Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1344 The Secret of the Old Somersault

Chapter 1344 The Secret of the Old Somersault ([-])

The old somersault then began to tell about Bao Ping's events during this period. Bao Ping was very introverted.

Even after entering the organization, he still maintained his calm and composed image in front of all the warriors, but last time the sub-helm was bloodbathed, Bao Ping was ambushed there.

Since then, he has undergone obvious changes. First, his temperament has become irritable. When there is no one, Bao Ping's temper becomes inexplicably irritable, and he often has some strange thoughts.

It was also from that time that he began to rely crazily on blood crystals, taking ten to twenty times as much as before. The side effects of the medicine made him unable to sleep well every day.

But he still couldn't restrain the changes in his heart. The thoughts in his heart became stronger and stronger, and they were so evil that even the evil himself couldn't face it.

Later, he secretly contacted Lao Somersault, saying that he wanted some girls to be sent to the Shelter Pavilion, but he didn't mention any specific requirements.

Old Somersault didn't think much about it at first, because it wasn't a big deal after all, and Bao Ping was always alone, and everyone has desires, so it's a good thing to move his heart.

So Old Somersault found some beautiful and fun-loving girls outside, gave them enough money to keep their mouths shut, and stopped talking nonsense about things in the future, and then sent them to the Shelter Pavilion.

At that time, Bao Ping just came to the Bishi Pavilion to meet these girls, and then left. It was no big deal, but Bao Ping didn't seem too interested.

But later, Bao Ping suddenly changed. He started to ask Lao Somersault to find more girls, who should be pretty, not too talkative, and the most important thing is to have beautiful eyes, and then let people directly bring them to the organization go.

From that time on, every once in a while, some of Bao Ping's personal warriors came to the Bishi Pavilion to take the girls away. It was also from that time on that Lao Somersault never saw these girls come out again. It's the eighth.

Although these girls are all peripheral girls who do skin business, but that is human life, and the old somersault will immediately be under pressure.

First of all, the families of the girls are desperately looking for these girls, and the intermediaries who do this kind of business began to keep asking the old somersault for an explanation so that those girls can come back.

At the beginning, the old somersault was able to deal with it perfunctorily, saying that these girls are playful and don’t want to go back. Now they are all traveling abroad, and the money must not be less, so let them rest assured~~~
But as time went on, it couldn't go on any longer, and the girl's family members were going to call the police.

The old somersault had no choice but to ask Bao Ping for it, but every time he talked about it with Bao Ping, Bao Ping would become very irritable, and then avoided talking about it.

Later, when the task of Bai Qi's tomb began, Bao Ping's pressure became so great that the old somersault couldn't even see Bao Ping.

The old somersault is completely panicked now. On the one hand, this is a society ruled by law after all. These girls can't just disappear without giving people an explanation. Money can't settle everything.

On the other hand, he was really worried about Bao Ping.

There must be something wrong with Bao Ping's appearance. If something goes wrong, he will get deeper and deeper in the future, and it will be difficult to end.

Hearing what the old somersault said, Chen Zhi and Fatty were really taken aback. The two of them looked at each other, and they didn't know what to say anymore.

"Well, let me say a few words first..."

Fat Wei spoke first:

"You know, I'm pretty good at judging people! Let me first talk about my opinion on Lord Bao.

As for men, they all have such hobbies, and everyone has stolen it, so don't say anything about it.

Besides, in our line of work, you put your head on your waistband one day, and if you hang it on today, it might be gone tomorrow. Find a few girls to relieve the fire, this is so normal!
But how should I put it, Lord Bao is not like that kind of person!
From what I know of him, he's a bit of a clean freak!
It's a bit like a monk with a pure heart and asceticism. Even if he has this desire, he would like to stuff it in his stomach, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do it.

Besides, everyone looked at him with clear eyes, just like Master Bao, what kind of woman does he want?
But since the celery seed thing, does he want a woman?


He is not like that at all!

Now why bother to get so many women here when you are full?Let's play mahjong together? "

Chen Zhi frowned and nodded, thinking silently in his heart,

"A lust for women?

This is indeed not like Bao Ping's behavior!

If you really want to say what it looks like, it's more like being possessed by an evil spirit, being affected by some kind of Gu poison.

For example... red medicine! "

Chen Zhi still remembers that horrible thing now, which is also the reason why Qin Yueyang left them in the end. When they were looking for the tomb of the god of the sky fox, they found the unique poison of the Tianhu family in the tomb of the god.

That is something in the legend. In the legend, the Tianhu family is all very seductive, good at deceiving people, and can confuse all creatures in the sky and the earth. They use this kind of poison to make people have uncontrollable love and desire for them. .

Many extremely powerful gods and human kings have suffered from it, and they are deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

The human mind is the most vulnerable place, and it cannot control itself. Once it is controlled by this kind of poison, the person itself will be useless.

As for **, when it develops to a certain extent, the consequences are quite dire!

"Uncle Jin!",
Chen Zhi raised his head and looked at Old Somersault:
"Recall, did Lord Bao mention Qin Yueyang during this time?
It was after he was attacked by Anbu at the sub-helm. "

When Old Somersault heard Chen Zhi's question, he immediately hesitated, and then his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed now!", Fat Wei panicked beside him,

"It's all my own people, if you have something to say, just say it, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!

Otherwise, if something really happens to Lord Bao, it will be too late for you to regret it! "

"All right!"

The old somersault gritted his teeth vigorously, and sighed deeply,

"It's never been mentioned before!
But since he was attacked last time, Leopard is really crazy!
When he was alone with me, he often asked me with red eyes.

It is said that Qin Yueyang must be dead after staying in the underworld, but her body is still fresh, so can Yamo move her body?
If Yamo really moved her body!

Even if he blows up that Changbai Mountain and blows up that underworld, he will smash that Yamo's body into thousands of pieces! "

(End of this chapter)

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