Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1336 Bamboo Pro

Chapter 1336 Bamboo Lin ([-])

The man in blue, who called himself Zhu Lin, said these words so easily that people couldn't react for a while, feeling that his kind appearance was very inconsistent with these cruel words.

But then he patted Chen Zhi's shoulder with his hand, that hand was very strong, and then he opened Chen Zhi's beautiful lips and smiled.

This time, he smiled very presumptuously. The humility and politeness just now seemed to be just a shell.

Chen Zhi could clearly see that the corners of his mouth were obviously higher than that of humans, and the teeth on the back were all pointed.

Chen Zhi shook his shoulder, trying to break free from that hand.

However, it failed...

That hand firmly pressed Chen Zhi there with unimaginable strength.

At that moment, Chen Zhi felt as if he had fallen into the bottom of the sea. The sea was so vast that he couldn't fathom its depth at all.


In a trance, the voice like the sound of heaven sounded again.

The man in blue, who called himself Zhu Lin, was covered in clouds and mist, and then disappeared like a puddle of water.

The burden on Chen Zhi's shoulders also disappeared in an instant.

"Who would he be?"

Sweat was dripping from Bao Ping's forehead at this moment, staring at the place where the man in blue disappeared,

"Did he lie on purpose just now to frighten us?

But if it is true, then his current age...",
When Bao Ping said this, he stopped talking, his eyes turned extremely dark gray, and he fell into deep thought.

"do not know!"

Chen Zhi looked at the vast sky ahead, shook his head slightly,
"But if it's what he says, he's a little too old.

Even the Son of God couldn't possibly live so long.

Perhaps just like in the legend, the Xiqi King City did burn with a skyfire 5000 years ago, and in the end, it was also redeemed in his hands.

He has helped us once, since he can help us a second time, I think he must not be our enemy,


He doesn't look like our friend either..."

Everything after that is finishing work. The method of closing this place like last time is not advisable. Everything here needs to be repaired and appeased, including those teenagers living here, who also need to be properly resettled.

But this is not what Chen Zhi needs to think about. What he needs to think about now is about spells.

The first is to re-cast a place on the original ground, and then perform the land exchange technique to replace everyone.

The land exchange technique itself is quite dangerous. It is an advanced spell and cannot support too many people.

Chen Zhi's physical and magical powers have been exhausted long ago, and he has always been trying to support his already collapsed body to fight for such a long time.

In the next few hours, Chen Zhi had to sleep soundly in the tent for a period of time, trying to recover some basic stamina and mana as much as possible, so that he could operate this advanced spell.

At this time, people outside are always busy.

Some warriors were seriously injured, especially warrior Xia and Bao Jiu, and needed to be rescued as soon as possible.

Most of the warriors rescued from the tomb of the gods were already broken. After they touched the sun, they were greatly frightened and fell into a state of madness.

He had been struggling and calling desperately since just now, and the hoarse voice sounded miserable and frightening, and it also made people feel very heartbroken.

But even so, everyone was extremely surprised, because many people's relatives were among these people.

Among them, the relatives of the old warrior Xia and Bao Jiu's two brothers are also here.

Bao Jiu has woken up since just now, and has been using a hemostatic bandage to tie his bleeding artery.

But at this time, he was in a mixed mood of sadness and joy, looking at his two brothers who looked like walking corpses, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

As for Ghost Saber, Ji Ying, and Asuo, the three big red-belt warriors, the emotions were very bad. After venting the bloody battle just now, the three of them immediately fell into absolute silence, as if they were autistic , ignore anyone, and do not communicate with others.

But those teenagers in Wuhou Valley have all been found. According to the leader Bai Shou, Ji Ying found a good way for them to escape, but they did not escape in the end.They want to stay here, they don't want to go anywhere but this place left by their ancestors.

Bao Ping ordered some sociable men in black to communicate with them and let them go back to live in the valley first.

And specifically told them not to scare them, and not to tell them anything that happened here.

As for the fate of these children in the future, after returning to the organization, it will be dealt with after research.

At the same time, some wizards also came to the organization, and they pulled out all the witchcraft around Wuhou Valley.

But the wizard said that this includes the ancient magic of another species, which is beyond the control of the wizard, and there is no need to eradicate it, just let them continue here like this!

Finally, when the time came, Bao Ping asked the witches to make a hard shell on the outside of the tomb with witchcraft. From then on, no one was allowed to enter.

By the time Chen Zhi woke up, five hours had passed, which was the longest time that could be given to him.

But Chen Zhi's body was hollowed out too badly, and the physical strength he recovered was only enough for him to barely perform a ground change technique.

Afterwards, Bao Ping made detailed arrangements, sending back the Blood Talisman Battalion, the wounded warriors, and the rescued survivors first.

The remaining men in black all stayed here to deal with the follow-up work, and then returned to the organization by land.

Fat Wei was in a terrible situation. After coming out of the tomb of the gods, he actually stayed here with the man in black to deal with the aftermath.

But his mood is very high, and he is very willing to mix with those people in black.

Before he was ready to use the land-changing technique, Fat Wei pulled Chen Zhi to a place where no one was around, and said a few words alone:
"Chengzi, what, let me warn you!"

Fat Wei said to Chen Zhi in an extremely mysterious manner.

"Speak up if you have something to say!"

Chen Zhi always dislikes Fat Wei's pretentious appearance:

"What secret did you discover again?"

"I see something is wrong!"

Fat Wei blinked his eyes mysteriously at this time, and pointed to the sky:
"The fairy who fell from the sky just now, when you were talking to him, I was watching from behind!

That's not a normal role, is it? "


Chen Zhi nodded:

"He must be a descendant of a god!"

"Hey~, that's not what I meant!"

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he looked at Chen Zhi mysteriously, then raised his eyebrows and smiled,
"You are so elegant! You don't always pay attention to people's clothes.

I'm an ordinary person, from Liulichang.

Generally, when looking at a person, you first look at the clothes, see if he wears famous brands, whether he wears gold and silver, how big the diamond is on the ring, and how much it is estimated to be, and then think about how to cheat him.

That guy just now was a duplicity.

Don't look at his clean clothes on the outside, he has a fairy air, like a little fresh meat.

In fact, the inside of the clothes is bulging, and there may be something ugly hidden in it.

And I noticed, all he showed was his left hand, the right hand was hidden in the sleeve at all! "

"What the hell do you mean?"

Chen Zhi was a little impatient. What clothes people wore was nothing more than his preference. These descendants of the gods were a little weird, which was normal.


Why don't you understand! ",
Fat Wei poked his head over at this moment, and said softly:
"The so-called man depends on clothes and horses rely on saddles, this is a truth that we humans understand, and the gods understand it even more.

That fairy brother is a fastidious person at first glance, trying to cover up the unsightly things.

That means..., there is something shady in him, that's why he did this on purpose.

Don't look at how shiny he is now!

Take off his clothes, you may not know what it looks like inside, so you have to be careful..."

(End of this chapter)

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