Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319


Chen Zhi chanted silently in his heart, the blood all over his body began to flow backwards, all the energy in the body was quickly circulated in the five meridians and eight meridians, and transformed rapidly, all physical strength and mana quickly became material with the conversion spell The power continuously flowed into his right arm.

In an instant, Chen Zhi's right arm began to become infinitely stronger.

The first thing to change is the muscle. The muscle fiber grows rapidly and begins to double and thicken. That is the muscle weight that human bones cannot bear.

What followed was a change in the bones. Chen Zhi obviously felt that his bones began to rattle~~, and changed in the severe pain. His bones began to thicken, the bone density increased, and he became able to bear the pain. Such strong muscles.

The ratio of the conversion spell is quite unfair. Chen Zhiquan's physical strength and magic energy were quickly drained, and they were completely transformed into power and transferred to his right arm.

When Chen Zhi went to look at it again, his right arm had become three times thicker than before. The skin was covered with thick muscles and wrinkled, and it was covered with blue veins and blood vessels, which looked very exaggerated.

At this time, Chen Zhi could clearly feel that his strength had grown thousands of times, and his current strength could completely hold the silver whip in the air.

Chen Zhi then looked at the Killing God. At this time, the Killing God was in a static state, and Bai Ke had temporarily imprisoned it.

Baike's face was covered in blood, and his flesh was picked to pieces. Now he was using all his strength to grab Shashen, but the time he could imprison that guy would never exceed two seconds.

Within two seconds, if Chen Zhi hadn't taken down the Killing God, Bai Ke would be beaten to pieces by the Killing God, and the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hit the magic whip~~~~",
Chen Zhi shouted silently in his heart, conveying his thoughts.

This whip was very spiritual, as if it was summoned, it quickly flew in front of Chen Zhi, and the handle of the whip was facing Chen Zhi's face.

Chen Zhi grabbed the handle of the whip, and at that moment, Chen Zhi only felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark, and everything in the world flashed in front of him in an instant.

There are mountains and rivers; rivers; sun and moon; stars...

The halo of the entire universe entered into his palm, under his whip, the situation changed suddenly, and the nine heavens went against the current.

Everything is under his control...

"Killing God for nothing!".

Chen Zhi flew into the air in an instant by the air current.

Afterwards, the long whip circled in a beautiful arc in the air, and the sky was full of inspiration, so dazzling that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"Do you know you're guilty?"

Chen Zhi shouted angrily, and raised his whip high. The silver long whip flew and roared in the air, as crazy and irritable as a nine-day wandering dragon!
And under the whipping of the gods, it was the face of the god of killing.

Chen Zhi then raised his two fingers, quickly swallowed the recited God Slaying Mantra into his mouth, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on the God Whip.

At this moment, Chen Zhi clearly saw that the dark face of the killing god below was staring at him, and a look of fear appeared in those blood-red pupils!

"The God of Sin obeys orders in vain!",
Chen Zhi shouted loudly,
"Wearing the body of sin, you don't know how to repent!

Give you beheading!



Chen Zhi yelled frantically, and then exhausted all the strength in his body, brandished the whip, and slammed it on the killing god!

This whip was really extraordinary. The moment it was swung down, the sky thundered and the top of the cloud exploded.

Everything is ripped apart...

But Killing God suddenly made a very strange movement in an instant, his face was pressed against Bai Ke's, and when he realized that he could no longer dodge the whip, he suddenly showed a strange smile.

He opened his bloody mouth, aimed at Bai Ke and bit him, right on Bai Ke's neck.

And at that moment, Chen Zhi seemed to see something golden, passing from the mouth of Killing God to Bai Ke's neck.

And at this time, the whip of God also fell, and it was hitting the head of God of Killing!
This time, Killing God never retreated like before. His head was cracked by the whipping God, and blood was everywhere.

Then he rolled over and rolled to the ground, his limbs struggled non-stop, as if he wanted to escape, but intense white flames began to burn all over his body.

It was the flame of the killing curse. There was a faint white light on the flame. It looked very beautiful, but the gods in the spell were extremely painful. It was ten thousand times more painful than being struck by lightning from the sky, and they would never be able to escape. up.

After the whip was thrown out, Chen Zhi's strength was also exhausted, and the whip immediately became extremely heavy again, fell from his hand, turned into silver dust, and Chen Zhi quickly fell to the ground.

At this time, Chen Zhi felt that his body was already as heavy as a mountain, his legs were filled with lead, and he couldn't even stand up.

He supported the ground with one hand to prevent himself from collapsing, and stared at the killing god Bai Qi in front of him.

The power of the God Slaying Curse has been fully exerted through the whip. Under the shining white light, the God of Killing is suffering;

It felt like a person was being cooked alive in a frying pan, and the painful roar sounded like a mental breakdown.

But at this time, Chen Zhi felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart. It was a pleasure of winning, a pleasure of cutting down the noble gods, this pleasure Chen Zhi was so excited that he could even break through him. moral bottom line.

And at this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from Chen Zhi's mind...

Really wow!

It turns out that the noble gods can also scream?

Come again, come more!
As long as you dare to come again, I will dare to kill you one by one.

Even if there is no redemption from now on, and I go against the sky, I am willing to bear it! "

This strange voice did not know where it came from, as if another self attached to him was speaking.

But the killing god in front of him was in extreme pain, and gradually became immobile. The strange smell came from the air, as if something had been burned, and the white light was still burning his body until the end. turned to ashes.

At this moment, Chen Zhicai turned his head to look at Bai Ke.

And at that moment, the back of Chen Zhi's head went cold...

Bai Ke, who fell to the ground just now, is quietly changing...

(End of this chapter)

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