Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1321 The white guest with a beating heart

Chapter 1321 The White Guest with a Beating Heart ([-])
Bai Ke's throat groaned, the sound was like a rusty musical instrument beating heavily, hoarse and dignified, not human vocal cords at all, it sounded frightening.

His head at this time was completely covered with black scales, and his jet-black hair shone like satin. He raised his head slowly, and those blood-red eyes looked straight at Chen Zhi, with that dangerous feeling It was indescribably powerful, and made every nerve of Chen Zhi tremble.

But at this moment, Baike didn't make any answer. He seemed to have forgotten the human voice!

At this time, Chen Zhi also realized a fact.

That is the so-called white guest in front of him, he can no longer be called a white guest, he has been filled with other things at this time, and has become a real alien creature, a creature whose instinct surpasses reason .

Chen Zhi had never come into contact with this kind of creature, but he could smell the savage, cruel, and cruel smell of a beast, and that kind of cruelty had no moral constraints.

This may be the true purebred person that Bai Ke said, without any restraint, without hesitation, without tolerance, and without any mercy!

Bai Ke's face at this time was completely covered by layers of black scales, as thick as a layer of armor, with no white skin visible at all.

Those black scales shone like black glass panels, those blood-red eyes stood out strikingly on the shiny black face, and there was no trace of humanity in those eyes, no emotion, no right and wrong and no attachment, he had already..., Give up on humans completely!
Bai Ke's throat continued to creak and grunt, as if he was laughing, but at the same time he seemed to be breathing heavily.

With irresistible force, his claws tightly grasped Chen Zhi's shoulders, and gradually moved Chen Zhi to his sharp teeth.


Baike's throat was still moving, and he kept making noises. Looking at Chen Zhi's neck, saliva flowed out from between his teeth. That feeling was extremely frightening.

"Bai Ke!
What do you want to do? ", Chen Zhi roared, trying to move the air out of his body and break free from the iron claws.

But he immediately found that his body was like dry cotton, nothing could be squeezed out.

But his loud roar suddenly shocked Bai Ke.

Baike suddenly roared, "Ow—————————" Like an enraged lion, when his claws were exerted hard, Chen Zhi's right shoulder shattered !
"Ah—————" Chen Zhi resisted the pain and did not shout out, but the sweat began to drip down.

The power difference in front of him was too great, the voice in his head no longer remembered, every cell in his body gave up resistance, he knew that real death was coming.

When it was meaningless to resist, he finally chose to stare closely at Bai Ke's blood-red eyes. Although Bai Ke's shadow could no longer be seen in those eyes, Chen Zhi was still watching,

"Bai Ke, have you been completely devoured? I don't believe it!"

"It's often the case among us humans as well.

Many people claim that they have completely lost their meaning and are dominated by their desires, so they make a mistake!But I actually know that those are excuses, they are just weak.

In fact, your will still exists, right?
You can see me, but you don't want to talk!
You don't want to face me, do you!

Don't want to face yourself breaking a promise...

Remember what you once said to me?
No matter what the situation, you have to stand by my side!
Not ready to keep your promise? "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he pinched Bai Ke's wrist with his hand, wanting to see his reality.

He immediately felt that Bai Ke did have a connection, and after hearing his words, his heart began to beat faster, but his body was extremely cold, like a piece of emotionless steel, and the black scales covering his skin were by no means Response, that thing feels a piercing pain to the touch.

Chen Zhi can now affirm that this black scale is very strong, no matter whether it is a bullet or a sharp knife blade, it is difficult to break it with anything imaginable. This is a real invincible armor!

Bai Ke's throat started to growl again. Chen Zhi thought he was making a low growl, but finally realized that he was trying to speak.

Baike's orange-red eyes rolled slowly, leaning Chen Zhi to his face, face to face, eyes to eyes, and began to emit a boundless dark aura.

This kind of aura is very cold, making people want to faint gradually, and then die in this kind of fainting, just when Chen Zhi felt that his entire aura would be covered by this guy's aura.

But seeing Bai Ke grinning his mouth full of fangs, he suddenly smiled and uttered a human language:
"On your side?
cluck cluck~~~~~, cluck cluck~~~~~~~"

Then Bai Ke laughed sharply again, the sound was full of metal friction, very harsh, but his enunciation was very clear, just as Chen Zhi guessed, Bai Ke's will was not completely lost, he knew What are you doing.

Why keep promises?

I'm not a human being———————————————————————————————”
After Bai Ke finished speaking, the moment of rationality dissipated immediately.

Then he began to roar loudly, his neck and head kept shaking, and the black scales all over his body rattled. He was in an extremely irritable state at this time, like a werewolf who had gone mad.

Chen Zhi's ears almost burst from his roar, and blood flowed down his nostrils.

However, Bai Ke stopped in an instant amidst the frenzied roar. He seemed to have remembered something, and then stared at Chen Zhi's face with a pair of blood-red eyes in horror, and the orange-yellow eyes kept rolling.

"Jiang's evil son!

I'll tell you!
What the hell am I!
we are……",
When Baike said this, he deliberately lowered his voice, put Chen Zhi's head in front of him, pressed his mouth against Chen Zhi's ear, and said in a dark voice with sharp teeth:


magic! "

(End of this chapter)

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