Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1317 Killing the God of Immortality

Chapter 1317 Killing the God of Immortality ([-])
"Too strong, far stronger than imagined!
Better than prepared for the worst! ",
Thinking silently in Chen Zhi's mind, he hurriedly gathered the airflow on the palm of his hand and covered his ears. The right ear was already deaf, and he had to prevent the eardrum on the other side from being shattered.

But at this time, the aura that filled the sky and the sea became manic again, setting off huge waves and engulfing them.

In the killing god's aura, Chen Zhi saw a lot of bloody shadows. There are ancient warriors, tortured prisoners of war, and surviving warriors. When they were bitten here all these years, they cried out in pain. Voice.

Killing God was obviously very angry at Bai Ke's provocation just now. It was the anger of the beast to show its strength by provoking before the battle. If it was not bound by Chen Zhi's enchantment at this time, he would have rushed out and caught Bai Ke as mud.

However, just like what Chen Zhi said just now, although the killing god is extremely powerful, it is not so easy to get rid of this expansive barrier easily.

Killing God easily broke through the first half of the barrier, but it became more and more difficult at the back.

But in the final stage, the killing god was obviously restrained by the enchantment. Like a crazy prisoner, he howled loudly and tore the cage with rage.

Chen Zhi could always feel the enormous power he was enduring on his barrier, and while the big black claws were constantly destroying the barrier, the air flow was constantly growing, like dense chains, absorbing all the killing power. It's sealed.

"Can he come out?",
Bai Ke's eyes were blood red, and the aura behind him rose like a pair of black wings, and the blade of the deer knife also turned blood red under the reflection of his eyes.

"He will come out eventually!",
Chen Zhi stared at the mad killing god in the barrier, and said softly.

"The moment he comes out, all the power will explode without limit, and his aura will become very strong, enough to engulf us!

Never let him have the chance to fully erupt!

Otherwise we're done~~
Execute according to what we have prepared in advance!

Never hesitate.

I'm starting the countdown now...",
Chen Zhi then stared at Killing God with both eyes, watching his every movement, his mind turned quickly, and calculated the time until the barrier was completely scratched from the degree of damage of the barrier.

This period of time is very sufficient. The giant air dragon that Chen Zhi put into the air and hovering in the air has already been stimulated to go crazy at this time. The killing god trapped in the barrier was ready to pounce at any moment.

"It's time!"

Chen Zhi fixed his eyes on the enchantment, and at the last moment began to meditate,





Go! "

Chen Zhi then gave a loud shout, and the hovering giant dragon above his head, after receiving the order, opened its teeth and danced its claws like crazy and rushed downward.

And at the same moment, the last layer of enchantment was also grabbed by the killing god, and at that moment, the black aura like a torrential flood was overwhelming, roaring wildly, wanting to erupt completely!
Behind Killing God Bai Qi, a pair of black air masses rose up, like a pair of super huge black wings, he jumped upwards, wanting to fly upwards with the aura.

And at this moment, the huge dragon landed on the head of the Killing God exactly, and swallowed him in one gulp the moment the Killing God just broke free from the barrier!
After the air dragon swallowed the killing god, it immediately flew back into the air and circled quickly~~
Chen Zhi yelled, and circled his arms on the ground, forming a circle like a Tai Chi fist.

Under Chen Zhi's control, the air dragon quickly circled together, connected head to tail, and soon turned into a rapidly rotating round sphere.

The sphere rotated very fast, without breathing for a moment, completely enveloping Bai Qi inside, even though the Killing God inside had thousands of abilities, it was imprisoned by the fierce curse and had nowhere to use it, and couldn't fly out at all.

And at this moment, Baike jumped into the air like a black light and shadow with a "boom--", and raised the deer knife at the fast-rotating air ball.

The image of Bai Ke at this time is extremely magnificent, just like the heavenly soldiers and generals who fell from the sky, the scales all over his body are dazzling in the light, he raised the knife with both hands, the long knife pointed straight down, and roared:

Amidst the roar, Baike's face was distorted and deformed, his mouth began to grow like a dog's, the fangs in his mouth turned into long fangs, and the nails on his hands turned into long hooks, just like a dog. Like a heavenly demon, it came down with a knife.

"嗖——", there was a sound.

Without even leaving a shadow, the air mass was split into two halves.

Chen Zhi then hastily raised his arms and retracted all the air currents.

At this time, I saw the Killing God who was surrounded by the air flow just now, cut into two pieces by Baike from top to bottom, and fell to the ground with two crackling sounds.

From the wounds of those limbs, black slurry was left, and golden green smoke rose, hovering quickly on the ground.

But Baike didn't give him half a second to breathe, and then, it turned into a black lightning, and quickly chopped off the deer knife. Because it was too fast, those knife shadows finally turned into light-like knife air .

And Baike's extraordinary physical skills were also reflected. In less than a tenth of a second, the corpse on the ground had been cut into a puddle of minced meat...

Bai Ke then jumped to Chen Zhi's side with a knife, covered his chest, knelt on the ground with one leg, panting heavily, his speed just now was too fast, it has already exceeded the limit of human cognition.

Then he raised his head, looked at the puddle of meat in front of him, and asked Chen Zhi softly:
"Is it done?"

"not yet!"

Chen Zhi shook his head lightly, his eyes fixed on the plasma and minced meat on the ground.

Then he slowly raised his right arm, and a ball of flames burned rapidly from his hand. Chen Zhi let go of the flames and said softly,

 Thanks for the reward: Wei Tuo 200
(End of this chapter)

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