Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1345 The Secret of the Old Somersault

Chapter 1345 The Secret of the Old Somersault ([-])

Chen Zhi was very surprised when he heard what Lao Dou Dou said, and it was hard to imagine that it was said by Lao Dou Dou himself.
"How could Lord Bao, how could he have such a weird idea?
Did someone say anything?Who stimulated him? "


The old somersault said with a flushed face:

"I don't even know if Leopard is crazy or something, how come there are such strange thoughts in his head, but he has been thinking non-stop during this time! Thinking crazily, as if he has been hit by some magic barrier!
Sometimes he would also say that that woman is really annoying, even thinking about her appearance makes people disgusted.

At that time, it would be fine if I didn't save that little demigod. If I didn't know him, there wouldn't be so many things!

He also said that it would be better to kill her before going to the underworld~~"

"Depend on!

Depend on!Depend on! "

After Fat Wei heard these words, he was greatly stimulated.

"I said old Jintou, why didn't you fmd say this earlier?

Do you know what this is called?This is a serious psychopath!
What are you fantasizing about?Rape corpse?

Let me tell you, rape of corpses has existed since ancient times. In the eyes of those of us who fight against each other, tmd is a big taboo. In ancient times, it was done by old bachelors who could not marry a wife, or because of psychological distortions dead pervert.

Tnd actually suspects that other people will rape corpses, which proves that he also has this idea, what kind of psychology is this?I think Lord Bao is really..., really crazy! "

"Freeze said!",
Chen Zhi gritted his teeth, said something harshly, and then looked at Lao Somersault and Fat Wei with serious eyes:

"I'm telling you now!

This matter is very important, we are not allowed to reveal a word to outsiders, only the three of us know, otherwise..."

"Okay, don't scare me!",
Fat Wei waved his hands impatiently:

"Grand patriarch, we all know the importance!

At this time, don't show off, just think of a way to see what to do!

I see this matter, don't underestimate it!If this situation continues, I will go crazy looking at Master Bao!Not sure what to do next! "

"I know!"

Chen Zhi nodded lightly, and then said:
"I've been looking for him all this time, wanting to meet him, but he's been looking for reasons to reject me, I've been suspicious, it's not like his style.

It seems that my suspicion is right, Lord Bao's condition is estimated to be very bad.

I will contact the organization tomorrow, no matter what reason he refuses me again, I must see him! Even if I force my way in, everything..., I will make a decision after I see him! "

For the whole night afterwards, Fat Wei and Old Somersault were studying this matter.

Fat Wei also found a lot of information on the Internet, all about revealing abnormal psychology, and analyzing Bao Ping's psychological state at this moment.

He also said that some people in foreign countries would rape cows, horses, pigs and sheep, and then finally perverted to murder their neighbors, even the chrysanthemums of the people around them, the more they said, the more mysterious they became

The old somersault on the side was skeptical and sighed all the time, as if his mother had died.

And Chen Zhi was not interested in their nonsense at all, his mind had been lingering on the incident of the branch being attacked a few months ago.

Chen Zhi thought about every detail of that incident carefully~~
At that time, there was one thing that he didn't understand all the time. What was the purpose of Anbu's effort to attack the branch?
In fact, there will not be too many warriors in the sub-rudder of the organization, and there will not be too many key figures. Its main function is actually to collect information. If it attacks the sub-rudder, it should capture all the important people in it. Then tortured and interrogated the organization's intelligence.Otherwise it's pointless...

Of course, it was not so easy to find the sub-rudder. To be able to find that private place, Anbu must have put in a lot of effort at that time.

But after they went in, they immediately killed everyone without searching the sub-rudder, which didn't look like they wanted to get any information from the sub-rudder.

In other words, the purpose of all their doing all this is to finally draw Bao Ping.

The purpose of drawing out Bao Ping is nothing more than assassination.

But judging from their actions at the time, they were not completely sure of success. Even if Bao Ping didn't have the Blood Talisman Battalion by his side at the time, the two warriors Asuo and Ji Ying alone were enough to successfully repel the black warriors from Anbu.

In the end, the whole army of the Black Warrior was wiped out, and the only point of success was to release a black arrow and cut Bao Ping's face. Is it worth it?
This is the knife!

Their real purpose is this knife! ",
Suddenly, Chen Zhi's mind went cold, and he understood everything.
"When Bao Ping returned to the organization, the witch doctor had the injury checked. The witch doctor said that there was something painted on the arrowhead, but it didn't do much harm, so Chen Zhi didn't care!
Thinking about it now, it was a bit simple at the time, it was on the arrow of the black arrow, there must be something else..."

Chen Zhi thought about it alone, and Fat Wei and Lao Somersault discussed nonsense like that all night, and at the end of the discussion, Fat Wei was about to go to the HLJ to ask the master to dance, and finally, the sky gradually dawned!

However, Chen Zhi called Langtu at six o'clock in the morning, saying that he would go back to the organization to meet the leader today and ask him to inform the inside.

Langtu called back after a while, still saying what he said just now.

It is said that the leader is really unwell recently, please understand the patriarch, if there is any urgent matter, the patriarch can decide on his own, so that the leader can rest at ease during this period.

But Chen Zhi acted very tough this time. He asked Wolf Tu to convey that after he returned to Xiqi King City this time, no matter whether the leader wanted to see him or not, he would go directly to Wangting to find him.

He has important matters to interview with the leader, and no one is allowed to replace him!
Then Chen Zhi gave Lang Tu a strict order to send a car to pick him up in the afternoon without any mistakes.

It was naturally difficult for Langtu to be there, but he didn't dare to ask too many questions, so he had to send the message in again.

About an hour later, Langtu's phone call finally came again. Langtu told Chen Zhi that the leader finally agreed to meet him, and the time was set at ten noon today, and a car would come to pick up Chen Zhi immediately.

So Chen Zhi waited quietly in the dark room all morning. During this period, he kept hesitating in the black box on the table.

There is a very clear answer that has been imprinted in Chen Zhi's heart, but this answer is incompatible with Bao Ping's current state of mind.

Chen Zhi can now imagine what will happen when this box is opened?Already, there may be consequences!
But this is not the reason to hide this box privately.

Chen Zhi knew that the last moment had arrived.

Regardless of any reason and any consequences, he must hand over this box to Bao Ping.

Because in the end, Bao Ping is the leader of Xiqi!
(End of this chapter)

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