Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1315 Awakened Evil

Chapter 1315 Awakened Evil ([-])
[Thanks to Juhao: Tomb of the Deceitful God, another [-] rewards!Emma~~]

This method of sound transmission is very effective, and soon these walking dead are all attracted out.

Ji Ying tapped code words all the way to guide the survivors to follow her. With the assistance of the injured warriors, the walk went very smoothly. There should be no major problems on the way back.

Asuo and Ghost Knife also left together.

Although Asuo's mood is still unstable, he tried his best to help guide the route in front, which played a big role, while Ghost Dao's mood was on the verge of collapse, and he just followed the team, no matter what others told him, he didn't respond .

After everyone withdrew, the entire space suddenly became empty, and the figures that shuttled back and forth just now disappeared all of a sudden, and only then did I feel that this place was frighteningly cold.

Only then did Chen Zhi feel that the isolated space was actually so empty, with a very large area, and there were some strange utensils piled up in strange styles, and it was unknown how old it was.

It seems that Jiang Ziya's enchantment has stopped the time here, keeping everything here as it was thousands of years ago. It seems that even the air has been isolated, wrapped in a strong smell of blood, full of the smell of the Warring States Period.

The surrounding fires were still flickering, reflecting the dark area very strangely. When everything was quiet, the stone well in the middle of the ground suddenly became very eye-catching, and the bloody color attached to the mouth of the well was like A dehumanized corpse.

And the outstretched black claw was still there, he was motionless, as if it was fake, without any signs of life.

At this time, Chen Zhi could no longer see any aura in the well, and the sharp and cruel dark aura just now suddenly disappeared.

Chen Zhi knew that the aura would not disappear out of thin air. This did not mean that the aura of that thing was not strong enough, but that for some reason, he covered up all the aura.

Bai Ke took a tentative step forward, his blood-red eyes shining like the scorching sun, he made a gesture to Chen Zhi, and then pointed to the black paw in front of him.

Turning around, he said with his lips,

"He should still be sleeping!
I'm going to touch him!
You follow our plan, opportunity is ready!

If he wakes up, fight!
Those who die first must leave a way for those who die later! "


Chen Zhi quickly rejected Bai Ke's suggestion. He looked at the black hand carefully, and always felt that something was wrong. The feeling of something wrong was indescribable.

In fact, since entering here, Chen Zhi has always felt that there are pairs of eyes watching them, but for some reason, the owner of these eyes is not in a hurry to appear. He is very interested in Chen Zhi and Bai Ke, especially Chen Zhi. Chi, there is a different kind of emotion, which seems to have been bred for a long time.

"Don't touch him!

He is waiting for you to pass~~~
return! ",
Chen Zhi suddenly raised his voice and said loudly,
Bai Ke was taken aback, and then jumped back like lightning. He looked at Chen Zhi incomprehensibly, his blood-red eyes widened angrily, meaning:
"What do you want to do?
Why speak out? "

However, Chen Zhi raised the volume again this time:
"He's already awake!

From the moment we entered the tomb of God, he was already waiting for us!
We were in a hurry just now, he is not interested in other people at all, what he is interested in is us! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he immediately closed his eyes and recited the mantra silently. He stretched out his hands, and streams of air like chaotic snakes came out of his cuffs.

The airflow was as thunderous as lightning, and rushed forward quickly, drawing a square barrier around the mouth of the well at an extremely fast speed.

The style of the enchantment is extremely delicate, as regular as it was drawn by a computer. Each corner is bound by multiple layers of airflow. The airflow lines are thinner than one ten thousandth of a hair. The airflow threads on each surface No less than hundreds of millions of pieces, exquisite and meticulous, nothing can be added, just like a high-thickness steel plate that has been strengthened tens of thousands of times.

Chen Zhi then opened his eyes, and countless geometric equations were formed in his brain. With the change of his thinking, this thick square barrier was copied continuously outside the wellhead, forming one after another. Transparent enchantment.

The composition and structure of this enchantment can be called a perfect work of art, layer by layer, ring by ring, and formed according to the form of the ancient formation, just like a perfect cage, even if it is Even the greatest artist can't create such an exquisite enchantment layer.

In an instant, the barrier outside the mouth of the well has been forced to cover a thousand layers.

The position of each layer is very accurate, restricting each other, restricting each other, and reinforcing each other, one buckle is connected to the other, like a series of chains, tightly enclosing the well.

It can be said that at this time, even with a [-]-ton heavy bomb, it is impossible to blast a single stone from this enchantment. It is really a perfect enchantment that is impossible to come out of!

"Come out!"

Chen Zhi suddenly opened his eyes, the eyeballs showed a deep purple color, and an extremely strong aura burst out from behind him, filling the entire space like a blazing flame.

"Stop hiding!
I know you are waiting for me, after being buried here alive, you feel unwilling, right?Always wanted revenge, right?

Your resentment has been accumulated for thousands of years, you don't need to bear it any longer!

I am the descendant of Jiang Shang who buried you alive here in the past, Chen Zhi!
Come out, let me see what you really look like?
I came here today to seal you again! ",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he tore off his coat violently, exposing his chest!
In an instant, a majestic air current as vast as the sea rushed out of his chest like a huge wave.

The huge amount of air flow is extremely strong, like a big wave, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, flying into the air and wandering around, then condensed together, instantly turning into a giant dragon, in this space, it is like entering the nine heavens Above, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the situation is changing. The shock is indescribable!
The giant dragon bared its teeth and claws in the air, writhed and circled, and with thunderbolts and lightning, it fixed its eyes on the mouth of the well below.

And Baike's aura was completely bursting out, his shoulders and back were raised high, his body was covered with layers of transparent scales, and a dark and powerful spiritual aura flashed from behind him, like a black dragon.

His eyes were as red as torches, and he quickly drew out his deer knife, bent his whole body to the ground, and pointed the long knife to the sky.

He stared at the mouth of the well, ready to fight to the death.

In the atmosphere of this murderous decisive battle, the black claw seemed to be touched, and suddenly moved, and then, a blood-soaked black head came out of the mouth of the well...

 [Thanks to Juhao: Tomb of the Deceitful God, another [-] rewards!Emma~~]

  Two more sleep today.Start paying off the debt tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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