Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1337 Chapter Family

Chapter 1337 Going home

The Dafa of exchanging land was very successful. Chen Zhi used his own strength to travel thousands of miles and mountains with mantras, and exchanged everyone back to the back mountain of Xiqi.

After returning there, everyone was overwhelmed with emotion. The city of Xiqi, where the sun is always setting, was extremely warm at this time, and all the warriors felt like they were living again.

The old warrior Xia fell down at that time, unconscious. His injuries were too serious, he was old and stubborn, and he had always persisted with his will.

At this time, the big witch Yaya was waiting there with many witch doctors. Since they left, there were already many medical personnel waiting here. As long as the warriors came back, they would be immediately carried to the medical area for rescue.

At this time, a very miraculous thing happened, that is, those warriors who looked like walking dead had been in a daze throughout the whole process, completely unconscious.

But when they returned to the back mountain of Xiqi King City, they suddenly sat on the ground, rolled over on the ground, and then burst into tears. On their incomplete bodies, the blood scabs burst again, and blood flowed When it came out, it made this barren mountain red.

Bao Ping hugged them one by one, hugged them tightly, and swallowed hard together.

The other warriors also cried. It is estimated that this kind of unrestrained crying of warriors has not been seen in the past few hundred years.

Things after that are cumbersome and simple. Leaving aside the matter in Wuhou Valley, the warriors were all sent to the medical area. Seriously wounded people like Old Warrior Xia needed to be rescued immediately, while the survivors needed to be treated properly. Placement, carefully study the treatment plan...

During this time, Chen Zhi supported his exhausted body by himself, returned to Jiang's Library Pavilion, and immersed his body in the cutting water.

His body has already run out of fuel, just touched the water, like a sponge that has been thirsty for a long time, and immediately began to suck energy crazily, like a person who has been thirsty for a long time in the desert. People, drinking water crazily and greedily, then gradually began to feel sleepy.

Later, Chen Zhi simply soaked his own head in it, which was a very natural behavior, but for some reason, Chen Zhi was able to breathe in the cutting water, which he did not know before.

It didn't take long before he completely fell asleep.

Xiqi King City is safe, the quiet Library Pavilion, everything quiet, warm and able to cover him from all the cutting water, just like the most comfortable quilt, Chen Zhi has never slept so comfortably... …

In this peaceful sleep, Chen Zhi had a little dream. In the dream, he actually saw his cousin and uncle, but they didn't show their faces, they covered their faces with darkness, but they They all wore long white robes, clean and holy.

Each of them held Chen Zhi's hand, leading Chen Zhi to walk forward, and finally reached a place where it was very dark, but there were many chairs, and Chen Zhi saw a lot of vague people, all wearing white clothes. Robe, silver silk shawl.

They all came over to touch Chen Zhi's hand and pat Chen Zhi's back, just like how they treated heroes returning from victory in ancient times.

Chen Zhi felt that they were all smiling!Everyone is praising him!

When Chen Zhi woke up again, his body had already emerged from the cutting water.

This sleep was really comfortable, his body was like a container filled with energy, allowing his limbs to stretch, as if being rebuilt again.

But the Library Pavilion is still so quiet. Under the management of the primary spell of returning the original, everything is orderly and spotless.
After Chen Zhi came out of the cutting water, he was drenched all over. He knew that the patriarchs used to let the water absorb and dry naturally.

But he still has the habit of human beings. He will put a large bathrobe here, with drinks and glassware. After taking a bath, he will wear the bathrobe on his body to help him absorb the moisture from his body.

Ever since Chi Yunzi was reincarnated, everything here has been resolved by Chen Zhi himself. Sometimes, Chen Zhi really missed that little figure.

After Chen Zhi dried his hair with a large bath towel, he poured a cup of coffee, and then found the location of water spells in all the bookcases. He wanted to go to those ancient books to find information about the man in blue who called himself Zhulin.

The name Zhulin is definitely meaningless.But you can look for things in folklore, as well as similar things recorded in official history. In particular, you can specifically look for where the role of the legendary Princess Longhai came from.

But Chen Zhi soon discovered that the role of Princess Longhai was completely fictional. In fact, there was no such person at all, but the background of Princess Longhai seemed very similar.

According to the legend, this Princess Longhai has a high status and was born by the Emperor of Heaven. She was relegated to live in the world because of her love and love in the mortal world.

It can be seen from the "Zhannian Lianji Booklet" recorded in Xiqi that during that period, there was indeed an incident of burning Xiqi, and the general process was basically consistent with the legend. Massacre.

And later, he was indeed saved by a god-man who came down from the sky, but there are not many records about this saved person, and there is no description of his appearance or gender.

This is very unusual for the ancient Zhou people who were good at recording war historical materials.

Chen Zhi carefully flipped through this "War Years Lianji Booklet", and finally found a line of extremely small characters at the end of a line. The handwriting was a bit stiff. Yes, I can't see clearly.

But this handwriting is very familiar, and it is exactly the same as Ji Fa's handwriting on the imperial decree of the king's blood found in the fox cave at that time, and the words on it are easy to recognize. The translation of the ancient grammar is:
"I am a person who was spurned by the heavens. Fortunately, I was saved by my benefactor. I asked my benefactor to give me a name, but my benefactor refused. I had to kneel and say goodbye with tears in my eyes!

Mr. Benedict rescued all the people of Xiqi from the flames of heaven. It is a pity that there is no repayment for the great kindness!

It was later heard that the benefactor was born by the emperor of the gods, the queen of the goddess of the sun, she was very honorable, because she was trapped in love in the mortal world, and was punished by the thunder of nine times, she was burned again and again, and she suffered unspeakably!

Such a god is not something we mortals can covet!

Thinking about my filthy mortal body, I dare not think about the great kindness of my benefactor every day.

Just remember here!

The ancient god of Dashui in the past is my benefactor of Xiqi! "

 [Thanks: Song Zoom Health Rewards, add more]

  Alright, thank you Song Fangfang for health care, and tomorrow I will start paying off the huge debt of Brother Yaoxie.

(End of this chapter)

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