Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1333 Burning Wuhou Valley

Chapter 1333 Burning Wuhou Valley

[Thanks to Wanshang Dahao, Song Zoom Health Care, 10000]

On one end of the seal, there is a mass of flowing and flashing silver liquid metal, which can change into various shapes at any time!
And when all the demigods saw this seal, they immediately groaned and stepped back in fear...

"This is the real blood alliance!" Chen Zhi continued,

"If you take an oath to join my Jiang family, you will make a blood alliance with me, and you will be connected with me by flesh and blood. I will die and die, and I will suffer!
This is the descendant of God that I really need to have under my command!

I have heard too many lies about the pledge of allegiance among humans, so you don't have to say any more!
Go back and think about it carefully, I won't force you.

If you really want to come back again, I will definitely welcome you!

When Chen Zhi said this, his eyes looked at the descendants of the gods like lightning, and he tapped the silver god seal in his hand.

However, after you leave, you can never return to Fengdu, continue to serve Yamo, and can't be driven by Anbu!

I want you to swear by the blood of the gods, if you can do it, just leave!
Those who insist on not obeying, I am right here..., kill him! "

When Chen Zhi said these words, he didn't use much effort, but the surrounding air was already as cold as winter, and those descendants of gods obviously retreated.

After they were silent for a while, they all knelt down and solemnly drew an X on their chests with their fingers. Suddenly, the wind blew up, the clouds and mist billowed, and the oaths of the descendants of the gods rolled like thunder:
"I wait----

I would like to promise with the blood of my own gods that I will never return to the ghost city of Fengdu and have nothing to do with Xinmingshen. If I break my promise, both humans and gods will abandon me, and I will be relegated to the position of god for life! "

"it is good!

The descendants of the gods make a promise, and the world knows it!
go! ",
Chen Zhi then shook his hand exhaustedly, indicating that Wu Jia could take these demigods away.

Wu Jia then took off his golden helmet, poured the golden water in his hand in a circle, and then jumped into the ground. The soil on the ground began to loosen, and the demigods also jumped in one by one, and all left.

The scene suddenly relaxed, and it seemed that everything was over.

Just when Chen Zhi looked up at the sky, thinking of using the land exchange method to transport some warriors back to the Xiqi King City, the black bird that had been flying in the air suddenly screamed, the voice was sharp, and it was obviously frightened :
"Master, there is another one in the sky!
Be careful! "

After Xuanniao finished speaking, she rushed into the remaining flames in the air like a moth to a flame. Her pair of white wings burned instantly, but Xuanniao's claws firmly grabbed something, and when it was in the air, Bite up.

During this period, Chen Zhi finally saw what that thing was. It was the mount that Huo Nan was riding just now, that is, the mythical beast that turned into a zombie.

When he saw this divine beast, Chen Zhi suddenly realized what this divine beast was, and he remembered the legend about the Vulcan God Luoxuan burning Xiqi:

The father god of the fire man is the legendary fire god named by Jiang Ziya, Luo Xuan!
In the legend of the Conferred Gods List, he was a deity who was forced to enshrine Zen on the Conferred Gods Stage, and was beaten to death by Jiang Ziya!
According to the legend, Luo Xuan was originally a Flame Immortal who cultivated on Huolong Island. He claimed to be the son of Zhu Rong, the ancient god of fire. Later, he was invited by Shen Gongbao to go to the Shang army camp to help the Yin army.

Luo Xuan has great supernatural powers and has the ability to escape fire from the sky. The red smoke horse under his seat can soar in the air and raise thousands of flames. He once defeated the famous general Huang Tianhua.

It is said that at the time of the great war, the gods of the merchant army were unable to attack the Xiqi King City for a long time and were very troubled, but Luo Xuan said to everyone in the tent:
"Everyone, don't panic. Tonight, I'll get rid of Xiqi completely, so as not to bother me, just me is enough..."

The chief general didn't believe it, but Luo Xuan immediately issued a military order, vowing to take Xiqi~~~
Then Luo Xuan took advantage of the fire to escape, flew into the air on a blue smoke horse, and shot thousands of miles of cloud and smoke rockets into the Xiqi King City. The sound of the shout shook the heaven and the earth.

When King Wu of Zhou learned that there was a fire everywhere, he ran to the rooftop and cried loudly:
"Ji Fa's dishonesty, she was blamed by the heavens, and this catastrophe will be a burden to the people. I only hope that the heavens will wipe out all Ji Fa's households, and I can't bear the disaster for all people."

After finishing speaking, he prostrated himself on the ground and wept loudly.

But the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Luo Xuan rode a red smoke horse in the air, opened the fire pot, and ten thousand fire crows flew into the city, breathing fire from their mouths, and smoke from their wings.This kind of fire is heavenly fire, and it cannot be dissolved by human water.

The whole Xiqi collapsed immediately, crying and howling...

Seeing that Xiqi King City was destroyed immediately~~~
But at this time, a Princess Longhai came from the sky. This Princess Longhai was of high status. She was born of Haotian God and the daughter of the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

Seeing that the fire was burning all over Xiqi, he came to help him. From a distance, he saw thousands of fire crows in the fire, so he played a formula, took out a four-sea bottle, held it in his hand, and poured it away towards the fire crows.

In an instant, it is unrestrained, dense and heavy, the flood is like a pearl falling from the sky, the sea mouth hangs upside down and billows, the waves surge down thousands of galaxies, and all of them fall into the city~~~
All the fire dragons fell into the sea and were all burned out. Since the city of Xiqi was saved.

At that moment, Chen Zhi suddenly had an ominous premonition that this story that appeared in the legend might have to be re-enacted in this Wuhou Valley.And that divine beast that has turned into a zombie is the pale red smoke horse under Luo Xuan's crotch in the myth.

The battle in the sky has entered into a fierce battle, the black bird frantically grabbed and bit the pale red smoke horse, but its feathers were too thick, and the body of the blue smoke horse was full of flames, completely igniting the black bird's feathers.

Xuanniao immediately became very weak and was burned by the fire. Cang Chi Yanju took the opportunity to roll over and flew into the air, then opened its bloody mouth and spit out a big fiery red bottle.

Then the big bottle exploded in the air, and countless fire crows and fire dragons burst out from the middle~~~
These fire crows are completely different from the ones just now. They are all huge, like giant sparrows, and their eyes have been pierced. When they flew out of the fire bottle, they were in a state of frantic runaway.

Birds are such creatures. When the damage to it reaches a certain level, but there is no vision, his five senses will basically be completely lost, without any rationality and fear, and only madness and aggressiveness will be left. , I can't wait to tear everything in front of me to pieces, just like a fighting cock with a red crown.

At this time, Chen Zhi finally saw through Huo Nan's intentions...

It hates it too much, and it comes here with evil thoughts at all. Even if it is dead, the fire that will burn is hidden in the belly of this pale red smoke horse, and it will be buried with him~~
 [Thanks to Wanshang Dahao, Song Zoom Health Care, 10000]

(End of this chapter)

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