Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1334 Burning Wuhou Valley

Chapter 1334 Burning Wuhou Valley ([-])

The fire ravens are crazy and uncontrollable, and will bring these flames to every place in this valley.

Vegetation is everywhere in this valley, and this kind of fire is definitely not an ordinary flame. Once it is lit, the whole mountain will burn in an instant, and Wuhou Valley will be destroyed soon.

Those who don't have the ability to protect themselves, as well as those teenagers in Wuhou Valley, must be dead!
"Turn Qi into a Bow!"

Chen Zhi recited softly, and the silver seal in his hand began to spin rapidly; changed, and then turned into the longbow that shone with silver light.

Chen Zhi skillfully bent his bow and set an arrow, aimed at the divine beast in the air, and shot it out.

Accompanied by the sound of piercing through the air, the long arrow accurately hit the pale red smoke horse in the air.

The divine beast that had turned into a zombie shattered instantly, turning into a dark red powder that filled the sky.

However, those fire crows whose eyes had been pierced still screamed and flew in all directions as if they had gone mad.

Chen Zhi shot out a circle of sharp airflow, shooting down nearly a hundred fire crows.

However, there were more than tens of thousands of fire crows that flew out, and finally they successfully landed on the vegetation. In an instant, the entire Wuhou Valley was ignited.

"This valley is useless!"

At this time, the old warrior Xia, who had already awakened, eagerly shouted at Chen Zhi:
"Patriarch, please send the leader back quickly!
Don't think about us, we will find a way out! "

But Chen Zhi ignored the flying fire in the sky, shook his head lightly,

"Can you find a way out?

What about the samurai who have lost their meaning?They have just escaped from the tomb of God, shall we just abandon them and let them be buried in this sea of ​​fire? "

Chen Zhi looked at the crackling flames~~falling flames, the raging fire in the entire valley, the billowing heat, and his heart was in a state of confusion.

The fire of nature is like this. Once it ignites, it will spread all over the mountains and fields, and it will be out of control. A fire like this cannot be stopped by one person, or the power of a hundred people!
And this kind of flame is very special, it cannot be extinguished by ordinary water at all!
And those survivors who had just been rescued from the tomb of the gods, as well as those teenagers in Wuhou Valley, seemed to have a hard time escaping this catastrophe.

Just when Chen Zhi turned his head and wanted to use the land exchange technique to take away as many people as possible,
Suddenly, a slight wind blew in the air!
This gust of wind was like a cool breath in the flames and scorching valley, giving everyone hope.

I saw a light blue figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the flames that filled the sky. This figure was covered with long black hair and a red-blue robe, as if it had come out of an illusion in the sea, cool and refreshing, like a fairy in the sea !
When he appeared in the flame, the flame seemed to see a natural enemy and quickly avoided it.

And this person, flicked his fingers lightly in the air.

Suddenly, heavy rain fell from the sky. The rain was icy cold, like a string of ice beads, and like a galaxy pouring down. It was by no means comparable to ordinary rain, and it suppressed the fire that spread across the mountains and plains.

After the flames were extinguished by the icy rain, layers of smoke began to rise in the valley, and the refreshing water vapor smelt the nostrils, reflecting the entire valley like a dream, and even the places that were polluted by spells were purified up!

The sky turned blue again, and the clouds were floating, clean and clear.

And the person in the sky gradually revealed his appearance at this time.

It was a man with delicate features, and the soft and dense black hair fell to the ground, pouring on the ground like a galaxy. The skin on his body was shining, which was the unique luster of the descendants of gods, but it was more pure than demigods. His eyes showed a faint gleam. Blue, with a face full of kindness, looks very gentle like the sea.

Seeing such a person floating in the air, Chen Zhi couldn't help but think of another character in the legend, the Princess Longhai, who was born of the Emperor of Heaven and was demoted to live in the human world because of her longing for love in the mortal world.

But there is still a big gap between myths and legends. The person floating in the air in front of him is obviously a man!

"Who is that?",
Bao Ping's expression became serious, and he stared at it coldly,

"Is he an enemy or a friend?"

"It shouldn't be the enemy...",
Chen Zhi replied softly:

"That must be a descendant of the gods, and an extremely noble descendant of the gods.

His ability is very powerful. I can't estimate his strength now, because there are many hidden places in his aura, which is as deep as the sea.

But he saved us just now, from this point of view, he should not want to be our enemy! "

When Xuanniao saw this figure appearing in the sky, she immediately flew up vigilantly. Most of her feathers were burnt, and she could barely fly.

But she still flaunted her strength and hovered in the air, but she didn't dare to approach the man in blue rashly.

Chen Zhi snapped his fingers to make Xuanniao withdraw.

Then he raised his head and shouted loudly to the fairy-like man with his belt fluttering in the air:
"May I ask who you are?
If it's convenient, can we come down and have a chat? "

The man obviously heard Chen Zhi's words, he was floating in the air, and finally gradually fell from the air to the ground.

When his feet touched the ground, everyone felt that a burst of icy cold air came from the ground, and everyone felt as if they were in the sea, and the last trace of heat in the air was gone. up.

"This god!
Just thank you for saving us! "

Bao Ping immediately jumped off the rock, walked up to the man in blue, and said solemnly:
"If you don't give up and humble yourself, please leave your name!
Thank you for your help just now. From today on, you are our friend of Xiqi and my benefactor of Bao Ping. Please give me a chance to repay you! "

Bao Ping's tone was very humble, and he was completely different from the rebellious leader just now, making it impossible to refuse.

The man in light blue clothes bowed lightly after hearing Bao Ping's words, and then, Chen Zhi and the others heard the most beautiful voice in the world, the voice flowing like a mountain spring, the sound of nature The sound is beyond words.

"" The monarch of Xiqi is polite!
I'm an idler, but an exiled god-born ear in the bamboo forest!
You can do some water skills, but you can't do much, so don't worry about it! "

"Can that leave your name?",
Chen Zhi immediately followed up, his eyes fixed on the man's eyes.

From the moment this person's feet landed, Chen Zhi felt the aura behind this person was extremely deep, and even smelled a completely different smell. This smell was so amazing that it made Chen Zhi's heart thump. , and..., this man has two pupils.

"Hehe~~, yes!"

Bao Ping immediately accepted the words with a smile, and said very politely,

"If it's not convenient to say your name, then tell me about your bloodline divine book!

Since you have the ability to handle a monstrous flood, your bloodline must be invaluable!Which Ancient God Empress are you? "

The man in blue thought for a while, then smiled lightly,
"I am ashamed!
I have forgotten the name and surname given by my father for too long, since I have forgotten it, let me forget it!

Exiles, let's not mention the blood!

But because I always live in seclusion in the bamboo forest, an old friend from before, I always call him, Zhu Lin!

Then I thought, let's call it this name! "

 [Thanks: Abalone Sea Cucumber Fried Crab Crazy Ginger Porridge, Ten Thousand Rewards Plus More] I'll return the other people's first, the number of evildoers is too much, let's return it together!

(End of this chapter)

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