Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1343 The Secret of the Old Somersault

Chapter 1343 The Secret of the Old Somersault

The old somersault's reaction on the phone was a bit strange. Fat Wei originally wanted to establish a relationship with him and settle Boss Zhen's affairs.

However, Old Somersault is not interested in these at all. After hearing that Pang Wei came back, he hurriedly said:

"It's good that you come back!
I'm looking for you!
I also just returned to my hometown, so don't go anywhere tonight, I'll find you later.

Don't say anything else, let's meet and talk! "

After the old somersault finished speaking, without waiting for Pang Wei to speak, he hung up the phone with a "pop~~", which made Pang Wei very angry.

"Damn it, tnd this old golden man!

Since taking over Master Bao's business in an all-round way, why is the spectrum getting bigger and bigger now?

The life of the dead old man is not bad. He met a living god in Mongolia and gave him a few years of life. Now he is a strong leader and has become a domineering president!
Grandma, now you talk to me with a tnd attitude, you wait for him to come, you have to pluck all the hair of his old girl! "

Fat Wei kept complaining over there, but Chen Zhi had a bad premonition in his heart.

He knew Lao Somersault's character, he was always calm, he was not expressive of emotions, he was not a person who would be arrogant when he was a bit powerful, if he really wanted to see them so urgently, it would be a serious matter.

However, Chen Zhi never asked about the business matters of the Bao family. Since Bao Ping became the leader of the organization, the entire Bao Group has been in the hands of Lao Somersault. He can make decisions alone and never need to discuss with others What.

Besides, business affairs and organization basically don't communicate, and you can't ask Chen Zhi to come here. What's the matter with Old Somersault today?Do you have to find them to avoid talking?
At 5 o'clock in the evening, not long after Ding Ning finished school, Lao Somersault's car stopped at the gate of Fate Hall.

He didn't bring a driver with Old Somersault, and he lost a lot of weight in a few days, and his hair was a little disheveled. After getting off the car, he stepped into the Fate Hall in a few short steps.

At this time, the Fate Hall was still closed, and several female students were picking bracelets at the counter. Fat Wei would never waste this opportunity. He ran over to chat with others, saying that a female student with short hair was very temperamental and looked a little Like Audrey Hepburn, she also said that another female student was a bit like Yang Timo, and she wanted WeChat.

After Old Somersault walked in, without saying a word, he pulled Fat Wei over, and waved his hands directly at the two female students.

"Closed! Closed!

You all go out, hurry up, we are in a hurry to close the door, let's go~~~~"

His eviction order confused the two female students, then they blushed, rolled their eyes at Fat Wei, and went out angrily.

This made Pang Wei so angry that he stared at Old Somersault, wishing he could touch his face.

"I said you are a dead old gold man, I said how can you be a bachelor all your life?
You are simply single by your ability!

Did these two girls provoke you?You know what we're talking about?Coax people away?

No, you pay me!You pay me four~~, otherwise we will never end this matter! "

"All right, all right, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!"

The old somersault spoke to Fat Wei impatiently, then looked left and right, and after confirming the surrounding environment, he said to Chen Zhi


"I see, let's go up and talk!

The place outside is closer to the road, but it's still not safe enough, I don't worry. "

After the old somersault finished speaking, he glanced at Ding Ning next to him. Ding Ning had just put down his schoolbag and was sitting on a stool and turned on the computer, wanting to eat a handful of chicken.

Old Somersault took out several red bills from his wallet and stuffed them into Ding Ning's hands:
"This little guy is the smartest!
Hurry up, my lord has something serious to say.

Take the money and go to the Internet cafe with your children to book a night, and play as you want! "

It was the first time that Ding Ning reacted so quickly. When he saw the old man's ticket in his hand, his eyes immediately became straight. He didn't even say a word, got up and ran away with his schoolbag.

The series of behaviors of the old somersault left everyone speechless.

He then went straight up to the second floor without saying hello, Chen Zhi and Fat Wei looked at each other, and then followed him up to the second floor, Old Somersault looked through the rooms again, and finally chose Chen Zhi's bedroom and went in. Only then did I dare to speak:


The old somersault showed a long sigh, then kept shaking his head with a livid face, without saying a word.

This made Fat Wei very anxious:

"I said, old gold man, if you have a fart, let it go, can you?
I have endured you for a long time since just now, you are so mysterious, what happened?Could it be that you are in your second spring, which anchor and Internet celebrity have you taken a fancy to?Make people pregnant?

That's all right!When you are pregnant, let's find a way together!
But I can tell you!You have to take it easy in everything, with your old body, you can't stand the little girl trying hard~~~"

"Stop talking about these useless things!",
The old somersault frowned, glared at Fat Wei fiercely, then sighed heavily, and looked at Chen Zhi:
"Chen Zi, I didn't want to talk about this.
It's embarrassing and conspicuous, but I can't say it now!
Leopard, it seems that he is really sick, not only his body is sick, I think his head also seems to be sick, kind of, kind of like..."

When the old somersault said this, he gritted his teeth tightly, as if it was extremely difficult to speak. In the end, he still sighed heavily,
"Oh, what a shame! I'm ashamed to say that Leopard's temper has changed drastically during this time, as if he had been possessed by a demon.

At the beginning, I found that he was a little irritable, not like the past!

Later, he actually let me go, let me go...

let me go...

Let me secretly find a girl for him!
Oh, this has never happened before, a person like Leopard has never liked this before!He is a shameless person!

At that time, I thought that he might be a novelty for a while, so I asked some girls from the running field to send it over, but...he still wanted it.

Up to now, seven or eight of them have been sent in, and not even one came out alive!

I see, I see that something is really going to happen to the mother..."

 [Thanks to the evildoer brother Wan reward for adding more]

(End of this chapter)

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