Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1328 Fly Ash Annihilation

Chapter 1328 Fly Ash Annihilation

After Baike finished speaking, he let go of Ji Ying's hand, and in the next second, he suddenly started roaring, tearing his hair frantically, crying in pain, his expression became ferocious and terrifying, as if there was a great pain in his heart , but can't tell!
And his whole body twisted violently, and kept making strange noises. The voices were all ancient languages, which no one could understand.

In the end, Bai Ke suddenly stretched his arms to his back, grabbed his big black wings, and roared loudly with all his strength, "Wow——————"

All of a sudden, the sky was shaken, thunder and lightning flashed.

Bai Ke's big black wings were torn off by himself, and the wound on his back was bleeding profusely, which was horrible.

Bai Ke fell to the ground like a fallen angel, and the blood on his back splashed all over his body, making him dripping with blood like a blood man.

Black feathers fluttered around, Bai Ke got up on the ground, his blood-red eyes were full of thunderbolts, he exposed his chest, pointed at the square mark on his chest, and shouted at Chen Zhi in front of him:

"bring it on!
I know what you want to do...

you win! "

"Come on, grab this opportunity!",
The voice in Chen Zhi's head also roared, as if he was crazy, but Chen Zhi hesitated at this moment, he clenched his teeth, and a heavy stone was pressed in his heart.

"If... I kill him now, wouldn't I..."

"What are you thinking?"

The voice in Chen Zhi's mind was violent like thunder,
"Are you human? What are you thinking about?
Don't forget, you are God!
win!That's the most important thing!

quick! "

In the roar of this voice, Chen Zhi's sense of self-blame was temporarily let go.

His body carried a gust of wind, like thunder and lightning, and flew in front of Bai Ke quickly.

Chen Zhi's whole body was wrapped in air currents, and his hands were extremely fast. In the treasure bag, he accurately grabbed the divine seal!Then he picked up the Shenxi seal, aimed at the wound on Bai Ke's chest, and stamped it hard!
And the moment he pressed the Shenxi seal on Bai Ke's chest, he felt that the Shenxi seal suddenly became extremely hot, and his own heart also burned violently!

The originally dull seal immediately turned red as soon as it touched Bai Ke's body, and then heated up rapidly, as hot as a soldering iron, and the temperature was getting higher and higher, and finally surpassed the scope of numerical calculation. up.

"Boom------", Chen Zhi was instantly bounced off by the heat wave, and fell heavily to the ground.

And when he looked forward again, Bai Ke's bloody body was burned to the ground by Shen Xi, struggling crazily and in unbearable pain.

Chen Zhi had thought about the scene of conferring the gods ten thousand times, imagining the holiness and beauty of conferring the gods!

But he never thought that the scene of the real conferring of gods would be such a barbaric and cruel...

On Bai Ke's ripped off wings, there were still wing bones, where blood was constantly bubbling, but his body was burnt by the hot seal, making life worse than death.

He is equivalent to putting him on the teppanyaki and grilling him alive, and the temperature of this iron plate is higher than the limit of human cognition. The pain is so terrible that just looking at it can make people mentally collapse.

Bai Ke immediately collapsed and shouted crazily, the voice was extremely miserable, wandering crazily in the air, tearing everyone's souls apart.

Ji Ying finally woke up, but she went crazy again on the spot. She crawled backwards crazily, unable to face what she saw and heard just now, the guilt that she hadn't reacted to, and the panic in front of reality. Devouring her heart crazily!

She opened her mouth wide and didn't even have the strength to shout!Looking at everything in front of me with no strength, I can't say anything...

And at this moment, I heard the voice in Chen Zhi's head sound again,

"It's now, just take advantage of this moment!
Wield your whip!

Beat him to death, let him destroy both body and spirit!

He must not be given another chance to survive, absolutely not!
Do it!
Don't forget who you are! ",
Under the urging of this voice, Chen Zhi had no choice between reason and emotion. His lips touched, and he began to quickly recite the God-Slaying Mantra, and then quickly stretched out his left arm to let the ring fall from the sky. It popped out of his hand.

The silver ring seemed to be intensified as well. With violent air currents, it crazily grew in size in the air, and quickly turned into a magic whip that called for wind and rain!

At the moment when the world changed, Chen Zhi suddenly jumped up, held the whip with one hand, and swung it vigorously, the whip suddenly became crazy and irritable like a tyrannosaur, and kept rolling in the air!

Chen Zhi raised his whip high, suddenly a thunder exploded in the sky, the situation changed like entering the nine heavens~~~
"God of Slaughter, Bai Ke!

I am in the name of God!

I will execute you to death!

Even Chen Zhi himself didn't know why he yelled the last sentence, but he knew that with the yelling of this sentence, the whip would "boom~~", bringing thunder billowing, to Bai Ke His forehead was chopped off!
But when the whip fell, Bai Ke raised his eyes.

His eyes looked at Ji Ying who was not far away, and he gently opened his lips,


The last voice Bai Ke made was very pure, it sounded like a drop of spring water in a silent valley, pure and clear.

Let Ji Ying hear it clearly, and it is deeply imprinted in my heart.

"Don't..., remember me!"

After Bai Ke finished speaking, he suddenly raised a dagger. It was the dagger that Ji Ying had given her as a gift when she exchanged fish-scale-tooth book rims with him earlier.

The beads on the dagger were scarlet and shining in the wind and cloud, just like the blood on Bai Ke's body now!
Just a second before Chen Zhi's magic whip fell, Ji Ying clearly saw that Baike used the dagger to slit his own throat and committed suicide!

And then, Chen Zhi's magic whip fell.

"啪———————————" With a bang, the world was split into two halves!

This former invincible killing god finally disappeared completely at this moment...

 [Thanks: Brother is an evildoer, ten thousand rewards plus more]

(End of this chapter)

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