,
"Let everyone leave immediately"

Chen Zhi turned his head immediately, with a livid face, and ordered everyone with his lips:

"Immediately think of a way to transfer all the warriors, immediately!

If you can't!

You can transfer as much as you can! "

Chuanzhi's order was very urgent, which proved that the moment of life and death was reached at this time, and there was no time to think about it slowly.Ji Ying and Fat Wei glanced at each other, still helpless in anxiety, but Bao Jiu, who had just woken up, remembered a very simple method.

This method is simply an emergency, and very practical.

For the warriors of Xiqi, code words are often used for internal communication. There are many types of code words, but part of them is to send out audible signals.

In a samurai team, the leader of the team will often hit the ground to make a noise, and then order the whole team!
For the blue belt warriors who have been fighting in large forces for a long time, this command is the most direct and practical command, especially one of the most commonly used commands, "return to the team"

The entire command is used frequently in almost every mission.

These warriors have already engraved this order into their subconscious mind, and the cerebral cortex has already produced a conditioned reflex for this order, and they will execute it without thinking.

As long as Ji Ying, as a great warrior, pretends to be the captain of the former combat team and hits the code words on the ground, these warriors will follow. Just like this, he can take these survivors out!

Ji Ying then tried to hit the ground with a long knife, but unexpectedly got an unexpected effect!
When they heard the signal, all the walking dead turned around reflexively. Most of them had no vision, their five senses were numb, but they still had some sense of hearing.

When they heard this voice, they immediately followed their ears forward, and then walked towards Ji Ying in unison.

Ji Ying was very happy, and then said to Chen Zhi with her lips,
"I'll take these people out first!

You and Baike stay here!

After I send them out safely, I will come back to help you! "

"No need!"

Chen Zhi shook his head lightly at Ji Ying, and then said something with his lips:

"Get them all out safely, and your mission is over!
don't mind me...

If you win, you will naturally go out! "

After seeing Chen Zhi's lips, Ji Ying was stunned for a moment, and then she looked at Bai Ke, who had a serious face, sweat dripping from his forehead, and was staring at the hand at the mouth of the well.

"What do you mean?" Ji Ying turned to look at Chen Zhi,
"I can definitely come back and help you!

I'm not injured and I'm in great shape! "

"No need!" Chen Zhi still shook his head,

"The two of us are enough!"

At this time, nearly a hundred surviving warriors had already started to rush towards Ji Ying. Ji Ying nimbly jumped to the entrance, hit the ground with a long knife again, and typed out a code word, leading the surviving warriors over.

But in the end, she jumped back again, looked at Chen Zhi with piercing eyes, and asked with her lips:
"Patriarch, tell me, can you win?

Are you sure? "

Chen Zhi nodded lightly again, with a faint smile on his face,

But Ji Ying still didn't move, her eyes were fixed on Chen Zhi's, as if she was thinking about something, after a second, she continued to speak softly with her lips:

"You never lied to me! I believe everything you say!
can you promise me
One hundred percent sure to win this time!Can come out alive!

Don't lie to me! "

Chen Zhi silently looked at Ji Ying's blood-stained but still beautiful face. Ji Ying's bright smile in the past was like a string of connected beads, all of which appeared in his heart one by one. Somewhere in my heart, it became very soft.

"I promise you!",
Chen Zhi looked at Ji Ying with a faint smile, took out from his bosom the clan disk that Ji Ying kept with him, and gave it back to her.
"I solemnly promise you!

I am sure to win!
I will not die!

I did not lie to you!
You go first, I will be out soon..."

 [The local tyrant, the tomb of the ghostly god, rewarded another [-], and there are no photos to repay the debt, and he still has to rely on labor to pay off the debt! 】

(End of this chapter)

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