Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1332 Whip the wronged soul

Chapter 1332

"Hoo hoo...",
Facing Chen Zhi's simple words, the fire man in the air was speechless for an instant, his arrogance suddenly fell, his burning eyes in the air looked at Chen Zhi's palm deliberately,
"What a breath!
Jiang's evil son!
Even if you were lucky enough to get the Magic Whip, so what?
can you hold it

That whip does not belong to you!
Since Jiang Shang died, no one can pick up the magic whip, you..."

"Your resentment...",
Chen Zhi didn't want to listen to these empty words anymore, so he interrupted Huo Nan, his eyes turned to the sky,
"Speak out!
Don't say I'm the last, I didn't let you stay..."

Huo Nan suddenly became angry, that kind of anger came from the heart, and this anger obviously contained a kind of fear, this kind of fear came from his intuition, Chen Zhi's intuition,
"Do you know how many evils Jiang Shang has created!" The fire man roared violently, his anger burned the clouds in the sky to crimson red,

"My father, Luo Xuan, is the successor of the ancient god Zhu Rong, and his status is far more noble than Jiang Shang!
Jiang Shang, the son of a mere god, dared to call him a new god, and then killed him immediately, leaving me nowhere to convert~~~
Evil barrier!
You Jiang family has no dignity!

I want to take out your internal organs and avenge my father God! "

"So it's..., aren't you satisfied with your titles?


Then you go to die!",
Chen Zhi's voice was flat, but after he finished speaking, he put his fists around his mouth.Silently recited the God Slaying Curse.

The demigods around immediately surged up, quickly moved away from Chen Zhi, and watched the battle from a height!
And Chen Zhi's ring jumped out with the bang~~ of the aura, and changed rapidly in the air. In an instant, the magic whip like a silver dragon hovered in the air, crazily and violently.After making a spiral in the air, it obediently fell into Chen Zhi's hands.

you dare……",
When Huo Nan saw Chen Zhizhi holding the magic whip, he immediately knew that something was wrong, and he just wanted to escape after stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky.

There was only a "pop" sound,
In an instant, Chen Zhi's magic whip, like a thunderbolt, erupted with a violent brilliance in the air, and it hit Huo Nan's body firmly.
The fire man didn't even shout out, and turned into burning powder, and those screaming fire crows also fled in all directions in embarrassment, avoiding Chen Zhi's magic whip.

After 1 minute, the dust gradually settled...

The invincible fire man just now disappeared in an instant like this, leaving only the sky full of residue,

This instant victory made everyone quiet, and those demigods were silent. The situation in front of them has proved everything!
The world of gods respects power, and in the face of power, any words are superfluous.

Chen Zhi's identity is already clear!

Chen Zhi's magic whip was still tightly held in his hand. The whip danced all over the sky, as if it was alive and very spiritual. He still had bright blood on his body, like a white dragon with teeth and claws, and began to move downwards. Those demigods provocatively showed their strength unscrupulously.

Those demigods were obviously very afraid of hitting the magic whip, they avoided and flinched one after another, and then they wanted to drill back into the ground and escape.

However, at this moment, they suddenly discovered a reality they couldn't face, that is, the ground under their feet suddenly became as hard as iron, and they could no longer drill into it.

"Master, the servant is late, please forgive me!"

Suddenly a voice came from under the ground, and Wu Jia broke out from the ground.

Its appearance at this time is very unusual. It is wearing a bright and colorful dress, and its body is covered with rune bottles. Even his face is covered with golden spells, and he wears a red gold helmet on his head. .

"The servant, under the orders of his master, has already scribbled a hard golden book spell on the three layers of rock formations with a radius of more than ten miles below the ground, and painted the words with golden sand, and touched it with the blood of the gods. Now the ground is as hard as fine steel. These No one can get away from rebellious things!


Then Wujia's voice became sharper, revealing his sharp teeth.

The orc blood that originated from his nature began to show his emotions crazily. Then he prostrated himself on the ground, his eyes gleaming with murderous intent, and a melon hook sticking out from his fingers, waiting for Chen Zhi's order, he would rush to the nearest half god.

But at this time, there was a sudden thunder and lightning from the sky, and the black bird also flew down from the sky. Her thick and huge wings hovered in the air, her cry was sharp and piercing, full of murderous intent, and she was ready to fight the demigods on the ground at any time. war.

Some demigods are very primitive, with brutal and savage moods. Under the stimulation of this provocation, they can no longer bear it.

Several burly, lizard-like ancient demigods suddenly let out a strange cry, sprinted on the spot, and rushed towards Chen Zhi like a lizard swimming around a snake.

But it was just for a moment, the moment they thought of it.

The magical whip that was like a swimming dragon flew down in an instant, and with a "pop", they became dust all over the ground.

In the face of this naked reality, the other demigods no longer dare to act rashly.

And at this moment, Wu Jia stood up straight, and with his hoarse voice, pulled his neck and roared loudly,

"Listen up, god-descendants who don't know how to live or die!

My master is, Jiang Shangshen respects his own life!

Be with God!

Shine with the sun!

All gods and spirits in the world must listen to their orders and beheaded!

Wow~~~~~~~~~~~ Kneel down and beg my Lord for forgiveness, when will you wait~~~~~~~"

Wu Jia was roaring with all his strength, which contained his inner pride, and it was particularly loud in the sky filled with fire.

Those demigods were not moving around anymore, they were all staring at Chen Zhi, and something had obviously changed in their eyes!

Advocating power is the nature of gods. After a brief change of mind, some demigods suddenly knelt down and knelt down, covering their left chest facing Chen Zhi,

"Slaves are humble!
Being blinded for a while is an unforgivable crime!

If the patriarch forgives, he will serve the patriarch from now on! "

But some demigods were still standing there, their eyes changed color, and they looked at Chen Zhi suspiciously, at this human body, and the magic whip in his hand.

"I'll give you a chance!

There is no rush! ",
Chen Zhi beckoned, took back the magic whip from the sky, turned into the square magic seal, and put it in his hand...

"Some of you may have sworn to submit to me, the Jiang family, since your ancestors, but it's been too long, you probably have forgotten, the past is over!
But we descendants of gods are the most important promise, and the real contract is not just words. Do you all know what this is? "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he opened the divine seal in his hand and showed it to the demigods.

(End of this chapter)

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