Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1331 Whip the wronged soul [Thanks: Brother is an evildoer, ten thousand rewards plus more]

Chapter 1331 Whip the wronged soul [Thanks: Brother is an evildoer, ten thousand rewards plus more]

The fire man's voice was very hoarse, with a strange tone, like thunder in the air, rolling down, shaking people's eardrums!

"All warriors in the world, although you are human beings, you are all descendants of famous Chinese generals.

You are all dragons and phoenixes among human beings, the creation of heaven and earth, even us descendants of gods value you!
Your swords should protect the true king!Instead of dirty deceitful descendants!

Have you ever thought about it?I, the ghost city of Fengdu, why should I oppose this Xiqi?

Have you ever thought about it?Has the Xiqi royal family been deceiving you and the world for thousands of years!
It has been 5000 years, and no one has ever told you the truth. Now let me, on behalf of my master, tell you the truth!

Do you know that the human seal that you have sacrificed your life for for a long time is actually a big scam!

5000 years ago, Jiang Ziya, the son of the pickled god, and Xiqi Wang Jifa, violated the destiny, betrayed the emperor, rebelled against Chaoge, and made this dirty contract against heaven and earth.

In order to change fate, Jiang Ziya stole the Dragon Bone Celestial Seal, sealed the gods with the ancient god king's technique, and forced the gods to be driven by him with the god king's god-slaying curse.

It can be seen how many old gods of China killed me at that time, blood flowed into rivers and sky, and the earth was shaken. They committed this heinous crime for their own self-interest!
Afterwards, Jiang Shang was afraid that the scourge of heaven would come and the world would not accept it, so he named Chan and the descendants of the common people as new gods. Unexpectedly, this was an act against the law of heaven!

Gods are born to be gods, how can common people replace them!

Jiang Shang created that false enchantment again, lied to break the enchantment, and immediately the world was in dire straits, talking nonsense!

All he did was to share the world equally with the Xiqi Zhou family!

Warriors, do you know that even if the human enchantment that you have sacrificed your life for generations is broken, everything in this world is still there!

Nothing will happen in this world!

You have all been deceived by Jiang Shang, the picky son of God...

Come to me, Fengdu, my lord, the new Pluto, will definitely treat him with great courtesy! "

Huo Nan's voice was extremely loud, like thunder from the sky, he was walking in the empty valley, everyone looked up at him, but the faces of Xiqi warriors were still indifferent, as if they were looking at something meaningless. The same thing, no response to his words at all.

The fire man stared down for a long time, quite annoyed by the reaction of the warriors, he was covered in flames, pointed at the demigods below, and roared frantically,

You human beings are really dull things, you are only worthy of being driven and swallowed by others, and you are unbearable!

The chief descendant obeys the order! "

Fireman gave an order, and those demigods with pastel and multi-colored eyes all gathered together, and a huge aura rose from behind him, and the majestic aura soared into the sky, and the sky was filled with spiritual lights.

At this time, I saw the fire man pointing at Bao Ping on the rock below with his huge hand, and continued to shout,
"The chief descendant of God, this person is the current Lord of the Xiqi Throne!
When it comes, my lord Xinming God has already issued a strict order to all the descendants of the gods, and will definitely kill this fellow!

Xiqi warriors are brave, but they have different spells!

All the descendants of the gods can show their supernatural powers and kill this rebel king of Xiqi!
But leave that pickled son of the Jiang family to me, I will cut it open, I will..."

"who are you?"

Bao Ping, who had been sitting on the rock below, suddenly interrupted Huo Man's words. He raised his eyebrows, looked up with dark gray eyes, and asked a faint question,
"You are so talkative, you have been talking for so long...

who are you? "

The fire man in the air was stunned immediately, and the flames in the air immediately became unstable. He never imagined that the mere human beings below would be so calm, and would be so calm and ask such a sentence to Mantian Shenhuo talk.

Soon after, the flames on his body burned violently, and the angry aura turned the sky red,
A mere human being, who obtained the royal power for a while, has become so arrogant!

Do you want to ask me the name of the deity?

I am the god son of Luo Xuan, the direct descendant of Fire God Zhu Rong, and I am..."

Bao Ping interrupted him again, but this time, he turned his eyes to Chen Zhi,

"Patriarch Chen, that thing has been making noise up there for too long!
I'm a little upset!
You kill him! "

After Bao Ping finished speaking, the air suddenly froze. Amidst the raging fire, there was a chill all over the sky. Bao Ping's words were like an iceberg bursting in the air, instantly extinguishing the flames in everyone's hearts.

Everything suddenly became quiet, and those demigods who were arrogant just now did not act again.

He covered up his aura and looked at Bao Ping warily.

As ancient descendants of gods, they knew about Xiqi, but they didn't expect that a mere human leader would be so intimidating. He said this lightly and wanted to kill the son of the Vulcan in the sky. Is it possible?

Because even the legendary Vulcan God Luo Xuan died under the whip!

If this bastard named Chen Zhi is really the heir of the Jiang family!Well, it's really possible...

Under Bao Ping's call, Chen Zhi walked over slowly. There was no fluctuation on his face, no anger, no panic; no tension.

But the rage in his heart was like burning and tumbling magma, throbbing violently in his veins.

He walked all the way to the center of the earth, and the warriors consciously gave way. When Chen Zhi passed by, they all covered their chests and knelt down on one knee.

Those demigods also scattered away, deliberately avoiding Chen Zhi.

The intuition of the descendants of the gods is very keen. They can feel the danger, and they can also feel the incomparable power of Chen Zhi at this time. That kind of power is very confident, and it is not something that an ordinary demigod can possess.

Chen Zhi passed everyone and finally reached the very center of the battlefield.

He raised his head and looked into the sky, and the flames from the sky immediately fell one after another. Those fire crows were still screaming, and they kept rushing straight, covered in flames, but they didn't dare to get close to Chen Zhi, and they all rushed towards Chen Zhi. Explosion and burning all around.

"What the hell are you resenting?",
Chen Zhi raised his head, looked at the huge face of the fire man in the sky,

"Said so much... as if you knew everything!
But have you been through that war?
Have you ever witnessed it?
if there is not……

So what does all this have to do with you?

Stop making those high-sounding excuses and tell me!What the hell are you resenting? "

 [Thanks: Brother is an evildoer, ten thousand rewards plus more]

(End of this chapter)

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