Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1320 The white guest with a beating heart

Chapter 1320 The white guest with a beating heart

Bai Ke was still lying on the ground, and the killing god bit his neck before dying, as if he had already killed him!

At this time, his entire face had been taken away by the God of Death, and he was lying on the ground dripping with blood, and the aorta in his neck was constantly bleeding.

But the strange thing is that Bai Ke's chest began to slowly float up...

After returning from Bai Ke's disappearance, Fat Wei discovered one thing, that is, Bai Ke had no heartbeat, and his chest was no longer floating, as if he was dead.

Chen Zhi never asked him about this matter, nor did he get to the bottom of it, but now, after being bitten by the Killing God, Bai Ke, who had never had a heartbeat, suddenly regained his heartbeat!

According to common sense, Chen Zhi should go there immediately to help Bai Ke with first aid, stop bleeding and give him medicine. This is a tacit understanding between comrades in arms, but Chen Zhi didn't go there. Chen Zhi flinched, he suddenly felt that this battle is not over yet!

Chen Zhi stood there steadily, without moving a step forward, he turned his head and glanced at the corpse of the god of death beside him.

The God Slaying Curse is a very cruel spell, which can destroy all flesh, smash their entire bodies, completely destroy the will of the gods, and make them disappear.

Chen Zhi still remembers Bai Qian's miserable tearing cry during the God Slaying Curse.

At that time, the God Slaying Curse was not complete, nor did it have the power to hit the magic whip.

The God Slaying Curse that Killing God endured just now is hundreds or even tens of thousands of times stronger than what Bai Qian endured back then.

This former god has now been completely reduced to a pool of ashes, and Chen Zhi doesn't even have the desire to see it in the past.

He knew that Jiang Ziya's professed God of Death had turned into a pile of dust, meaningless!
But on the contrary, the white guest who used to fight with him was very strange at this time, even..., which made him daunted.

Suddenly, Chen Zhi felt a strong sense of fear in his bones, which actually made him feel like he was on the verge of death.

"Get out of here quickly!",
Suddenly, the voice in Chen Zhi's body urged quickly.

The feeling of this voice is very strange, coming from Chen Zhi's heart, it is like his subconscious mind, but also like another person in his body.

"Get out of here quickly, run! Run without looking back!
Otherwise it will be too late,
You are going to die———————”

The voice deep in Chen Zhi's heart broke into sweat like crazy, and the primitive desire of human beings to survive made Chen Zhi immediately obey this voice.

Chen Zhi desperately got up from the ground, turned around and ran towards the exit desperately, but the energy on his body was exhausted, and his body began to become extremely heavy.

As soon as he took the first step, he fell heavily on the ground, and he felt great pain from all the bones in his body. The pain broke his heart, his eyes turned black, and his consciousness gradually dissipated, as if Go to sleep anytime.

Chen Zhi immediately bit the tip of his tongue, let the blood stimulate his brain, and entered a short waking state, and then took out the medicine that can quickly replenish physical energy from the treasure bag.

When he took out the medicine, Chen Zhi found that he didn't even have the strength to open the medicine bag. He put the medicine bag in his mouth, opened the medicine bag by gnawing and biting, and then put those medicine particles in large quantities. Stuffing it into his mouth, he chewed with all his strength.

When those tadpole-like particles burrowed into his stomach, a new wave of physical energy gradually developed, and Chen Zhi's body recovered a little basic strength.

"Run, run!

Don't look back------",
The voice in his body gave him a strong warning for the last time, the warning was almost crying.

That was the last reminder of Chen Zhi's life.

Chen Zhi quickly gave an order to his brain, and under the catalysis of the drug, he stood up again. The new strength was very fresh, and his limbs could move freely.

After that, he started running forward without looking back. Although he couldn't run too fast, he was running with all his strength.

At this time, the dark entrance seems to be very far away, and there is no end to it...

And when he finally ran to the entrance, suddenly, a shadow fell from top to bottom like a thunderbolt, blocking his way!
After the shadow fell, it immediately grabbed Chen Zhi's shoulders with both hands and lifted him up without hesitation.

The power of that shadow is very strong, it is like a boundless sea, and its fingers are as hard as a steel structure...

Under this huge force, Chen Zhi's body was completely powerless to resist, and it was like a leaf in the waves, swaying accordingly.

The person who caught him was the one who fought side by side with him just now, Bai Ke...

Bai Ke's face is now dripping with blood, covered with scratches and blood, but his expression is very calm, without any emotion, just like a lake with unfathomable depths.

His double eyelids were drooping, as if he didn't want to look at Chen Zhi, his eyebrows were raised, very proud, as if everything in this world was out of his sight.

But at this moment, Chen Zhi could clearly see that the transparent scales covering Baike's body had turned pitch black from the root.

And the aura behind him is also black, the black is extremely thick, so thick that it seems to be able to cover all the sunshine in this world, making people feel hopeless.

"The real God of Killing!"

Chen Zhi's mind suddenly tightened, and he remembered what Bai Ke had said to him.

In the past, Jiang Ziya sealed Bai Qi as the God of Killing in order to catch him, otherwise with Bai Qi's strength at that time, no one could do anything about him, including Jiang Ziya.

Bai Qi belongs to another species, a species that can trample gods under their feet.

A species so ancient that humans didn't even know it existed!
"White guest!",
Chen Zhi suddenly tried his best and shouted to the opposite side,
"Now, can you tell me?

What are you guys? "

Baike's throat groaned, the sound was like a rusty musical instrument beating heavily, hoarse and dignified, it was not a human vocal cord at all, it sounded frightening...

 I want to smile happily, because the chapter is out of order, I will have a holiday tomorrow and Sunday, hehe, see you on Monday!

(End of this chapter)

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