Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1335 Bamboo Lin

Chapter 1335 Bamboo Lin
This blue dress fluttered in the wind, and the skirt fluttered, making this man look very fairy-like, like a dream.

And his tone was as dark blue and low as the sea, extremely calm, but he did not allow any rebuttals.

Chen Zhi and Bao Ping glanced at each other, and did not continue to ask his real name. For some reason, standing in front of him, Chen Zhi felt extremely small.

That kind of insignificance is like a leaf fluttering in the wind, suddenly seeing the huge waves in the sky.

At this time, the heavenly voice sounded again...

"It's nothing!

You two don't have to keep it in mind.

It is my honor to be able to do my best.

This valley was once infested in the past, and it wasn't a big deal. I used some water spells, and it has been washed away.

Now that it's all right, I'll just say goodbye, and please take care of yourself! "

After this fairy-like man finished speaking, clouds and mist began to appear on his body, which was extremely beautiful, and clouds began to appear under his feet. From what he saw, he was really preparing to fly back to the sky.

But Bao Ping immediately took a step forward, with a rare earnest smile on his face, that smile was very sophisticated, but more of a kind of respect.

"God is not in a hurry to go!

I am a mortal, and dare not ask the name of the god.

But if it is convenient, it is better to go back to Xiqi next time.

Although I am a layman, I have hidden some rare good teas, which are rare treasures in the world.

Judging by the fragrance of tea on Shen Zun's body, he presumably also loves tea.

In Changbai Mountain, I also have some Linglu tea from Immortal Valley, but I dare not use it.

If the god respects you, why don't you come and sit with me?
Just talk about the tea ceremony, nothing else...

When I get tired of sitting, I will send the god back again! "

Bao Ping's words were very tactful and very polite. It is estimated that no one would refuse such a humble invitation.

However, the face of the man in blue froze instantly.

Then those blue eyes fell on Bao Ping's body like water, and a cold aura suddenly burst.

Everyone immediately felt that their bodies were dragged into the deep sea, covered by icy sea water, and even their hearts could no longer continue.

The man in blue looked at Bao Ping coldly and remained silent for a long time, and finally still showed his kind smile, and said softly:

"Son, who do you think I am? How do you think you can recruit me?

do you think i'm goodDon't think so lightly.

But you humans are very interesting. In your short life, there are always many attachments.

I have also seen a human being who is also the prince of your Xiqi City, but that child is much more impatient than you.

What's that kid's name?I have a terrible memory! "

After the man in blue finished speaking, he lowered his eyes and remembered,

"Are you talking about my adoptive father?"

Bao Ping immediately took the conversation, and said respectfully:
"Then you are my elder!
The adoptive father, who passed away last year, had been in charge of the Xiqi King City during his lifetime.

Unexpectedly, the reverend God and the adoptive father are also old acquaintances! "

"no no."

The man in blue shook his head lightly, his face, which was as bright as jade, was a little numb.

But then, he suddenly remembered something and laughed:


By the way, I remembered what the child's name was?

He told me that his name is Ji Fa!He is the prince of Xiqi! "

The words of the man in blue were like thunder, both Chen Zhi and Bao Ping were stunned, and they immediately took a step back subconsciously.

Look again at this young and handsome man.

And Chen Zhi's next reaction was to stand in front of Bao Ping to protect Bao Ping's safety.

He transported the airflow to his eyes, and carefully looked at the seamless aura hidden behind the man.

But this man didn't seem to pay attention to their reactions, he kept his eyes down calmly, as if he was always remembering.

Then, his heavenly voice sounded again.

"That seems to have happened not long ago, I can't remember!

At that time, I was a bit boring, I had nothing to do all day long, and I didn't have any special places to go, so I often wandered around.

It's very interesting to listen to some stories about your human beings and watch some of your human wars.

But that day, he suddenly heard the child crying loudly on the rooftop, pointing at the sky and scolding the earth, his voice was extremely miserable, as if the whole world had failed him.

I thought it was very interesting, so I went to have a look, but when I sat in front of him, this kid thought I was sent from heaven, and suddenly grabbed me,
He cried loudly to me: "God, do you know where the way of heaven is?"

At that time, I thought this child was ridiculous, so I said, how can you, a human being, understand the way of heaven?What's the matter with you?
But the child hugged me and cried bitterly, pointing at the sky and cursing.

He said that if God wants to punish him, Ji Fa, he should be punished instead of the people in Xiqi City.

In this world, life is worse than death for human beings, why can't they resist?

Although human beings are humble and their lives are short, they don't want to be eaten for nothing as livestock and spend their entire lives.

He and Jiang Shang wanted to change their lives against the sky, what was wrong with them?

Why did God punish them like this?Then he scolded the god emperor in the sky for being blind.

After hearing these words, I found it very interesting, so I raised my head and looked up to the sky.

Only then did I realize that the sky had been burned up by the sky fire, and the child's city of Xiqi had also been burned up.
People fled in all directions crying and screaming, and many people were burned to charcoal, giving off the smell of meat.

But I was very free at that time, and I didn't have much to do, so I shot him down the fire thing in the sky.

That thing in the sky is also ridiculous, as if it is a descendant of a god somewhere, after being beaten down, it is dying, but it reprimands me for using the big to bully the small?Instead, help the traitor!

Talking too much, I can't hear clearly!
Later, I got bored, put out the fire in Xiqi, and wanted to leave.

But that child was a little ignorant, and even hugged my leg and refused to let me go.

He begged me to stay, saying that as long as human beings could come back to life, he would send Xiqi to him.

Later that kid named Jiang Shang also ran over and begged me to stay together, which made me very upset.

Guess how I replied to him? "

When the man in blue said this, he suddenly looked at Chen Zhi, his eyes as deep as the sea, staring closely at Chen Zhi's eyes.

Chen Zhi also stared at those light blue eyes, and after hesitating for a while, he said softly,

"Then how did you reply?"

"Ha ha……",
The man in the light blue clothes suddenly smiled softly,
"I said……

don't pull me

I will eat you! "

(End of this chapter)

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