Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1318 Killing the God of Immortality

Chapter 1318 Killing the God of Immortality ([-])

Suddenly, raging flames erupted in the places where the plasma and meat were in front of them.

The temperature of this raging fire was obviously much higher than the one that burned Asuo's body just now.

This is the most refined part of the Blazing Fire Curse, which has far surpassed the concept of ordinary flames. The temperature has far exceeded the limit of human temperature control points, and in the center of the raging fire, it is reddish blue. Under the burning of this raging fire, Not even ashes will remain.

After the raging fire, the puddle of minced meat disappeared completely, and the plasma splashed on the ground also completely evaporated.

With a shake of his hand, Chen Zhi withdrew the Blazing Curse, looked at the ground ahead with blue smoke, and frowned.

"Is it done?",
Baike asked Chen Zhi softly, looking ahead with vigilant eyes,

"nothing left!
His aura is gone...

Are we done? "

Chen Zhi remained silent, staring at the darkness ahead with his brows furrowed, and then said softly,

"It doesn't seem right!

Some..., so easy! "

"Gluck cluck cluck cluck cluck~~~",
A burst of eerie laughter suddenly came from Chen Zhi's ear. The voice was too close, as if it was only a centimeter away from Chen Zhi's ear.

And this burst of laughter was too penetrating. The coldness penetrated into Chen Zhi's soul, causing his pores to explode immediately, and his hair stood on his head. The guest retreated far away together, and then looked at the place where he was standing just now.

But they were surprised to see that Bai Qi, who had been cut into pieces and burned to ashes in front of their eyes just now, was hanging upside down in the darkness, his body completely suspended in the air, as if he had no weight.

Killing God was covered in scorched black, and black dregs kept falling from his body, but it could still be seen that his figure was perfect, strong and strong, very similar to human beings.

On his scorched face, a pair of blood-red eyeballs stared at Chen Zhi, his mouth without lips was split open,

cluck cluck..."

The voice kept going on, it was an indistinguishable voice, cold and piercing, but Chen Zhizhi could clearly feel that the killing god was laughing at him, and was laughing at him crazily!
"The fire is gone to him!",
Chen Zhi said softly to Bai Ke,
"It's not just fire. It's estimated that many substances are no longer harmful to him. He should still have wisdom. He probably didn't fight back just now. He was playing us!"

"Don't care about these!",
At this time, Bai Ke's eyes were blood red from the excitement, and the scales on his body were shaking excitedly. He raised the deer knife, quickly drew a streamline in the air, pointed at the killing god in front of him, and said,
"Chen Zhi, follow our second plan, don't hesitate!

If you can survive, let’s talk about the future!”

After hearing these words, Chen Zhi's heart skipped a beat immediately. He knew that this step could not be avoided.

Before that, Chen Zhi and Bai Ke had already formulated two battle plans to deal with this immortal killing god.

The first plan is to swallow Bai Qi with a fierce curse gas dragon as before, trap him in the fierce curse, and then let Bai Ke kill him and burn his body.

Use the limit speed to let Shashen burst out of power in no time.

This plan is very conservative and relatively safe.

Because of using this method, Chen Zhi's magic energy would not be consumed too much, at least it would prevent him from falling down immediately, and he could deal with other enemies later.

But the second plan is very dangerous...

In the second plan, if the first method fails to take down Bai Qi, the god of killing, then Chen Zhi has to pick up the whip and use the curse of killing the gods to continue to seal Bai Qi.

As for the mystery of hitting the magic whip, Chen Zhi is still unable to understand and control it.

But there is an ultimate solution, which is to use the conversion spell to convert all the physical and magical energy of the body into strength and concentrate it on Chen Zhi's right arm.

At that moment, Chen Zhi's right arm will be extremely powerful, able to lift all things that humans cannot lift, and with this power, he will lift up the whip and completely kill the God of Killing!

This is basically the way to kill the net. After switching the spell, Chen Zhi's power will be completely drained, and he will no longer be able to use any spells.

But even if this method is successful, it will be difficult for them to survive the next step.

Because according to Ji Yang's information just now, Anbu has undoubtedly surrounded the outside world, and the son of Vulcan who fought against him will also come. If Chen Zhi has no spells and encounters the son of God again, there will be no way to compete with him.

Warriors are pure physical fighters, and they are often weak in the face of the fire of the Son of God.

At that time, the entire organization and even the leader Bao Ping will become very passive in front of Vulcan, and Chen Zhi will not be able to protect them.

Therefore, this second step of the plan must be used only when there is no other choice.

And the situation in front of me is a last resort...

Bai Qi, the God of Killing, is indeed immortal. He is a living beast, far more powerful than they imagined, and even so fast that they have no time to think.

"Don't hesitate!",
Bai Ke turned around and shouted,
"I'm going to hold him down!

Everything, wait until you survive! "

After Bai Ke finished speaking, his figure flashed, and appeared in front of Bai Qi like a thunderbolt.

Bai Ke's whole body was covered with crazy Qi refining, the deer knife went all the way down, like a thunderbolt, it went straight to Bai Qi's head. It hit Bai Qi's head.

And at this time... Bai Qi raised his head slowly, showing his fangs full of cold light, and even smiled at Bai Ke, and then he slashed his claws, and Bai Ke broke one of his fingers. The knife fell!

And the killing god who had been hanging upside down in the air suddenly jumped up and grabbed Bai Ke's head. Bai Ke hurriedly lowered his head and withdrew back. His head was saved, but most of the flesh and blood on his face was taken away by the killing god. !

At this time, I saw the God of Death fluttering down from the air, standing in front of Baike like a human being, and made an attacking posture.

After that, Chen Zhi clearly saw that Bai Qi, the God of Killing, was really a talented and proficient physicist. All his strength came from his physical skills, and his physical skills had already reached perfection.

In the next ten seconds, Chen Zhi saw the world's most exquisite martial arts duel. In this short ten seconds, the killing god attacked Bai Ke more than a hundred times!

The speed is so fast that the human brain can't even keep up with it, but every movement is so wonderful that people even forget the danger and death, and forget that this physicist is a man who eats people of weird gods.

And just ten seconds later, Bai Ke's chest was suddenly hit firmly by the claws of the God of Death!
The claw pierced through his entire chest, while Bai Ke held onto Killing God's shoulder tightly at the same time.

Bai Ke quickly turned his head to look at Chen Zhi,

"Right now, hurry up!"

Before Bai Ke's shout, Chen Zhi had already chanted all the god-killing incantations. He stretched out his left hand, and the ring flashed out from his palm.

It twisted and deformed in the air, and quickly grew bigger. In the turbulent wind, it turned into a magnificent silver whip...

 [Thanks to: Tomb of the Ghost God, ten thousand rewards and more]

(End of this chapter)

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