Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1327 The Power of Humanity

Chapter 1327 The Power of Humanity

Chen Zhi once heard people say that Ji Ying's bluish-gray saber is quite famous. That saber is called "Tianzhu" and it is an ancient artifact. It is said that it has beheaded gods. It was the saber used by Zhou Wuwang Ji Fa himself. .

For thousands of years, countless warriors have dreamed of this artifact, but it has only been passed down among the leaders. Later, the old leader gave this knife to Ji Ying as a personal gift...

It can be said that this knife should be the only weapon left by Zhou Wu Wang Jifa so far!

When Ji Ying stood this blue-gray knife on Bai Ke's head, it felt like a thunderbolt!

The power of the long knife fell from the sky like a thunderbolt, and the scene was incomparably shocking!
Meanwhile, Ji Ying's face was also distorted by the excitement and irritability of Qi training. The corners of her mouth and eyes were blood-splattered. She raised the knife and stabbed Bai Ke's left shoulder.

In an instant, the scales on Baike's shoulder cracked, revealing his white skin. Ji Ying's long knife pierced his heart from his left shoulder from top to bottom, just as it was about to penetrate.

Bai Ke suddenly stretched out his hand, gently grasped the huge claw, and held the long knife tightly.

Ji Ying continued to grit her teeth, exhausting all her strength, trying to insert the long knife into Bai Ke's heart, but Bai Ke's hands were like iron tongs, holding the long knife firmly there, unable to enter even an inch!

"Do you want to kill me that much?",
All of a sudden, Bai Ke's metal friction-like voice disappeared, and his voice became clear again. It was still that ignorant 17-year-old boy, the young man who used to talk and laugh with Ji Ying...

"I'm going to kill you!

You forced him to die!
I kill you so he can live! ",
Blood splattered from the corners of Ji Ying's mouth, and she roared like crazy. At the same time, she used both arms frantically, pushing the long knife inward desperately.

"do you know?",
Bai Bai's blood-red eyes stared blankly at Ji Ying, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he couldn't understand the crazy Ji Ying in front of him,

"An inch further forward with your knife, and I'm dead!

You gave your life to save me...

Why?Want to kill me?
You humans, why are you always capricious? "

"I don't want you to die!",
Ji Ying yelled frantically:

"But you want to kill the patriarch! If you want to kill him, kill me first!"

Ji Ying has already lost her mind, and she is still exerting force crazily. A woman who loses her mind is terrifying, and the training energy in her body begins to grow rapidly.

Chen Zhi had never seen such a crazy Ji Ying. Her potential had been revealed tens of millions of times. It was probably Ji Yang at this time, and she couldn't do anything about it.


If there is a relationship between me and him, someone will die!
Who would you choose? ",
Under Ji Ying's madness, Bai Ke still held the knife calmly. For some reason, there was a hint of desolation in his voice,
Those blood-red eyes were no longer as dazzling as before,

"You will choose him, right?

Given a choice, you'd rather die than me, right?
But... Ji Ying!

What God can give you, I can give you too.

I can also give you this world, let the whole world crawl under your feet!
don't you want it "

"Go to hell!
I want you to die! ",
In Ji Ying's state at this time, she no longer wanted to answer any of Bai Ke's questions. She just drew the knife frantically, and her blood vessels burst with force.

"Human beings are really persistent!",
Bai Ke looked at Ji Ying silently, the blood red in his eyes began to fade slowly, and his voice was filled with infinite desolation,
"You human beings are so fragile, your life is short, and your fingers are turned into ashes!

But your beliefs can make you so brave and fearless!
As in loyalty, so in love!

Let me reverence!

Ji Ying, I believe in you! "

"Trust me what?
Stop talking! ",
In a state of madness, Ji Ying seemed to have no desire to entangle with Bai Ke. She suddenly dropped the long knife, flipped back, jumped to an empty space, pulled out the short knife with one hand, and instantly stabbed Bai Ke in the eye!
Ji Ying struck without any hesitation, and there was a lot of madness in that force.

However, what she didn't expect was that Bai Ke didn't move this time, just stood there quietly and let the dagger come down.

"Puchi~~~" sound!
A glistening plasma splashed out from Bai Ke's eye sockets!

Bai Ke's blood-red lantern-like eyes went out instantly.

The blood splashed all over Ji Ying's face and woke her up.

Ji Ying didn't expect such a result. She was terrified, and immediately let go of the short knife, and her body fell quickly.

But at this time, her arm was suddenly pulled, she suddenly raised her head to look up, and found that it was Bai Ke who was holding her!
Bai Ke's face was already extremely pale at this time, the black scales on his face had gradually faded away, revealing that handsome and delicate young face again.

He looked down at Ji Ying, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, showing a clear smile that he hadn't seen for a long time,

"Ji Ying! I believe in you!

I believe what you just said is true!
If he dies, you die too!

and so……

I want to save you!

Remember what I told you, the story of "A Tale of Two Cities" that my father told my mother?
What this story is about is the persistence of human beings. I always couldn't figure out why my mother was always cheated by my father.Now I finally understand that what was said in that story is one thing.

That is……

"I love you!

Willing to die for the one you love! "

 Chapter 630 Three Powers of Humanity

(End of this chapter)

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